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Mechanics/Network/Computer Nerds
Perfectly innocent plant pots, crewman.
Welp, they are. They just randomly choose one of those names every time.

I guess they're literal Syndicate plants v
Shhh! *looks around nervously* The weed have ears.
I'm very new to this big grin I'm having a little trouble finding my own PDAs "sender" ID. Do I need to get 2 PDAs and send stuff to eachother?
Yes, you would need a second PDA (either one you have or a friend). Or just get someone to send you something over PDA messaging while packet sniffing.
I'm trying to open a door remotely with my PDA. I'm in packet sender and I don't think I understand what a Key-Value pair is. In the first box (key) the equals sign disappears after I try to write "command=open" yet in the second box (value) the equals sign stays for "address_1=020011cd". The frequency is fine I think, it's 141.1.
The key-value pairs are a command/action with a value, so to speak. So command=open is two parts, command and open. Same with address_1=020011cd. To open doors you must send both, so when the first box pops up type in command, then in the second box type in open or whatever command you want. Same again, creating another with address_1=020011cd: first box type in address_1 and second box type in 020011cd (or whatever the address may be). Hope this helps a bit. You do not type the entire thing into one box, that is why it gives two.
Ya. I probably should have went with Key=Value. It's basically a variable with a set list of states. As Zadeon said, you just enter the thing before the equals in the first box that opens, and the thing after the equals in the box that opens after the first one. It does the rest for you, so you don't need the equal signs or ampersands.

Well, since I already accidentally uploaded it:

The first bit has me setting up a door system. If you look at some of the last in that series (before the engine bits) I have a paper scanner set up to accept tickets which were created by scanning a paper that people [sign]'d, but it wound up revealing the html tags associated with the signature. In this system it's fine. I'd rather use /<.*>//g to get rid of them so I could keep the fancy [sign] passes. Sometimes this would be annoying, though. Do we have a boring writing tool? One that has nothing special? If not, I'd kinda like to have a mechanical pencil that's just boring and ironically not mechanical.
I like that the tags are revealed actually, if you kept them stored in the selection component and filtered them out just before the sound synthesiser then you'd have a thing to verify signatures.
Anyone figured out what the EEPROM Cart is for?
It's for creating sweet mixtapes.

E.lectrically E.rasable P.rogrammable R.ead-O.nly M.emory -- Basically just an empty cart.
is it possible to have a guardbuddy say custom messages?
for example to locate someone with the guard script and call them a nerd. wink

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