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allow auditory headsets to use different channels
this would be really handy for people with the deaf trait since even if you take mutadone it just re-deafens you

like how there are different headsets for each job, it should be possible to make an auditory headset for each job as well
ID swipe to activate channels might work, but then custom access from HOP gets confusing unless those channels are set to certain rooms. Like security for sec channel, medbay for medbay channel, and bridge for command channel, etc.

On a bonus note: that would allow Deaf people to steal IDs and use them to switch channels on the fly.
Having auditory headsets for each job/able to use different channels would just make normal headsets redundant - everyone will be grabbing a pair so that explosions won't affect their hearing.
I think that's a niche enough problem it shouldn't be a major concern - only the ultra-powergamey people would do it, and it's not like having access to private channels besides sec is an especially notable advantage. It would be far more practical for everyone to e.g. grab a toolbelt and insulated gloves every round and yet you don't see everyone doing it.
I think it's fine the way it is.

The only downside to wearing the auditory headset is it's lack of dept. channels. The deafness trait itself is only bad if you get your headset disabled or removed, and that is a rarity. It may be annoying, but you have to earn your points somewhere. I mean, any change to headsets outside of adding frequencies will likely require more coding than expected. It's just a tad low in the pecking order of problems. If it's to be considered a problem at all.
I say make it so every department has their own Audioty headset for their job. Like a sec version, med version and so on and so forth. I think that would be the best change if one was going to take place. God knows I hate playing sec and being deaf only to get a Auditory headset. It makes talking with other officers across the station and I would have to resort to hunting them down to see what's up to using PDA messages (which I harder use cause I feel it's a chores)

What do you guys think about job specific Auditory Headsets?
Ed Venture Wrote:It makes talking with other officers across the station a pain and I would have to resort to hunting them down to see what's up to using PDA messages (which I harder use cause I feel it's a chores)

What do you guys think about job specific Auditory Headsets?
Forgot some words in that sentence my bad.
Suggestion that may work for everybody.

Cochlear implants: Have to be put in via surgery, but don't take up an ear slot.

In order to make head surgery less complicated, I suggest a surgical drill to go along side the scalpal and bonesaw.

Drill to head > implant

The cochlear implant just being inserted to the head with the implanter could work, but it seems way less of a challenge then having some roboticist sit there with a drill trying to make a careful incision and control blood loss.

Ideally a doctor may just give someone the auditory headset, unless they're in a specialized role where they need an extra radio channel. That's where the cochlear implant comes in.

Also adding a drill would let people do bone/brain/etc surgery that doesn't involve just cutting.
whack your current headset onto the auditory headset to copy settings and presets
If auditory headsets are allowed supplementary channels I suggest deafness be changed to a 0 point trait.
Currently headsets can be scredrived and wires cut. I suggest that similar to how health scanners can be moduled, allow channels to be module linked into chips inside the heads. You could then pick up chips for different channels, stored in their respective departments, screwdrive the headset, snip the wire, weld the place the chip, weld it in, mend the wire, screwdrive the headset. Add some interesting opportunities for listening in as well for nondeaf people.
bumping this because its super annoying as mechanic/mining/engine/cargo jobs, and as nuke ops
I mean... deafness is easily cured unless you have it as a trait. If your headset is as good as a regular one out of the box then what's the downside?
Downside is if you lose your headset you are deaf. It's not hard to not use the channels, just use public radio, or PDA messages, its just annoying
(06-24-2015, 04:26 AM)Zafhset Wrote: Having auditory headsets for each job/able to use different channels would just make normal headsets redundant - everyone will be grabbing a pair so that explosions won't affect their hearing.

The only job I can see a problem with is security; everyone else can just deal with it. Or choose another trait.
I think nukeops automatically get their headsets tuned to a syndicate frequency. If that's the case with auditory headsets then everything is a-ok.

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