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Kinetic Gel - The spacelube upgrade
This is a suggestion for a chemical, made from spacelube and some against some sort of pyrotechnic chemical and some sort of energetic chemical. (yes you need to use some stabilizing agent too)

The chemical can be used in any way space lube can be used. However, the mechanics are somewhat different.

- Spraying it on a surface causes a noticeable decal to appear. Looks sort of gooey and gel-like.
- When a mob enters or is thrown at a tile sprayed with this chemical, they're knocked prone and then applied the same effect as being mass drivered at a decent power in opposite direction they entered from. (And *YES* this includes cyborgs, though they don't get knocked over). Ostensibly similar to how spacelube works already, but more powerful.
- When an unanchored object enters or is thrown at such a tile, the same effect occurs to the object.

Thus, this becomes 'tactical space lube'. Or at least, 'hilarious gel that launches people across the station'.

- Be a clown on a mission
- Pelt people with sharp objects from a distance
- Defeat fluke ops erry day.
- Make that disposals rollercoaster a reality
- Dangerous space travel

It can be cleaned away before it dissipates via diluting it with water, though its only turns it to normal space lube.


Possible additional uses that could be implemented:

- Spray or dump it on an object that can be picked up. From then on until sprayed with water or the effect wears off, any attempts to pick up the object end with the object smacking the person in the face and then flying off. Causes a noticeable change to the world sprite so it's not stealthy, and doesn't prevent pulling.

- Use a beaker of it on various mechanical engineering machinery and everyday mechanical objects to serve as a severe upgrade in their power, in return for making them hilariously dangerous to use.

- Some sort of way to make a 'Potential Gel' using some sort of mysterious dark mattery chemical, that has the exact opposite effect; Stopping things instantly in their tracks, making movement slow, gumming up machinery, and causing objects to stick to hands and be unable to get loose even with disarm or strip.

- Maybe some sort of energy release mechanic people can abuse with potential gel, as it's absorbing kinetic energy. Possibly 'spraying it with water dissipates the potential gel, but causes a sudden huge burst of space wind out from the tile based on how much potential gel reagent was in the decal and how many times it was used'. Could even go as far as having a wattage generation to it.

- Ability to use kinetic/potential gel in weapon ammo somehow, to coat people with it and cause sorrow.

- Make the severity of the effect of the kinetic/ potential gel be based on the concentration in the decal. Ie: 5 units would have less effect than say, 50 units.

- Infusion process at the arc smelter uses kinetic or potential gel as a reagent, that permanently infuses objects with the property and changes how they look. Kinetic shoes? Kinetic cigarettes. IDK.

(For floor tiles, you can crowbar them back out of the floor after placing, but you have to spray them with water first to create a temporary sealing film to allow you to actually do so. ie: you spray them with water, then crowbar them up. Ostensibly, the effect of any object infused with this process can be temporarily diffused with water.)

- Looking for ideas on what these chemicals might do if ingested or injected.
It's been suggested that ingesting/injecting kinetic gel would act like super crack, making your actions and metabolism ramp up in exchange for burning nutrition like a furnace, and if you ever get injured enough to bleed then it'll come out like candy out of a PiƱata.

Potential gel could have the opposite effect; Slowing you down significantly but making nutrition basically not drop, and you can get riddled with bullets and not bleed. Could be useful as part of a 'oh god I've been shot' health/stabilization kit.
Nutrition isn't a thing. aardvarko
Oh right.
Well, stamina then. Something food related.

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