SAKayle7 Mentor Application
Usual Character Name: None, random every time.
BYOND Username: SAKayle7
Recommended by (if applicable): -
Times Available: One or two rounds per day. Generally around noon in GMT -6 on weekdays, on weekends several games during the day.

Reason for Application + Game Experience (300 word minimum): I've played off and on for around two years, I think. I don't know every detail of the game like some people, but I know quite a lot. I'm not one of the people who are famous in the game, like Jay Wolff, Bethany Parks, whatever. I have a random name every time. I'm usually quiet in OOC, too. I just help teach what I know to people who want to know.

My knowledge of the engine, of medbay, et cetera, is fairly substatial. I know a lot about the game, but that is less important to my application to Mentor than the attitude I have about the game. I'm not applying for Head of Security because I never play security, and I don't like to be a vigilante anymore. If I'm not an antagonist, I only want to help. I generally play something in the Medbay, and roam around healing people. Or an engineer, and teach people how to get it burning nicely. But I've played everything, and done almost everything. I've participated in Solarium runs, and seen the aftermath rounds.

I'm sure some people might have a problem with the fact that I don't have a developed persona on the station. I used to play as "Tor Starhiker", sometimes. But that was a year ago, a long time. I am just another random name in the crowd. The reason for this is I just prefer there not to ever be any sort of reaction from anyone to the name, be that positive or negative.

I'm applying to be a mentor on a whim, really. I just thought that I've played so long and learned so much that I could help other people who have just started. This is a fun game, and nobody should be deterred from playing just because it seems so intimidatingly hard to learn.

Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will): I was banned for one day for leaving as an AI without adminhelping first. I believe this was the only time.
I like your application but it's hard to vouch for someone with a random name. You should try playing with a static name just for a few days so people can get a cut of your jib. If you've been around for 2 years it should be easy to make a good impression.
That's true, but it's totally against my whole creed, you know? Maybe some people can remember Tor Starhiker, I wasn't bad when I was Tor.
Unfortunately the fact that you play under a random name makes it hard for anyone to vouch for you. You ought to try playing under one name for a while, and i'm sure you will get more well know.
Yeah dude. I know it probably sucks having a static name for a month or so but if people don't know WHO you are when you play how will they be able to say you are a good player enough for mentor?
I guess so. I think that's what I'll do then. I'll choose something obvious, from a book I like. Cheradinine Zakalawe? That's about as ridiculous, spacemanish, and obvious that I can think of. You'll see me around then as that
Yeah I have to agree with the others. It's hard to vouch for someone on their APP along and even more so when we have no idea who you are.
Observed this guy quite a bit tonight and I'm convinced he's a legit good player. Give him the sacred purple text.
Mofleaker Wrote:Observed this guy quite a bit tonight and I'm convinced he's a legit good player. Give him the sacred purple text.

That is flattering smile did you see my changeling round, or one of the other random rounds?
tor starhiker was a good player iirc
I remember playing a lot of rounds with you, pre-admin days. You yelled at me for doing something as AI which I no longer remember, and I got all in an embarrassed huff about it and totally changed up how I did things as AI, then apparently I was a much better AI. That is my story of how Kayle helped me via yelling at me

I'll vouch for ya. Yes from me.
I've also played a lot with you and you seemed pretty knowledgeable. I can definitely vouch for you.
I did used to yell at AIs. I wonder what it was I was I was mad at. I still have you as a BYOND friend Haine, from when I sent you screenshots of the list of chemicals that I took, before you were adminned. Haha
Having actually noticed you around a bit more recently, I can vouch for you. I only really notice you in OOC but matching you up to what you did in the round prior, yeah, you seem like a pretty good fit for mentor. I think. I'm very confused. Man, suddenly using a usual character name feels a lot more sensible.
Kayle7 Wrote:That is flattering smile did you see my changeling round, or one of the other random rounds?

I think I caught a round where you were playing as a mind slave. It ruled, glad I decided to observe that one.

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