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Brain Surgery Problems
1. Mindswap. I'm guessing the Void way, maybe?
2. Cut out person A's brain. Stick it into a borg.
3. Cut out person B's brain. Brain becomes player A's brain, removing them from their current body.
4. Player B is effectively incapacitated with no brain tied to their player.


1. Kill the AI.*
2. Remove the AI brain.
3. Maybe rebrain and debrain it with the same brain? Might not be required.
4. Stick brain in borg body.
5. Player will be in the borg body, but a second later will be "pulled" back into the (dead) AI body.


1. Scan player in cloner.
2. Player is borged by artifact. Maybe other methods work?
3. Debrain borg.
4. Start cloning process.
5. After cloning, stick brain back in borg body.
6. Player is pulled into the borg body. Newly-cloned character becomes braindead.

* Is it intended that there is no way to repair/restart the AI unit, even if the body is fully repaired? This seems kind of weird. The AI will also only display the dead "static" sprite when debrained, even if a new brain is inserted and it is alive.
Addendum to the AI brain surgery problems: Every following time you debrain the AI it will create a new AI ghost. Probably not a major issue but might be related to the other problems?
I tried to fix the AI-related bug (check pending; can't be tested locally), and redundant ghosts shouldn't be a spawned anymore when you remove the brain of a mainframe or cyborg. The way brains are handled seems to be somewhat convoluted as far as I can tell, so I'd rather not commit myself to an ETA for the remaining or yet unreported issues (there are bound to be more).

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