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Erev Wrote:I'm taking a very 'wait and see' outlook to all this. It'll be different, more MMOish so less chance of adding in/modding the crazy we know and love. Also the creator is that guy that dropped the DayZ standalone, leaving it in development hell. I'm glad that someone is doing it but... wait and see.

Yea, same. It wouldn't be the first time someone announced a project as 'the spiritual successor to SS13!!!' either. Maybe I'm just bitter, but I'll start cheering when I see some progress. It's still impressive what they did with DayZ, but that standalone is still very much in progress. Fingers crossed!
I dunno, I'm still pretty new to this community, so that cynicism has yet to start taking hold. Consequentially, I'm approaching this with optimism, though tempered with realism because, yeah, this may be shit. But maybe it won't be shit, I dunno. Guess we'll have to see.
There's a load of questions being asked on the subreddit for the game

It doesn't seem to be relying on SS13 too much, however it seems way too ambitious.
Conor12 Wrote:
Vitatroll Wrote:He honked in front of the crowd.

I need to see this.

Around 2:35
Yes hello this game that will never see the light of day in any non-horrible way.
cont. because im stupid: it's way too ambitious, Rocket's only real merit has been another zombie game that was a mod of another game, and to be honest, i don't think anything can really be like ss13 as we know it, it's either too professional or too shitty or just doesn't have the charm.

Also him honking made me cringe and want to stab somethin.
who keeps giving this guy money
This looks like its going to be another Centration, except without the possibility of it going opensource.
I'm a little offended that people paid for Centration. Everything about it looked really shitty. And not in the intriguing ss13 kind of way.

If that made money, I unfortunately don't doubt Ion is going to be successful.
Vitatroll Wrote:Seriously though, I don't expect much. DayZ? Doesn't that make him a modder? A modder is not a game developer.

you have no idea what rocket is capable of
Splatpope Wrote:you have no idea what rocket is capable of
What? Hyping a game to incredible levels, updating it once a year and then abandoning it claiming it "isn't a perfect multiplayer experience"?

I wouldn't touch this game with a ten foot pole unless I saw something to prove he wont pull another DayZ.

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