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Popecrunch, IRC, 7/8 4:38 PM
Admin name: Popecrunch
Date/Time: 7/8/2015 4:38 PM
Synopsis: So Popecrunch is going on and on about activism this and activism that, specifically regarding the treatment of sex offenders in the US. I agree with some of his points and try to answer back with my own, but Popecrunch just ignores me and keeps spamming the chat. I'm like, alright, whatever. Apparently he's the only one allowed to talk.

So I'm playing SS13, still watching the chat, waiting for Popecrunch to finish, when I hear screaming outside my apartment. I go to see what's up, turns out to just be some kids in the pool; I come back to the chatroom to see a discussion about men's right activism vs feminism has started because now Popecrunch is talking about men being raped in prison and this other guy, Peace, is bringing up the whole MRA v F debate. Haine and I both around the same time immediately respond negatively to that conversation, because we all know where it's going to go. It's going to go downhill REALLY fast and people's feelings are going to get hurt.

Popecrunch immediately comes to the defense of the conversation, which whatever, but then starts dogging me specifically for telling everyone to shut the fuck up and to listen to Haine. He goes on about how he's such an activist on his soapbox, going on about how he's fighting for people's rights and then starts insulting me specifically saying it's because the "conversation made me uncomfortable." It didn't make me uncomfortable, it was going to spiral out of control, and what do you know: IT DID. Everyone was getting pissed off at everyone else and it was turning into a fucking screaming match. Haine and I were right. And Popecrunch's reaction to all of this was to start insulting me. So I told him off, fuck him. And he banned me for it.

I'm not appealing the ban, either, I don't give a fuck. I don't want to be here if this kind of bullshit is tolerated by the administration here.

