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Cortical stacks and bio/synth morphs
Preface of this rather long suggestion:

This is an idea/proposal to add some advanced digital enhancements to the crew's brains, biomorphs and synth morphs, and some machinery to help handle it. Vaguely similar to any high tech sci fi 'approaching singularity' setting (You can look at eclipse phase as a mainstream example, though certainly not the first origin of them), while altered to try fitting without removing/overly altering existing features.

Even then, though, this idea might not fit the server very well. I'm open to suggestions on how that can be improved.

A quick explination,

- For lore purposes, 'ghost' refers to the consciousness of a non-SSD nanotrasen employee.
- 'Active' means that, meta wise, there's a player controlling it
- The difference between a biomorph and a synthmorph - The torso/groin and organs. Bio is a normal torso and synth is robot torso.
- Biomorph: Ability to basically do anything you can now. Can accept biological based implants and upgrades.
- Synthmorph: Very weak to EMPS (light emps can stun, med and heavy emps can outright screw you over), slightly resistant (depending on parts and tech level) to heat and space exposure, feeds off licking batteries, has oil instead of blood. Can use cybernetic based implants and upgrades.

(And yes, you can add biological limbs and extremities to a synth torso, and vice versa. Doing so makes you vulnerable to both cases, but benefit from a few things as well. Whether this is a good idea or not, that's up to the person doing it.)

Unrelated things that'd need adding for balance:

- Nanite or minimech base for pathology, so even synths have to deal with disease.

- Some new security and traitor toys for dealing with synths. Tasers would work just fine on both general synth and biomorphs, but if someone comes out of medical looking like that first boss in Deus Ex:HR, maybe it's time to break out the emp rifle?

- Synth targeting reagents and chemicals. Fry them suckas.

- Some sort of generic server to serve as the host for designs and templates and ghost backups. Hopefully somewhere secure but on the station zlevel. Hopefully also constructible, incase someone bombs it to oblivion.


The long explanation:

Thanks to recent advancements in microscale technology and one awkward bender of a night between an electrical engineer and an artifact researcher in a robotics lab, a new prototype series of designs has shown up on the station and is set to improve, if not revolutionize the way spacemen live.

The first of the designs to reach the station: The P.E.A.N.U.T. (Printer-Enhanced Augmentative Nous Upload/download Technology)

There are two kinds on the station, one in genetics and one in robotics, and both share a terminal situated in medbay.

The Organic P.E.A.N.U.T., situated in Genetics.

This device accepts synthmeat and various chemicals and reagents, and comes with a basic design template of a normal humanized monkey.

You can:
- Make a copy of this template, and modify the copy's name, and UI/UE with a preview printout option available. (While you can also do this with genetics, the upside is the exactness and lack of radiation, the downside is that doing it through the PEANUT takes resources and time to print the result out while genetics is free and can be done on existing bodies.)
- Print a chosen template out; This can take different time and resources based on what it is. The mind in it will, however, always be neutral and unaware.
- Scan new biological targets in and save them as a template. They do not have to be alive, but they have to not have decayed too much. Ie; recently dead or alive works. You can use this opportunity to save the results of your friend's mad science surgeries, or keep a backup of george, or that cool cockroach/xenomorph you found.
- Print out organic body parts and organs, incase medbay or the chef needs replacements.

The Synthetic P.E.A.N.U.T., situated in Robotics.

This device accepts metals and glasses, as well as some alloys and other solid materials, and comes with a basic design template of a synthetic humanized monkey.

You can:
- Make a copy of this template, and modify the copy's name, some topical features, and have a preview printout option available.
- Print a chosen template out; This can take different time and resources based on what it is. The mind in it will, however, always be neutral and unaware.
- Scan new synthetic targets in and save them as a template. You can use this opportunity to save the results of your tractor chainsaw man assembly.

That's the printer part, but not all.

The crux of this: the N.U.T. (Nous Upgrade Technology).

This device piggybacks onto the spinal interface of the brain and acts as a mechanical interface. If you're thinking 'wow that sorta sounds like how cyborgs work, you're sort of right! The difference is in encephalographic scanning and memetic twinning---

*Forget that garbage! What does it DO?*

-- It stores ghosts, and let's us save backups digitally, and allows advanced connections to bodies and equipment that we couldn't do before; And no, before you ask, you can't make yourself into an army like this. (We tried it already. Due to quantum physics and pentaquark vibrations, no two copies of the 'ghost' can be active at the same time, and non-digital versions seem to take precedence.)

The basic version can be printed out now with some relatively common materials, but doesn't do a whole lot at the moment besides act as an interface. We've set up a prototyping console so that you can fund and conduct research into expanding the possibilities of this device. NOTE: Due to incompatibilities and interference, a body containing a NUT *cannot* be cloned and must be run through the PEANUT instead.

