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Camera Implants!
The MD should be able to put these implants into his rifle. Or any implant really.
Don't forget any response by the crew relies both on someone being able to get to the cameras and someone going to the location the trouble is happening in. Very, very frequently one if not both of these factors have become difficult. Yeah, it would make SOME people get caught when they wouldn't have before, but you can also have things like half the crew tuning into the George Melons show to catch the latest grief. Entire telesci expeditions could be watched by the crew, and most importantly we could have cameras on all of security.

Topical reference aside security should start with this if it becomes an implant, it'd give both regular crew and traitors useful information and entertainment.
As much as I would like to see all forms of cameras whether it be tv's to implants to whatever, has cogs confirmed how these are going to work? I feel like this thread is a little impulsive.
Sundance Wrote:As much as I would like to see all forms of cameras whether it be tv's to implants to whatever, has cogs confirmed how these are going to work? I feel like this thread is a little impulsive.
I actually saw some notes from Cogwerks on the matter, and the tripod camera thingies are basically a replacement for helmet cams, with them being either handheld, mountable, or controllable cameras that feed directly to a TV network that can be watched for the viewing pleasure of the crew. They can also presumably be set up in key locations to stake out potentially crime-breeding spots, though without some kind of a failsafe to prevent them from getting stolen and/or spaced by random passersby, I question how effective this will be.

As for the cameras themselves, from what I can remember from my time piddling around Cogmap2, I believe that the fuck-awful dropdown menu is being replaced by a similar (though much more stylish) menu that automatically switches your camera view when a location is switched, and you don't need to hit an OK button or scroll through the list again in between every single camera switch. No fundamental change to the system, but it has considerable enhanced ease of access and is actually feasible to use now.

Of course, this is just from my observations and are by no means hard and fast facts. But even disregarding Cogmap2, I'd say that something like these would be a fine addition to the security loadout regardless of map. It's just simply a bit more prudent in the case of the former, given its size.
Vitatroll Wrote:I'd rather have cybernetic eyes (a type of them) do this instead of an implant, but installation might be a little too involved.

Heck. I'd like it if we could track borgs in this fashion for that matter.
Well the cybereye system is basically entirely functional atm (outside of actually being able to do the surgery to swap eyes around) and it'd probably be stupid easy to add one like that. I may have made one already? I'm not sure.
Might be neat if one of the maintenance rooms had a surgery table just for discreet surgeries like camera eyes and black market augments.
atomic1fire Wrote:black market augments
Can we get a discount dans for augments and implants?
Haine Wrote:
Vitatroll Wrote:I'd rather have cybernetic eyes (a type of them) do this instead of an implant, but installation might be a little too involved.

Heck. I'd like it if we could track borgs in this fashion for that matter.
Well the cybereye system is basically entirely functional atm (outside of actually being able to do the surgery to swap eyes around) and it'd probably be stupid easy to add one like that. I may have made one already? I'm not sure.
Winking with a certain cyber eye ought to take pictures

atomic1fire Wrote:Might be neat if one of the maintenance rooms had a surgery table just for discreet surgeries like camera eyes and black market augments.
Make it near the barbershop. I've always wanted to see the the barber act as a sort of cheap surgeon on top of their haircut duties.
I still want to see the barber shop get a surgery setup. Here is the old thread about that. viewtopic.php?f=6&t=4955
would being knocked out stop the camera feed, since their eyes are presumably closed? or being blinded? or blindfolded?
Implants sound horrible, they're way too hard to remove. Why not just have multiple camera hats instead, and address the reasons no one uses them (telesci doesn't need it, no one knows you're using it unless you announce it to the whole station, no one watches the TVs ever)?
Paineframe Wrote:Implants sound horrible, they're way too hard to remove.
Drag onto table, apply glass shard or scalpel. Implant gone. And in the event that they're being used to track down released criminals by security, they damn well SHOULD be hard to remove or they'd have no purpose.
Now that I think of it, giving the detective a camera-ammo loader sounds hilarious. Would probably be OP as heck, but hilarious still.

With regards to implants being hard to deal with by yourself, well, maybe have them get fried by a sufficiently powerful electric current? Say, biting into an APC wire a few times would fry one.
BaneOfGiygas Wrote:
Paineframe Wrote:Implants sound horrible, they're way too hard to remove.
Drag onto table, apply glass shard or scalpel. Implant gone. And in the event that they're being used to track down released criminals by security, they damn well SHOULD be hard to remove or they'd have no purpose.
There's no tables in maintenance. It's a whole lot harder than pulling off a camera hat or even an electropack.
This is an awesome idea , would be great for mindslaves as you could track your master and ensure they are safe.

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