Log: This is as far back as I could go and couldn't get his entire conversation. It gets bad around 16:24
16:17    WrongEnd    Pretty sure in England you can't fire a cannon in public
16:17    WrongEnd    I dunno why there's such a law, but it's there
16:17    zzzHaine    I have reached near peak apathy
16:17    popecrunch    but let's set aside the bullshit about sex offenders entirely for now and focus on how the prison system in general is a big spinachy loaf of steaming shit
16:17    zzzHaine    I really do not want to barf again today
16:17    Jerkops    
16:17    zzzHaine    bluhhh
16:18        *** HipBEE joined #goonstation
16:18    Peace    WrongEnd: I only fire my cannon in private.
16:18        --- ArbitraryTA is away (Auto away)
16:18    popecrunch    let's take a prison, selected at random.  red onion sate prison, virginia.
16:18    popecrunch
16:18    Peace    "Prison system", or as we call it here, gulag system.
16:19    Peace    Because it's a for-profit slavery system.
16:19    popecrunch    i don't really have anything to add that won't somehow dilute the nightmare of absolute insanity and cruelty that is red onion state prison, virginia, so i'll just suggest you read the report
16:19    WrongEnd    As it turns out, sending our prisoners to private for-profit facilities with no incentive for rehabilitation is a terrible fucking idea
16:19    popecrunch    i sent a copy of that report, and a copy of my article on prison rape, and a strongly worded letter to my boy Jim Webb back when i lived in virginia
16:20    Erasmus    Jim WEbb?
16:20    popecrunch    his response was: Holy Shit, and to champion a prison reform act in congress
16:20    popecrunch    virginia senator to the US
16:20    Peace    WrongEnd: Terrible idea, or best capitalist system?
16:20    Erasmus    Ahh
16:20        *** Keelin quit (Quit: )
16:20    Erasmus    What article did you write?
16:20    popecrunch    lemme pull it up, sec
16:20    WrongEnd    Capitalist's dream, but terrible fucking idea for the average worker
16:20    Erasmus    And, do you have a copy of it anywhere?
16:21    KikiMofo    Popecrunch is too awesome for one crunch
16:21    popecrunch    yeah i chucked a copy on my blog and dailykos and a few other places, pulling up a link now
16:21    zzzHaine    "Inmates are fired at with shotguns" oh
16:21    JebediahKerman    .tell TheCheat
16:21        Spacebee floats out and buzzes or something.
16:21    popecrunch    here's a copy
16:22    Peace    Be careful, you might step on some radical feminists toes if you suggest that prison rape is an issue.
16:22    popecrunch    i step on all toes.
16:23    popecrunch    you can't be a useful member of the loyal opposition without getting used to pissing people absolutely off
16:23    Mosheninikov    p sure if they're radical (presumably leftists) they're gonna care about prison abuses anyway???
16:23    Peace    Then wear heavy lead boots, because they piss me off, even though I fundamentally agree with them in almost everything.
16:23    Mosheninikov    but sure let's bring up feminisms outta nowhere
16:23        *** Mosheninikov is now known as Mosheninkov
16:23    HeadSurgeon    being nowhere near me
16:24    Erasmus    So, Popecrunch
16:24    popecrunch    hi
16:24    Erasmus    did they actually come up with new standards in the 5 years since?
16:24    butt    did they actually come up with new buttdards in the 5 years butt?
16:24    zzzHaine    peace what
16:24    Peace    Mosheninkov: Because it's an issue that's brought up by MRAs, and radfems love a witchhunt.
16:24    popecrunch    sort of
16:24    zzzHaine    why
16:24    zzzHaine    what??
16:25    popecrunch    some dudes in charge of prisons got fired and some lawsuits happened and then everybody stopped talking about it for a while
16:25    Mosheninkov    MRAs deserve to be hunted to the ends of the earth
16:25    zzzHaine    okay holy shit let's not start the feminists vs mras shit
16:25    popecrunch    which is pretty much the best you can hope for in a fight against the TOUGH ON CRIIIIIIIME types
16:25    Mosheninkov    what ""activism"" do MRAs actually engage in
16:25    Mosheninkov    besides shitting their diapers and whining on the internet about how mean girls are
16:25    Erasmus    
16:25    Erasmus    Where are you living now?
16:25    Skunkrocker    Wow everyone needs to the shut the fuck up
16:25    popecrunch    the fact i wasn't literally burned at the stake for daring to suggest that maybe we shouldn't treat prisoners are literal garbage was a huge success
16:25    popecrunch    i live in washington dc
16:25    Erasmus    And, what is your current state's senator opinion on this?
16:25    popecrunch    well
16:25    Skunkrocker    This conversation is going literally no where
16:26        *** Mortvert quit (Quit: )
16:26    popecrunch    in maryland, but the part of maryland that is 'basically north dc'
16:26    Peace    Mosheninkov: Sure, because the MRA movements are fronts for Republican and religious fundies anti-women activities, but some of the ideas of MRA itself aren't bad, eg prison rape is a men's issue.
16:26    popecrunch    <Skunkrocker> Wow everyone needs to the shut the fuck up
16:26    Mosheninkov    no it is not a men's issue
16:26    popecrunch    great idea skunkrocker why don't you show us an example
16:26    Mosheninkov    it is a part of the wider justice system being shit issue
16:26    Skunkrocker    Dude this conversation never goes anywhere good
16:26    Peace    Mosheninkov: Alright, I had thought about that earlier actually. Dad's rights are a male issue.
16:26    butt    Mosheninkov: Alright, I had thought butt that earlier actually. Dad's butts are a male issue.
16:26    Erasmus    Also, do you often write about things like this?
16:26    Erasmus    Or was that just a one off?
16:27    Mosheninkov    ok
16:27    popecrunch    i do a lot of political writing yes but most of it these days is not for public consumption
16:27    Skunkrocker    Also I bring this up here
16:27    popecrunch    like investigative pieces for the union, that sort of thing
16:27    HeadSurgeon    to bring that name
16:27    Peace    It's not intrinsically a male issue, but it can be.
16:27    Skunkrocker    zzzHaine:    okay holy shit let's not start the feminists vs mras shit
16:27    Skunkrocker    It never goes anywhere good
16:27    Peace    Skunkrocker: I'm both a (theoretically) MRA and a feminist. They're compatible.
