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atmospherics at mining magnet break repeatedly
for whatever reason that i haven't determined something causes the ore at the mining magnet to become superheated and then burn and melt everything that isn't bolted down as far away as the catwalks in front of the station entrance

the only thing i know is that it always happens when using a mineral accumulator and that it causes insane atmospheric readings


Pressure: -45192.2 kPa
Nitrogen: 78%
Oxygen: 21%
CO2: 0%
Temperature: -1.99034e+07°C

Pressure: -nan kPa
Nitrogen: 62%
Oxygen: 44%
CO2: -7%
Temperature: -nan°C

please fix it its making mining magnet randomly unusable and completely incinerates all ore that has been harvested and is not already in a fabricator or reclaimer
How the hell does this even happen? How does the mineral accumulator even impact atmos at all???
i don't know. if there's some ore that gives off heat for some reason maybe accumulating a lot of it into the same tile adjacent to the accumulator causes it to do whacko stuff?
The mining magnet is apparently a nuclear reactor.
Attach the mining magnet to a heater for the hot loop. x2 power produced.
I've witnessed this first hand. There seems to be a bug in the atmos code which is causes extremely miniscule amounts of gas to skyrocket to extraordinarily high temperatures when they come into contact with heat. At least that's my best guess.

I remember me and another player made a sauna using a space heater in a very low pressure environment. Shit was catching fire at random from this crummy little heater running at 40 degrees celsius or something. Once I introduced more oxygen it stopped. Psy-yi-yi
Mofleaker Wrote:I remember me and another player made a sauna using a space heater in a very low pressure environment. Shit was catching fire at random from this crummy little heater running at 40 degrees celsius or something. Once I introduced more oxygen it stopped. Psy-yi-yi

Goddamn, from one space heater? I ran an experiment once by filling a 10x10 aired room with space heaters and it barely even made my character feel warm when amped up.
But why would an accumulator generate heat?
i have no idea if it's the accumulator itself or some side effect of the accumulator that causes bizzaro atmospheric things to happen. it could be that the accumulator's tendency to pull flaming ore onto other flaming ore and spread fire everywhere exacerbates the original issue

my guess at this point is that mining certain rock tiles causes the atmospherics to wig out on that tile and quickly spread to the surrounding tiles

i've noticed that there are occasionally tiles that are impossible to mine even with a hardness of zero - they play the sound and give you no message about it being too hard, but just refuse to submit to concussive gauntlets, mining charges, or power hammers, so it stands to reason that other tiles could be leaving behind bugged atmospherics
The threatening effigy begins to radiate cold air!
Ryback Uhgoobagoo burns the artifact with the weldingtool!
Not welding anymore.
The welding helmet catches on fire!
The weldingtool catches on fire!
The welding helmet catches on fire!
The power hammer catches on fire!

dunno if this helps. the air being radiated was hot, not cold. the text was wrong
Looks like the artifact was venting cold air into space (pretty much zero degrees0 and the temperature wrapped around to inferno or something.
Rhydic Wrote:The threatening effigy begins to radiate cold air!
Ryback Uhgoobagoo burns the artifact with the weldingtool!
Not welding anymore.
The welding helmet catches on fire!
The weldingtool catches on fire!
The welding helmet catches on fire!
The power hammer catches on fire!

dunno if this helps. the air being radiated was hot, not cold. the text was wrong
I had an artifact that did this a few rounds ago and, left in Artlab by itself, caused that room to heat up a good deal as well. Not enough to catch basic shit on fire, but over 80C at least.
I too have had ore all get sucked into one spot, and for some reason the -rocks- always seem to spontaneously combust. I just kind of sit and stare like "Well shit. Science really has gone too far."
This is actually due to the gas code's realistic simulation of high vacuum behavior. ... lity_event

Quote:The possibility that we are living in a false vacuum has never been a cheering one to contemplate. Vacuum decay is the ultimate ecological catastrophe; in the new vacuum there are new constants of nature; after vacuum decay, not only is life as we know it impossible, so is chemistry as we know it. However, one could always draw stoic comfort from the possibility that perhaps in the course of time the new vacuum would sustain, if not life as we know it, at least some structures capable of knowing joy. This possibility has now been eliminated.
I've also had rocks and/or ores spontaneously combust -- starting anywhere on a pulled asteroid (including many tiles away from the magnet), and with no artifacts, charges, or other apparent stimuli. At least once it happened after I had sat idle on the asteroid for about a minute, so there hadn't been recent asteroid hits from any laser drill / conc gauntlet / etc.

I believe it's happened to me four times over the course of as many months. It's been so sporadic, so bewildering, that I can't format it as a bug report. I wouldn't even know where to begin.

I'd never heard anyone else mention this sort of problem before I found this thread; I thought maybe I was just nuts. Maybe I really do need to capture video whenever I play, so I can stop being tortured by ephemera.

Or I could just go with what atomicthumbs posted. That sounds about right.

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