Grifflez's Mentor Application
Usual Character Name: Dexter Grifflez
BYOND Username: Grifflez
Recommended by (if applicable): Man too many to count
Times Available: Most days of the week (The exception being Friday nights)

Reason for Application + Game Experience (300 word minimum):I have a brain full of magical 2D spaceman
knowledge with a boundless willingness and patience to share it with new and old players who have questions. That and people kept
telling me to apply for mentor. Game experience wise, I started playing on goonstation well into cogmap's existance
and have never experienced the other maps. I did not witness the rise and fall of the jukebox, or poo. I did however
do my best to learn how things worked without getting banned and minimal finger wagging by admins, whilst
peeking at the inner workings of the game whenever I could out of great interest. Over a year of game time later, I've
compiled enough knowledge about how stuff works to make me a useful addition to the list of fancy purple names, even more so then certain butthead admins with names ending in Hufflaw. I've experienced as much of goonstation's content as I can, including being the subject of horrible admin shenanigans, praying for and causing a few horrible world ending station events, releasing dozens of strangelet loafs upon hapless station inhabitants, slapping my hands against the chem dispensers until secret chems were discovered, and even crawling through telescience dungeons, clueless and alone. I've done my fair share of horrible traitor gimmicks and disgusting rampages, as well as not-so horrible non-traitor gimmicks and mildly intrusive non-traitor mischief. I've killed a stupid number of hours screaming, farting, punching and dying on goonstation again, and again, and again, like some kind of punchy-snake that farts in its own mouth, while eating its own tail, screaming at the horror of it all. This application essay is beginning to drag on a bit and there are only so many ways for me to say 'I know so many things man gimme purple text, come on I need it'.

Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will): None that I recall. Once. (f.u. hufflaw!!)
YES! Grifflez is mentor material
Absolutely yes.
I thought you were a mentor already. ......DAMN! purple he
100% yes
Get in with the purple crowd.

Also apply for HoS, I want to see you fuck up. the station.
Knows their stuff. Definitely deserves Purple text
It'll be sad to see you purple. frown The blue barons are becoming a minority these days.

I'm with grayshift on this. Seeing you as an HoS would be nice. Get on that, foo.
Grifflez has been around for years and would be a good mentor.
Hi I'm someone who recommended you but YOU FAILED TO MENTION.

Yeah you'd probably be a good mentor, I was going to follow this up with an argument but I forgot what it was. Ugh, that button...

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