16:27    Mosheninkov    much like MRAs
16:27    popecrunch    i've had to slow down in the last yearish due to the fact that the stresses of staring into the eyes of the beast were literally murdering me, but i keep up the good fight best i can
16:27    Erasmus    That sounds pretty interesting Pope
16:28        *** synGuest234345345345 quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout))
16:28    Peace    I just find it easier to call myself a Male Feminist.
16:28    popecrunch    yeah a yearish ago i got to bust up a clothing manufacturer
16:28    Erasmus    What got you interested in... Well, not activism, but into writing about some of the things that I typically don't see American's talk about?
16:28    HeadSurgeon    in general manufacturer
16:28    Peace    I had a pretty long discussion about this in #gbs just a while ago, with the resident feminists basically going "oh yeah, now that you've explained yourself, I see your point."
16:28    popecrunch    i got issued a hidden camera and sweet-talked the factory owner into bragging about labor abuses
16:28    popecrunch    it owned
16:28    Erasmus    Oh wow
16:29    Erasmus    So, you're a journalist?
16:29    popecrunch    no i am just Some Asshole (tm) but sometimes people like hearing what i say
16:29    Chase_Mobile    A big gaping asshole
16:29    Peace    Citizen journalist.
16:29    popecrunch    i got interested in activism because i've always thought the idea of open secrets about stupid shit was stupid shit
16:29    Erasmus    Well, I'm reading through your thing on Professional courtesy
16:29    butt    Well, I'm reading through your thing on Profesbuttal courbutt
16:30    popecrunch    you don't sweep 'we have literal slavery in these united states' under the rug
16:30    popecrunch    you don't sweep 'black people are literally hunted for sport by law enforcement officers' under the rug
16:30    Erasmus    Agreed
16:30    Peace    popecrunch: Who's the opposition to you?
16:30        *** FreshLemon joined #goonstation
16:30    KikiMofo    I don't know how to fix the captian's gun
16:30    Peace    Because someone is enforcing that system.
16:31    popecrunch    you don't plug your ears and go la la la la and hope 'transsexual children are literally forced into homelessness and their eventual murders or suicides, because the bible' goes away
16:31        +++ ChanServ has given op to FreshLemon
16:31    Peace    Yeah, but popecrunch, who's the opposition to the people who are trying to fix these issues?
16:31    popecrunch    western society and the culture of 'i could care about this thing, but i'd rather watch Jersey Shore and eat a burrito'
16:31    popecrunch    that's my number one enemy
16:31    Peace    Hmm... So you have light opposition so far.
16:31    popecrunch    people who get up in the morning and have a basic day and go to bed without giving a second thought to anything but themselves, that's my enemy
16:32    Erasmus    Kiki, where are you stuck?
16:32    Peace    You have great, easy enemies.
16:32    KikiMofo    I wired it
16:32    AngriestIBM    "fuck the poor, and also minorities" -white american jesus, while drinking from a big gulp(tm)
16:32    Erasmus    And pope, were you one of the many who wrote in about the NSA?
16:32    popecrunch    my main opposition is the crushing fact that at the end of the day, i can lead a horse to water, but i can't make them think
16:32    Peace    I wish my enemies were that lazy.
16:32    Skunkrocker    Okay popecrunch then answer me this, how is having the conversation "Men's Right Activists versus Feminists" going to help any of that considering we're a bunch of people on the internet who play a game where you literally fart on Clowns in space?
16:32    KikiMofo    And now I'm surrounded by gold and uqil and shit
16:32    HeadSurgeon    were enemies at mahjong
16:32    KikiMofo    And I can't figure out what to do
16:32    Erasmus    Essentially Kiki, the only issue with the gun is that its circuit board is fucked
16:32    popecrunch    it's not that my enemies are lazy, it's that my enemies are Laziness, and that's a fight you can't win
16:32    Skunkrocker    All it's going to do is bring out shitty opinions and ire and people being dicks
16:32    Hufflaw    Skunkrocker he wasn't having that conversation
16:32    KikiMofo    Yeah
16:32    Erasmus    Think about what normal circuit boards might have
16:32    Peace    popecrunch: It's not the US gov?
16:32    popecrunch    it is literally not possible for me to satisfy my conditions for victory, and that's okay
16:32    KikiMofo    Circuit board won't fit i nit
16:32    Erasmus    And then think of the SS13 analogies to it
16:32    Erasmus    Nono
16:32    Erasmus    Not entire boards
16:33    Skunkrocker    Literally the conversation happening earlier when I came back from checking out the screaming going on outside
16:33    Erasmus     Components of a board
16:33    butt    Literally the conversation happening earlier when I came back from checking butt the screaming going on outbutt
16:33    Peace    After all, it was the US gov that put the system into place, and enforces it.
16:33    popecrunch    i'm not going to be able to chuck all the starfish into the sea, but i can make a difference to the ones i can reach
16:33    KikiMofo    I have gold but it won't go in it
16:33    Hufflaw    Also Peace you literally label yourself something dumb then act angry when people think you're dumb
16:33    KikiMofo    Gold in bar form
16:33    Readster    Skunkrocker why are you so opposed to the idea of people just talking about things for the sake of iot
16:33    Peace    Hufflaw: What do you mean?
16:33    Erasmus    Do you just stick base elements onto a board and expect them to work?
16:33    Peace    Which label are you thinking of?
16:33    Erasmus    Nono
16:33    popecrunch    skunkrocker please point out where i have mentioned MRAs or feminism in this conversation before this very moment. i'll wait.
16:33    WrongEnd    This IRC is for players of Goonstation to talk about just about anything
16:33    Erasmus    You have to make something out of it, don't you
16:33    WrongEnd    Not just space stations
16:33    KikiMofo    Yeah but I don't know what to make
16:33    popecrunch    if you can't find one, it's because i didn't bring it up or comment on it, and you are being a massive asshole and i wish you would stop.