Features of the basic NUT:
- Saves a backup the DNA of the employee, so no matter what happens to them, the PEANUT will be able to know what they originally looked like. This also stores a read-only encrypted hash of your identity, to aid the detective in identification and sleuthing.
- Contains your bank and account info. No longer are you forced to remember your pin, and logging into/out of anything is a button press away!
- Photographic memory, of notes! You get to keep your mental notes. (If you have any, anyways.)
- Contains an integrated PDA, which can load/unload carts/id cards through the interface. Due to safety concerns and improvements in design, any excess battery charge or heat will be dumped out through an emergency vent and cause a reset of the messenger function. (IE, meta-wise, pda bombs will still explode you, but your pda will remain intact, and your messenger function will turn off after the first bomb. You can switch it back on if you wish.)
- Note: You cannot use the PDA while stunned or dead (at least with the basic NUT), because a number of NUT functions rely on offloading cpu cycles through the host brain.
- An additional feature of the basic NUT, that our prototyping staff got in at the last moment: You can access the general station VR from anywhere, like using a pair of VR goggles or laying in a VR terminal. Do note, however, that your meat body will just stand there looking dopey until you return.

-As an aside, due to the unfortunate unpredictability of space, we've added a self-delete function to the NUT. If you have a backup, and ever find yourself trapped in deep space with no hope of recovery, you can choose to delete yourself. Hopefully, if your backup is still there, you will become active on the station servers and get dumped into general VR.

- Additionally, due to a conflict with SOLGOV, we have added the ability to transfer backups onto hardcopy, and have added the ability for executives to remove backups from the server. You'll need to print out some syreline wafer disks to store the copies, and said copies cannot become active until inserted into a proper server.

What you can do with a basic NUT

- Attach to an organic brain, and stick into one of the PEANUT machines. This brain must not have significantly decayed, and must be alive.
- If the brain has a 'ghost' in it, you can then use this opportunity to make a digital backup to the station's servers. While similar to cloning, this has the benefit of being much more humane and much less jarring, and if the digital copy is ever the active consciousness, they'll be able to goof around in the general station VR while they message/bug robotics/genetics about printing out a new body. Both Peanut machines save to the same database. (As a note, these digital consciousness only maintain the memories they had when they were backed up and after going active.)
- If the brain is 'empty' and has no ghost, you can download an active backup from the station database onto it. The selected backup will be notified and asked. If no or timeout, return an error.
- You can place a living body into the PEANUT, or print one out and keep it in the pod, and insert the ghost-containing brain-NUT into the body.
Note: Since the ghost backup stores the DNA, you can load that as a template directly when choosing to print out an organic body.

But what about cyborgs?

We've taken the liberty of upgrading cyborgs to fit this new technology, as a matter of fact!

All cyborgs are now morph-based and have a basic NUT, the main difference between them and a normal morph is the DRM-RIG. Having such a device on will be readily apparent on examine.

- This is a device that can be installed/removed only by a qualified roboticist/geneticist at their respective PEANUT (or at least, any hand-having person with access and manually operating the controls).

This takes a few minutes, as the device extends and modifies the body quite heavily with morphic nanowire. Adding this to a ghost-having body will attach them to the station AI and grant them laws. They also receive binary channel communication, and all-access with ranged operation of devices.

For synthmorphs, this will remove access to the hands and equipment, and add your standard accoutrement of cyborg modules as you know of them already.

For biomorphs, however, they will maintain access to their hands and equipment. Due to the stress and consequence of adding such a device to an organic body, its movement will be stilted stiff and slowed, and the available cyborg equipment they gain access to through modules will be somewhat lacking compared to their synthetic brethren. (Meta: Think the synthetics from the ALIEN series, but without the white blood)

Biomorph-based cyborgs will also not be space worthy, and will generally be vulnerable to anything their normal meat body would be vulnerable to. They will also require nutrients, and burn calories like a madman as they use their modules.
The upside: They can take an emp full on and laugh it off. Unless they have synthetic parts, which are effected normally.


Now for the advanced stuff!

There are a number of ideas and proposals we've provided for the staff to research and attempt to implement. You'll need to provide the funding and materials to work on the designs, and even more resources to print them out. Get friendly with your miners and chemists.

Stuff you can do by increasing research in the handy dandy terminal:

- At basic and first levels, you gain access to some basic experimental implants, and interesting versions of synthetic and organic organs/limbs. These would enhance functionality, but have some prototype downsides.
- Implants would be morph enhancing upgrades to the body itself for biomorphs. Synthmorphs and Biomorphs without a DRM-RIG can install up to one at a time, while those with a DRM-RIG can install up to three.
- The current cyborg upgrade modules would work as cybernetic implants, and be printable from the robotics fabricator as normal.
- Examples of low level biomorph implants could be things such as 'enhanced metabolism' or 'night vision' or whatever. Looking for some examples and ideas from replies. What sort of crazy implant ideas do you have?
- Examples of low level synthetic limbs/organs could be as basic as "enhanced charge capacity", or "sharp manipulators", or as complicated as "quad-arms". Also looking for some examples and ideas from replies. What sort of crazy implant ideas do you have?

