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Meteors should come later
Meteor Storm random event, no matter how minor the intensity, is enough to warrant calling the shuttle and ending the round. So I think that this event should not be occurring at the 40-50 minute mark when people are still enjoying the round, such a catastrophic event should be in the 70-80 minute range
They don't actually seem that catastrophic anymore with the recent changes to the way they work.
I disagree with both of the above posters.

If you make meteors happen 70 minutes into the round, they will never occur because the shuttle always gets called at 60 minutes.

Meteor showers mean call the shuttle currently, because they are laggy and noone wants lag.
Grek Wrote:If you make meteors happen 70 minutes into the round, they will never occur because the shuttle always gets called at 60 minutes.

Admins have been pushing for longer rounds no matter if things are fucked by the 60 min mark or not

[/quote]Meteor showers mean call the shuttle currently, because they are laggy and noone wants lag.[/quote]

Agreed Meteors cause lag and it is sometimes game halting lag.
Some reason the second quote did not work even though it was shown to in the preview
Meteors are events that can wreck whole rounds for some jobs. Botany, QM, and Genetics can be taken out completely. Research can be wrecked pretty hard too. Meteor shields are beefier, but a lot of times more important things take precedence; like not getting chainsawed to death, or avoiding rogue borgs.

On the flip side, the rest of the station couldn't give a flying poo. Meteors are more annoying than dangerous. Meteors seem more destructive recently, but they still mainly just annoy people with lag and the need for oxygen in escape.

So what am I getting at? I'd like the events to be rarer, or later, but I'd also like meteors to affect the station as a whole. Meteors penetrating to engineering from the south. Meteors reaching the bar from the north. The complete destruction of medical. Meteor shields could be beefed up appropriately to mitigate the damage in sensitive areas. This would cause problems on extended, but they could probably just be taken out of that mode.
How about!: A system called MeteorOS on the communications console! That takes 100 seconds to activate and creates an invisible (or visible but laggy) meteor shield around the station!
i havent seen the meteors be too bad lately, but then again i actually make an effort to set up the new, buffed shield generators

manhandling them around thru the halls is still a bit of a hassle tho
Naximous Wrote:How about!: A system called MeteorOS on the communications console! That takes 100 seconds to activate and creates an invisible (or visible but laggy) meteor shield around the station!

maybe the outer hull could just be studded with meteor shield generators, and can be activated from terminals in the relevant departments. no need to power up a whole-station shield every time since they typically come from just one direction. then the power grid could recharge the shield generators, if its still running.

this also makes power grid sabotage and meteor shield/shield terminal sabotage tasty inter-related mischief prospects
Increase the number of meteor shields available and put them in places that are useful/important. Throw one or two in the Medbay lounge (by Pathology), put one in maintenance by Escape, add a few more to Emergency/Tool storage. Maybe make meteor shields hand-held items you can store in the emergency lockers or on racks. Set them down and activate them and they become immobile and impassable like they are now, but once turned off they're hand-held again.

Experience on LLJK1 shows that they can and do defend remarkably well if deployed properly. Problem is they're just scattered about, unwieldy, and far away from anywhere useful.

If you want to go old-school, you can always EVA your way out to the belt hell areas and build barricades on the lattices out there. I don't know how well they hold up against meteors, but it's a thought.
Even if the meteor shields protect vital areas, the lag from destroyed tiles and depressurization is enough to cause the crew to evacuate. Also there's seldom enough living, intelligent, and giving a shit crew around at that point to set up a bunch of shields.
mozi Wrote:Even if the meteor shields protect vital areas, the lag from destroyed tiles and depressurization is enough to cause the crew to evacuate. Also there's seldom enough living, intelligent, and giving a shit crew around at that point to set up a bunch of shields.

If you set up the shields properly, then you shouldn't get any depressurization.
On the note of disasters occurring too early, I've seen black holes come in at the half hour mark on the regular, which is a little too early for them I think. If it occurs in somewhere like the market/EVA, it can be extremely hard to patch up and almost always forces a shuttle call because of that (whether it actually warrrants that is another debate, though one that not many people put in practical effort to disprove).
Make meteors slower and let us fly out in pods to blow em up before they reach the station.
why not have the meteor shower event and others with the potential to irreversibly wreck the station scale relative to the round time

0-20 minutes would yield in a low intensity storm
21-41 would yield in a medium intensity

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