16:33    KikiMofo    I've been trying to fitgure that out
16:33    Erasmus    I'll give you a hint. Everything you need is on the Workbench
16:33    Hufflaw    Man I gotta say this the right way
16:33    KikiMofo    I;ve made lenses and gears
16:33    HeadSurgeon    a comment block of ice, and being like $2 so i wouldnt fuckin know
16:34    KikiMofo    Neither work
16:34    Erasmus    Keep looking through
16:34    KikiMofo    Also power cell
16:34    butt    Butt power cell
16:34    Erasmus    You've overlooked something
16:34    popecrunch    but yeah just because i have literally no chance at success doesn't mean it's not a fight worth having
16:34    Peace    Hufflaw: If it's Male Feminist, then the justification for it is that misandry mirrors misogyny.
16:34    Peace    Therefore, any form of inequality hurts both genders.
16:34    Hufflaw    MRA's are mysogynists, I do not care what you say, they are a collection of internet people who label themselves activists and harass others. If you do not do that and say that you actually support the things they allegedly are against then you are not a men's rights activist but a regular human being.
16:34    Skunkrocker    Peace did, and you supported it, and to Peace's credit they didn't pull an attitude about it when Haine and I were like "don't have this conversation because it will shit up the channel", YOU did.
16:34    Hufflaw    Also feminism is for equality you idiot.
16:35    Peace    Hufflaw: I agree with you about MRAs.
16:35    Peace    I agree with you about feminism too.
16:35    Erasmus    Yeah
16:35    Peace    But I didn't say that.
16:35    popecrunch    that's not a paste of something i said, please get bent with all possible speed
16:35    Hufflaw    No that's all that will be said about this. This is going to be an argument about semantics so we all agree apparently.
16:35    Hufflaw    Which is good
16:35    Peace    I said that MRAs are a front for Republicans and religious fundies anti-women activities.
16:35    AngriestIBM    whats the deal with Skunkrocker and complaining about everything
16:35    AngriestIBM    in game
16:35        *** User_ quit (Quit: Leaving)
16:35    AngriestIBM    on the forums
16:35    AngriestIBM    on irc
16:35    popecrunch    okay you wanted to know what my enemy is?
16:35    KikiMofo    I am
16:35    KikiMofo    I am the enemy
16:35    Hufflaw    Okay then express yourself more clearly, Peace
16:36    popecrunch    skunkrocker and the millions just like him, who when confronted with a discussion they find uncomfortable, want it to go away
16:36    Hufflaw    In the future
16:36    butt    In the fubutt
16:36    Peace    A front, yes, but they have raised some ideas that are interesting, like prison rape and dad's rights. There is no good MRA movement right now, and I hate all of the ones that exist right now.
16:36    Skunkrocker    I don't find it uncomfortable, it's fucking stupid!
16:36    AngriestIBM    The man I interrupted in irc was talking over me
16:36    KikiMofo    Also erasmus I figured out the second part
16:36    AngriestIBM    in irc, a format where you can just read my words anyway
16:36    Peace    Hufflaw: I did.
16:36    popecrunch    the millions who would rather talk about the size of kim kardashian's ass then the size of a military budget
16:36    Readster    ok that's cool Skunkrocker
16:36    HeadSurgeon    hufflaw: seriously though
16:36    Skunkrocker    MRAs vs Feminists, yeah that's really going to fix shit
16:36    Erasmus    Actually popecrunch, that's quite a good point/
16:36    Readster    usually when people don't like a conversation they just don't participate
16:36    Readster    or is this irc your entire life
16:36    Hufflaw    Peace this is an argument over the definitions of words, all of us agree so this will mainly be about how we want to name it.
16:36    Erasmus    When these discussions come up
16:36    Skunkrocker    Let's talk about misogynists and people actually fighting for their fucking rights that get shit on every day by "activists"
16:36    Peace    Hufflaw: The thing is, Male Feminism is very, very new, and people don't know what it is about yet.
16:36    Erasmus    People often try to steer away form them
16:36    Skunkrocker    FUCK YOU
16:36    HeadSurgeon    of it was something entire crew to a crisp
16:37    Skunkrocker    GET THE FUCK OUT
16:37    boot_error    Readster: this IRC only drives my will to LIVE
16:37    Skunkrocker    YOU MOTHER FUCKER
16:37    HeadSurgeon    also skinny peice of future past and a half, mate
16:37    Readster    right
16:37    Readster    well
16:37    Readster    I can see somebody has some issues
16:37    butt    I can see somebutt has some issues
16:37    popecrunch    people who are more concerned that the burger on the dollar menu is now $1.09 then the fact that there are millions of people in these united states who couldn't afford it at either price
16:37    boot_error    Readster: like right now, my will to live has never been higher
16:37    HeadSurgeon    $1 screwdriver from an alternate timelime
16:37    Erasmus    Can someone explain what MRAs are?
16:37    Dabir    jesus fucking christ you drama-manufacturing assholes
16:37    popecrunch    okay i'm about to abuse my strudel here
16:37        *** Dabir left #goonstation (Leaving)
16:37    Peace    Hufflaw, stop that. I have to keep correcting you because you keep telling _me_ what _I_ believe in. I can explain myself just fine.
16:37    boot_error    Readster: I have to live to see what the hell happens now.
16:37    popecrunch    i am sure someone will yell at me later how this is admin abuse but fuck it
16:37    Skunkrocker    You have no idea anything about me dude
16:37    popecrunch    i have stopped caring
16:37        --- popecrunch has banned *!*
16:37    Erasmus    An KikiMofo, which bit did you figure out?
16:37    boot_error    Skunkrocker: thanks for exploding yourself.
16:38    KikiMofo    The coil. I thought coils meant wires
16:38    Peace    This is not semantics.
16:38    Readster    aw man I was gunna do that
16:38    Erasmus    Heh
16:38        *** Skunkrocker was kicked by popecrunch (Please do not come back unless you have ceased being a massive anus.)
16:38        !!! You have been kicked from #goonstation
Extra Information: None, there's the log, have fun.
Hey you forgot some bits, let me just help you out here.

