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People safely bombing from inside of pods and being 100%safe
Quote:DEAD: Ghost (Valterak Balmue) moans, "flying in a pod and activating a bomb while in it."
DEAD: Ghost (Valterak Balmue) moans, "keeping them safe and gibbing dorks near them."

So in the round I was just in a guy was going around and bombing people while in a pod and him and the pod were not affected by the blast but others around the pod where gibbed as it still acted like a normal bomb.

The person went on to do this a few more times killing more people with this bug.
I reported this FOREVER ago. It also works while in ice cubes. So you just freeze yourself, bomb, then pop out unharmed.
Odd. I've blown up quite a few pods during testing by setting off a pipebomb inside them, and I've seen PDA bombings destroy pods from the inside too. What the heck.
Last time I did this (to get onto the shuttle) it hurt the strelka pretty bad with two pipebombs. This was probably 2 months ago. Actually, I seem to recall one of the HoSs surviving a nuke explosion originating from inside his pod, which is beside the point, but still funny.

I don't mind the driver being safe, but if it doesn't hurt the pod then that's very bad.
Last time I tried this, everything was reduced to scrap, so it may not be consistent. (???)
I've blown up a pod with a macrobomb.
I have shot a few RPG rounds inside of a pod before and managed to have it come out unscathed.
I just armed a bomb inside of a pod and it's hp was reduced to zero, and yet it didn't blow up. The bomb did however take out the floor tile underneath it and some grilles in the windows. I was also completely unharmed after having done so.

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