- At higher research levels, requiring more funds and various tasks (possibly involving finding some space wreckage or rare stuff), you unlock more possibilities and better tech.
- In addition to unlocking more implants or organs/limb enhancements with less prototype downsides and increasing resource requirements...

- The Advanced NUT

This is a proposal for an improved version of the NUT. (Theres a lot of syndicate scum that'd love to steal one of these)

- Has all the features of the basic nut
- Integrated digital camera. You can take pictures of something in front of you, or scan a picture or document you're looking at. This saves a copy that you can view in your notes. You can also delete them.
- Gain access to a NUT channel, that lets you silently share text and saved notes/pictures with anyone else that has an Advanced NUT.
- Integrated SPS (space positioning system) that can be tracked via a handheld device that can be printed out from the PEANUT. It shows the health status of the body of the person, as well as the approximate coordinates and zlevel. This functionality can be turned off by the user manually, which was added after concerns about privacy and tracking lawsuits.

And even further research levels might gain you access to:

- The Perfect Nut

This is a proposal for an extreme case we don't expect to see at all (but if you get this working, I hear there's a substantial reward from the executive staff waiting.)

- Has all the designs of the previous nuts
- Attached brain no does not die or rot.
- With this revision of the NUT, the integrated computer *should* be powerful enough to run without offloading to the brain. Meaning you should be able use its features while stunned, or yes, even as a disembodied brain.

- Contains a nanite adaptation colony, that can (theoretically, anyways) miniaturize and interface with basic station equipment. This means you can theoretically use these things and have them attached to your brain, rather than carry them around! (Creepy)
We've separated it out into categories:

- The optical stack: You should be able to adapt various forms of eyegear and scanners here
- The audio stack: You should be able to adapt comm headsets and any ear-based gear here
- The AUX stack: You should be able to adapt ID cards and a few misc things here. Imagine being able to walk into doors without having to worry about that stupid card! (Clown note: Or, integrating a bike horn. Honk at will!)
- The cerebric stack: We don't know of any equipment that'd generally fit here yet, but we encourage creativity. One exec wants to be able to control his email from across the room, so there's that.
A high ranking engineer actually requested we make a design for what they called, a 'NUT Ejector'. It has a small sensor that detects extreme tachyon displacements, and a number of strategically placed detonation charges. The net result is, if you're ever caught in an explosion that'd gib you, your head quickly explodes like a rotten pumpkin just as the shockwave hits and your brain+NUT flies off in the opposite direction unharmed.


Additional ideas/off the rail from the main suggestion

- Might be neat to have some sort of cryobay device in security. Implants prisoners with a gimped version of the Basic NUT, uploads them into the prison server, and stores their body in stasis until their time is up. They'd run around in prison VR, mining NTcoin digital currency for security to work off their debt, or hanging around in the seedy rec areas, or having things thrown at them from general VR.

(Addition to above, Some sort of implant for traitors that intercepts the scanning technology, and fills the result of the scan with bogus data. The end result is it uploads your ghost, but also gives your ghost a set of hacking and exploit tools to aid in escape. Heck, might even be able to sneak onto the station database, and convince a geneticist to print you out with a pseudonym.)

- Some sort of tool for traitors to modify their encrypted identity hash (Though, imperfect and leaving behind some sort of mathematical indicator)

- Some sort of cheap traitor (or ghetto construction) tool that you can smack people in the head with to disable their NUT equipment, like the SPS and PDA and talk channel.

- The ability for non backed up *actually* dead people (Ie, no backups no clones, perma dead) to spawn into the station's general VR as 'NPCs'. They would be able to speak and emote just fine to other NPCs, and run around VR gokart racing or whatever, but any non-NPCS would just see them spouting/writing npc-lish gibberish.

- Ability to stuff brain+NUT in small bots, or insert them into critters. Run around as george, or a spider, or whatever you can manage to scan into that PEANUT.

- <insert idea below in replies>. Any ideas for cool limbs or implants? Neat uses for NUT? Etc.
As an aside, if your worry about bioborgs is they could do things like Nick the nuke disk or upload laws; just have a check on pickup of blacklisted objects if they have a drm-rig and prevent them with a message. Your drm rig prevents you from picking up that freeform module, etc.
Eclipse Phase is aight
This system could be used for the player-controlled bots suggestion as well. I like it.
As an edit, the basic nut pda probably shouldn't be able to accept id cards and I left that in as a typo on accident. Kinda defeats the purpose of later upgrades.

And yeah. One day I hope to see all sorts of crazy crab people and vtol squids roaming around. Probably would work better on an RP rules server though.
This is a hope I do not share and I'm pretty sure this post is what gave me the nightmare last night about playing SS13 and there were 20 ability bars to toggle through and every other crewman was some kind of bizarre blob thing.
Dabir Wrote:This is a hope I do not share and I'm pretty sure this post is what gave me the nightmare last night about playing SS13 and there were 20 ability bars to toggle through and every other crewman was some kind of bizarre blob thing.

I can't promise anything about the blob part, but collapsable hud buttons and some decent interface design shouldn't really cause clutter.

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