That link is literally the entire IRC log from the point at which I joined the conversation, to the point of your ban. In it, the bits you left out were:
- You jumping into a conversation in progress, and then whining because I didn't go out of my way to address you specifically, which I am in no way obligated to do for anyone
- You hollering that a conversation in progress, which had multiple people participating in it, was 'going nowhere'
- You freaking COMPLETELY out and allcaps screaming about how everyone should fuck off or whatever
- You being told multiple times, by multiple people, to please stop telling people to shut up because they were having a conversation you did not like

Also, your IRC ban was even lifted a short while ago because we generally don't permaban people from IRC. So given the fact that you were being a colossal anus, got asked nicely to stop being a colossal anus, continued to be a colossal anus, got asked not so nicely to stop being a colossal anus, continued to be a colossal anus, and are somehow surprised that you were temporarily banned from the IRC channel for being a colossal anus - what's this complaint about again?

edit to add: you also accused me of starting the Big Shitty MRA Debate, which I would rather shit a fully decorated christmas tree stump-first than ever do, and then when asked to provide even a single word from what I had said of starting or contributing to it in any way, you backed off with a vague whimper that as near as I could tell, meant that you were upset that i didn't go out of my way to distance myself from a conversation I wasn't having, while deeply entrenched in the conversation i WAS having. I'm honestly curious as to what you expected of me, since you seem to think I am somehow responsible for all conversations at once, and am assumed to be a part of and an endorser of unless I specifically say otherwise.
First off dude you don't know me. I don't sit in an IRC room and harp about how much "activism" I'm a part of, I go out and I do it because it needs to be done and I do it for the right reasons. Not for attention or glamour or fame or fortune like you apparently feel the need to do. But further more that particular conversation was going fucking nowhere. The debate of MRAs vs Feminists always ends exactly the same. You supported that particular conversation despite Haine and I's objections and look what happened, Hufflaw got into a pissing contest with Peace over it. You supported his argument even. You're a fucking misogynistic prick, you shouldn't be a fucking admin here, go fuck yourself. Go back to gamergate, asshole.
also if the basis of your complaint is that the fact that i said i do not like you is somehow going to translate to you being treated poorly ingame, fear not, i do not have admin access to the game because i retired from it, because i realized that i wasn't actively adminning and hadn't done so for Quite Some Time due to not having time for it. So we're back to 'what's this complaint about again?'

edit to add: you mean the mra/feminist debate which i absolutely was not participating in, had not addressed, invoked, mentioned, or involved myself in in any way, shape, or form? That one?

