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growable potatographical cameras
100% no sane reason for this other than to make light of the word 'potatograph' as referring to 'photograph' (I wasn't gonna post this but some people said they liked it, so idk.)

Possibly through infusion of silver sulf, a mutant species of potato that produces potatologue cameras, which look like normal potatoes and are still edible, but they can take pictures! Edible pictures.
They're not re-fillable and the number of pictures they can take is based on the potency. The potatograph even inherits the quality of the parent camera, so you can have amazing potatographs etc.

Possible extra:
Ability to use normal potatoes to make potato batteries with some wire, that start weak but scale with potency. (if that's not already a thing)
Ability to insert said potato batteries into potatologue cameras to give it a 1 use flash, that conveniently takes a picture of your victim while flashing. Quick, hide the evidence!

Possible crazy antag use:
Something or other about taking pictures of the recently deceased, and using some sort of chemical and growing process on the potatographs to turn them into obedient potatomen minions.
Alternate suggestion: Knife + Potato = potato stamp. Use it on a paint can to paint it then stamp shapes all over the station like a toddler.
This is a smart idea
I actually like Dabir's suggestion more than my own. Honk.

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