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Space Station 13 Remake
Might as well throw out another questions. Although i've asked about it in the IRC a couple o' times:

how will you advertise the remake? Are you just going get everyone to "tell their friends", or are you going to try and push it onto sites like RockPaperShotgun/PCgamer/the like. and what kind of playerbase and size are you going for in general?
Do you see the remake being closer to a super serious RP ss13, or the super fun semi chaotic type of game like goonstation currently is. E.g, do you expect everyone to play the role of a nanotransen employee, or do you not bat an eye as a drunken security officer rides into a wall on a segway and promptly has his stun baton stolen by an eager staff assistant.

I know with modding that's probably a moot point, but I think it's a good question as to how far you see the general focus is going.
Note that I'm not part of the Dev Team so even though I kinda know what I'm talking about, take this stuff with a grain of salt.

Nitrous Wrote:What programs can/are used for doing the animations/modeling and such, and will little nerdy me be able to do it without getting a PhD in the subject?
I don't think the actual program has ever been stated by Hamshot (our modeler), but the idea is to let modders add animations themselves so I don't think it'll be in some obscure file format. As for programs... Blender, 3DS Max, Maya? Those are the only 3D programs I know, and Blender is the only one that doesn't cost hundreds of dollars. But that's a total guess so v0v

FrontlineAcrobat4 Wrote:Will Mentors and the HoS's be able to retain their special privleges and jobs? most importantly the Purple OOC Text.
Goonstation is certainly free to modify the original release of the game to add that functionality. The idea is to release a base game, update it with cool new features and game-changing overhauls, and letting independent servers tinker with the code until they have an experience that suits them.

atomic1fire Wrote:Do you see the remake being closer to a super serious RP ss13, or the super fun semi chaotic type of game like goonstation currently is. E.g, do you expect everyone to play the role of a nanotransen employee, or do you not bat an eye as a drunken security officer rides into a wall on a segway and promptly has his stun baton stolen by an eager staff assistant.

I know with modding that's probably a moot point, but I think it's a good question as to how far you see the general focus is going.
I'm not pretending to answer for the Dev Team here, and this has been a topic of much debate over at the forums, but from what I can surmise the goal of the versions released by the Dev Team is to keep a nice balance between "Super-SRS RP" and "Oh god poo is everywhere." This lets the individual servers modify the base game to how they want to play it, which gives every server a lot more "character" and each would have its own feel to it. The fact that this is in C# means that it's a lot more easily accessible as far as modifications go, as well, so I think we'll see servers all over the "RP <-> Poo" scale.

Also please note that I'm fairly sure the Dev Team will be running their own server independently of Goonstation, and answers here probably don't speak for Goonstation as a whole, either. I would suggest taking those questions to your local Code Wizard once the game releases. Also lots of questions can be answered in the FAQ thread.
The point of the questions was so we could answer them on the skype chat, h3half :idea:
I've noticed the job list as it is so far, and quite frankly, I'm a bit aghast at the lack of civilian positions.

Even on the Super Serious Keep the Station Running Servers, there's a particular lack of foods, drinks, and plants. Has the job list been updated since then in order to include our most favorite of positions?

(Fuck the Chaplain though. He's a jerk.)
Well I stole some questions so I guess I'll ask some too
  • Will the Alpha/Beta test be open to the public?
  • Is there a tentative release date for that test? (Q1, Q2?)
  • How much access will modders have the first time around? Are you releasing the source code along with the game executables?
  • Is there any documentation in the code? Will people be able to understand what's going on if they look at the code?
  • How will servers handle bans? Will there be a central login system that you guys run that handles accounts? Or will each server have to do that themselves and IP ban people?
h3half Wrote:Goonstation is certainly free to modify the original release of the game to add that functionality. The idea is to release a base game, update it with cool new features and game-changing overhauls, and letting independent servers tinker with the code until they have an experience that suits them.

Wait, I thought that the remake was made for Goonstation specifically, Is Goonstation actually involved in the creation of this remake?
It's being developed by goonstation devs but with the remake we're aiming to make something that will be a base for other branches to run wild with.

So from our base there will hopefully be Bay12, Goonstation and /TG/ branches much like current BYOND.
Are you guys going to charge money for this? Also, are you brining the VOX back?
Have any game modes been decided yet?
How does the action scenes like laser fights/bombs pan out on this, I would imagine smoother, but is it different?
Here's a good one.

How are servers going to be setup?, is the host going to have to have the game opened or is there going to be a dedicated server software along with the game?
Here's the Q&A, if you haven't seen it already! ... FDptnJW-ho
I like how the Q&A video is listed under the pets and animals category with links to videos of cats in the suggested videos area.
Woah I forgot about this thread.

Created an approved suggestions section:

Also got some stuff coming next week.

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