Also I mentioned my activism because someone asked me about it. Sometimes, people are curious about each other, and ask questions, and those questions are answered. This is what conversations are, people have them all the time. Not all conversations are interesting to everybody, and that's fine, because the nature of IRC means that multiple conversations can happen simultaneously without them preventing each other from happening. I still challenge you to find even one syllable I said that supported That Whole Thing. You weren't able to find one the first time I asked you, and you're not going to be able to find one now, because I very carefully do not involve myself in that conversation, because I think the whole debate is fucking stupid. People shouldn't be assholes to each other, the end. Somehow this, or perhaps the fact that I don't go out of my way to force myself into conversations I am not a part of, means I'm a gamergate misogynist? I think I'm going to need a visual aid to get my brain around this one.

Also, for what it's worth, Peace got shitcanned from IRC about a minute and a half after you did, so there's that.

edit to add: I am apparently a liar, and probably a misogynist or perhaps an animal abuser, it was sevenish minutes. I will arrange to have myself flogged in the public square for this grievous offense against chronology.
A complaint about an admin on the IRC would be valid if there was any kind of abuse of power or some such nonsense going on, however I would not say that is the case here. You were being obnoxious and screaming for attention like some kind of ignored middle child, and were kicked for the sanity of everyone.
See the thing is that after I asked people to not start the mras vs feminists argument and they decided that, well, that's what they were gunna talk about, I wandered off and left them to it rather than getting into it with them. I coulda stuck around and yelled at people and gotten all cranky about people talking about the thing, but instead I let them have their very bad argument and got toast instead. People are gunna talk about dumb shit if they're so determined and it ain't against the already loose rules of the IRC channel to talk about stuff like that (it was still a dumb thing to argue about in spaceman fartsim irc chat though imo).

that is the haine opinion in full on this topic now I am going back to staying out of this and trying to not be sick again thank you and please be well my friends
Upgrading this to include Wire and possibly BlackrayJack, I don't know if he's an admin or not

17:09        *** BlackrayJack joined #wcwrevenge
17:09        *** BlackrayJack left #wcwrevenge
17:15        *** Wire|Work joined #wcwrevenge
17:15    Wire|Work    adminvasion
17:16    CaptainYesterday    Who are you?
17:16        Wire|Work shrugs
17:16        *** Wire|Work left #wcwrevenge (BYE)
Context for that, that chatroom is specifically for people in an SA forums game thread not related to SS13, they're not part of the game so why are they coming in there?
Were they turds in there? You seem to be complaining about a guy joining a channel and then leaving the channel.

I'm.... really, REALLY not sure what's got you so upset here.
Oh no we joined your super special channel as a joke oh nooooo
You have no business joining that channel other than to harass me.
Okay realtalk here.

You're flipping out because a guy joined your channel and left without saying literally anything, and another guy joined and then left after someone asked who he was.

This isn't harassment. This is you having a bruised ego and trying very, very hard to manufacture a way for you to be the victim.

Please, PLEASE think about maybe stepping back from the keyboard for a little while, and try to understand that.
Quote:<BlackrayJack> I was more curious about the channel then why skunkrocker was in it
This complaint is getting a bit off track here. The original complaint doesn't really hold any water since you were kicked for a pretty legitimate reason (obnoxiously trying to prevent other people from talking about things they wanted to talk about) and quite honestly you acted like a bit of a child about the whole thing.

As for the IRC channel thing, we really aren't in the habit of telling each other that we aren't allowed to go join IRC channels if we want, and since I would hardly class what they did as harassment I don't really think they need a scolding for it.
popecrunch Wrote:You're flipping out because a guy joined your channel and left without saying literally anything, and another guy joined and then left after someone asked who he was.

1. You going to tell me that BlackrayJack was just skimming the channel list and joined literally the only other IRC channel I'm in on Syn out of curiosity? Bullshit, he joined it because I was in it, anything else is a lie.
2. The other guy didn't just join and leave. He also posted something.
Quote:17:15 Wire|Work adminvasion
Why post that? He said it was a joke. How is that a joke? That's not a joke.

And don't fucking talk to me about egos, buddy, you spent almost an entire hour on your soapbox preaching to everyone about how much of an activist you are.

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