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Space Samurai!
This is an idea for a potential gamemode, traitor gimmick, or admin gimmick event, either way read along for more information about this amazing thing!

Thought space ninja's where cool? Well this samurai sure packs a gigantic punch! The samurai must gaurd a crystal which represents their honor. Using souls of the dead stored in the crystal, the Samurai can sacrifice the souls in order to give him a power up or allow him to use an ability.

the samurai has one specific objective, and that is to steal souls of the dead. Sounds easy.. Right?

The samurai has to place a crystal somewhere on the space station, either on an pre-defined location, or any location, this crystal will house the souls of the dead that have been captured with an special spell, however crystals can be destroyed by the crew! After which the samurai has to place a new crystal, which will reduce his grip on his own powers.

So, how does this work then?
Its pretty easy! The samurai has to place one crystal on the map, after which it has to find dead bodies, and move these into an 4x4 range of the crystal, and use a specific spell, the soul will now be trapped in the crystal, until used or released.

Okay! That sounds easy.. and now?
The more souls an samurai gets, the more spells he activates, think about things like teleporting yourself back to the crystal, a samurai sword, and possibly more!

Coders: I already wrote some of this code a few months ago as an project for a server i no longer maintain, feel free to yell at me on IRC if you want some of it.
killing ppl and stealing/absorbing bodies to grow in power, ehhh, its got a bit in common with say the changeling or the wraith. the whole "claiming and protecting a room" bit is alright i guess, id rather see it reinterpreted as a predator's trophy room or some other sci fi junk but whatev. altho i think a predator mode had already been played around with and generally found it didnt have enough unique compared to regular traitors or wizards.
The protecting a room reminds me of blob nuclei, the absorbing people is wraith/blob-y. Not a huge fan, it also comes off as a bit too in the "Katanas are the best weapons ever they can cut through steel and deflect bullets samurai were gods among men" vein. Were you going for irony on that or somethin'?
misto Wrote:altho i think a predator mode had already been played around with and generally found it didnt have enough unique compared to regular traitors or wizards.
I wasn't around during this time, but based on the wiki article and general heresay, Predator mode was canned mainly because the eponymous antagonist type was quite hilariously underpowered to be facing off against the entire station. They couldn't use internals, their gun wasn't on the same level as some of the wizard's stuff, they didn't even start with shoes or a headset, their voice-mimicing was nigh-useless, and didn't even have the protection of being considered human. They've recently got some of their stuff buffed, but it doesn't really have any unique feature to it that merits it being its own antagonist type.

In any case, while the idea of plopping down an item and basically setting up a makeshift base around it is a novel concept, but it has quite a bit of overlap with blobs in spots, particularly in the idea of there being a central objective and the presence of a leveling system based on how many corpses you're able to absorb. The spellcasting would also need to do many different things to sufficiently set itself apart from wizards.
if it was a question of the pred being too wimpy, they coulda beefed him up easily with some tweaks. but he'd still be lacking much of a niche to fill between existing antag types, which is probably why the enthusiasm to get him beefed up wasn't present, and why other new antag ideas often have a hard time garnering support

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