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Mobs Don't Respond To Character on Forklift
Steps to Proc:
1. Get on forklift.
2. Travel to another area through telescience. I went to the Void.
3. Do NOT ever get off the forklift.
4. Drive around, mobs will not attack you or even realize your presence until you exit the forklift.
Also getting onto the forklift after getting off of it will cause the enemies to attack and kill you on the forklift, so it only works if you never get off of it in the first place.
This is how critters work. They can only see you in containers if they were already chasing you when you got inside it. Test it out with Beepsky - hide in a locker/disposal chute/pod while he's not chasing you and he'll pass you by. Get inside while he's chasing your ass and he'll happily beat you into submission.
I noticed this happened too when you used the Voltron and then turned it off.
Breaking News Developing... You can't outrun a radio. Breaking News Developing...
Okay, this still feels like a bug to me, because of the fact that I stepped off the forklift, got back on, and then drove around and was suddenly being attacked by one of those black mist ghost things in the Void who wasn't chasing me before and hadn't seen me without being on the forklift. Also, that means that if Beepsky is chasing you, and doesn't see you get into the forklift/disposals/whatever he can still know you're there even if he didn't see it. That's not a feature. A feature would be if Beepsky didn't see you enter it and then pass by you unknowing.
Oh transposed particle fields care not for vehicles, as they can still get ya inside them. They can see you no matter what, and are also far more aggressive than beepsky.
Okay, but they didn't see me before that. See? It is a bug, and I'm not an idiot.
I never said you were, I get that they didn't see you, and that part is legit. If they did see you you will get eaten by one even in a vehicle. v
Critters think you're part of the vehicle and do not give a darn about you as a result.
When you get off they realize their error and try to get you.
They'll also stop chasing you if you hide in a vehicle or locker or something while you're outside a decent distance from them.

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