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Space Aviary
I would like to have a larger diversity of birds in the game. They should be placed into a larger aviary, which could be placed on of off station, together with the owls. Crew members should be able to visit the birds and bask in their cuteness. A bird food vending machine would be nice, so we could feed the birds or lead them to their death.

I think this would be a nice gimmick and expansion to the owlery, which is just a changeling hive nowadays.
I also started making bird sprites, which could be used in the aviary, but there are still more to come. ... k.dmi?dl=0
I think it would be kinda silly if there was a false wall with an owl suit and maybe a zip gun added. Owl man needs a secret hideout. Plus I just like the gimmick admins used to do where they would hide stuff behind walls inside maps. I like the idea of a full on Owlry spin off too, although I think Cogman's Cartograph II already has a Owlery.
There's already a hidden wall in the owl room. aardvarko It just doesn't go anywhere exciting.

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