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Deorbiting of the station.
This once used to be a planned mechanic waaaaaay back before the OpenSS13 days, and it's still a rad as heck mechanic to have around as a traitor objective, or standalone gamemode (or just yet another silly telescience thing)
Would make a pretty cool game mode.

Something like the TG gravity generator might be neat, but rather then just control gravity, it just does something like this.

Not really floating but actually freefalling into the nearest planet.
what is the station orbiting, anyway? earth? mars? or is it out in the asteroid belts, since mining can suck in asteroids so quickly?
misto Wrote:what is the station orbiting, anyway? earth? mars? or is it out in the asteroid belts, since mining can suck in asteroids so quickly?

Pretty sure according to LORE it is orbitting a star where they get their plasma supply.
youd think youd suck plasma out of a gas giant planet rather than a star. it would also explain the abundance of "moon"s about such as icemoon and lavamoon. the station falling into a gas giant would be kinda cool. dump it straight into the red spot storm
robertmanbob Wrote:
misto Wrote:what is the station orbiting, anyway? earth? mars? or is it out in the asteroid belts, since mining can suck in asteroids so quickly?

Pretty sure according to LORE it is orbitting a star where they get their plasma supply.

Nope, it's the only plasma gas giant in the known galaxy that the station orbits
Although that actually varies from server to server.
I was always of the impression that the station was just floating around in the middle of fuck-all nowhere.
I always just assume the lore is the station is some cruel joke where the shittiest crew-mates (aka the players) get sent to die in horribly fucked up and cruel ways by Nanotransen.

But I'm all for this, for a gamemode. It'd be interesting if they had a room or something that had to be protected from the traitors trying to bust it up.
A coder was just working on prototyping this and ran into some major problems, so there is deffo interest but it's a rainy day project for now.
We could probably, in the mean time, reskin the nuke ops nuclear device to become some sort of orbit destabilizer that would make the station fall into the sun. Functionally the same as the nuclear device but with different visual FX.

Just use the old wormhole generator sprite for the nuclear device, combine it with the burning flames of death that appear when the solarium server is destroyed et voilĂ !

It could also have a new cutscene where you see the station nosediving into the sun.
Winklabom Wrote:We could probably, in the mean time, reskin the nuke ops nuclear device to become some sort of orbit destabilizer that would make the station fall into the sun. Functionally the same as the nuclear device but with different visual FX.

Just use the old wormhole generator sprite for the nuclear device, combine it with the burning flames of death that appear when the solarium server is destroyed et voilĂ !

It could also have a new cutscene where you see the station nosediving into the sun.

The station orbits a plasma gas giant and not a sun. though watching the station slowly fill with plasma would be fun to watch after nuke rounds.
That would probably make more sense given that the zeta nuke just blows the station to smithereens.

Changing the nuke into a death device that sends you into a star full of flammable plasma and heat makes more sense given that everybody gets vaporized, rather then blown up.
What would we call them, then? "Plasma Ops" just doesn't roll off the tongue quite as nicely.
BaneOfGiygas Wrote:What would we call them, then? "Plasma Ops" just doesn't roll off the tongue quite as nicely.

well you could just call them syndicate operatives, which is what they are.
Dr_Bee Wrote:
BaneOfGiygas Wrote:What would we call them, then? "Plasma Ops" just doesn't roll off the tongue quite as nicely.

well you could just call them syndicate operatives, which is what they are.
I was always of the understanding that "syndicate operatives" meant syndicate people in general, i.e. both nuke ops and traitors. The term "Syndies" just got appropriated to the nuke ops team for whatever reason. Probably because it's more entertaining to shout into the radio as things start exploding.

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