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Mechanics rework: Get your ideas in now
Hey people!
I was planning on reworking the mechanics component stuff a bit now that we've (i) learned from it.
When i say "rework" i really mean "rewrite". From the ground up.
One of the most important changes i want to make is to give each component several inputs and outputs.
I'll also probably re-do the way you connect things to make this all a bit easier to work with.

I do want to keep what currently makes the system fun and interesting.

So with all that being said, now is the time to throw your ideas and wishes at me.
I still got a few other things i need to finished before i start this, so you'll have plenty of time.

Want a new kind of component (i already have a list of stuff people wanted from the suggestions forum etc.)? Tell me.
Want something to be changed? Don't like the way something works? Do like the way something works and want to make sure it doesn't change?
Tell me!
Make a device for connecting components instead of a multitool. This way people with multitools couldn't ruin your creations. Give the CE one too so that traitor mechanics aren't unstoppable with their creations.

Could pressure pads react to objects thrown on them? If not, how about a sensor that detects anything flung through it (thrown objects, bullets and lasers, etc.)? Like a hoop or something?
If gun components continue to exist, it'd be neat if they were compatible with flamethrowers.

A keypad component like the safes have would be cool.

A pitcher component would also be nice, like the one in artifact research.

It would also be neat if that thing that was mentioned not-so-long ago about mounting pod weapons on a turret or something was implemented as a mechanic's component, however that might actually currently be in the works already by whoever mentioned it.
I've had a couple ideas that have been knocking around for a while. Basically, what if examining a component without a multitool just told you what it did, but with a multitool it gave you a full readout of its settings? And what if you could set a string on a multitool, click a component, pick an input for that component and it would send that string into that input? So you don't have to leave buttons lying around everywhere to test things. Also, a keypad component? Like the ones on safes and pod locks. Ooh, and some component that handles files so you can do more things with the wired network? Thanks.
Some kind of mechanical component, something which was able to move whatever was on top of it in the direction faced. For example, if you had an input for direction, and another for the tiles moved then hopefully it wouldn't be impossible to have a setup like so -

Have a handscanner on a wall. If the person is registered, then a wall segment would slide out of the way (Something akin to the way a blob can shift tiles of itself for moving reagent deposits). If it did not match, then it could move a wall behind the person, move a turret to face them, and fire several shots of a taser. Something like that would be great fun for more mechanically minded people like me.
There's one component I found myself wanting for: a "toggle-allow" circuit. Basically, if input A is active, any signal from input B is redirected to the output. It'd come in helpful for making toggle-capable equipement - say, a teleporter to my jazz club that I can lock or unlock with a hand scanner toggling a toggle component.

Additionally, having a dedicated item for setting up mechanic components would be good, and it would be especially good if that was an inbuilt PDA functionality alongside an independent device - you need to have (or at least it would be nice to have) some way to prevent random assistants from just disconnecting all your machinery.
Counter: Sends a signal after receiving so many inputs. The amount it requires to trigger can be set to any number.
May be a bit of the wrong place, but perhaps some kind of component that accepts items and sends a signal when an item is inserted into it or scanned on it that it is keyed to. First use of an item on it would bind it to that item in much the same way the first scan of a card reader binds it to that ID. Basically, a way to set an item as a "key" to whatever setup you have.
I'd like to see a vending machine/dispenser component with a customizable inventory.
The ability for components to keep their connections after they have been wrenched up, and the ability to reset either some, or all of the connections to a component.
Sliding servo: A component that looks like a sliding wall but can be triggered to move. There would be three downsides to this so that mechanics couldn't build infinite walls.
1. It would be very weak, almost as weak as metal foam. Breaking it simply un-wrenches it from the floor.
2. It would not show a "you try to push the wall, but nothing happens" when clicked. With some trial and error you could easily find these, or:
3. They are really loud. Just listen for them if all else fails.

Assembly Component: Attach any assembly to this component and it will trigger said assembly when signaled. Assemblies would include remote signalers, igniters, timers, and all of their connected assemblies as well (timer/igniter, remote/timer, etc) and anything else that can be connected to these parts. Mostly for use by traitors to booby-trap rooms and such. Fill a room with plasma and place a component with a igniter in it! Make a door active a component with a remote signaler to trigger a bomb! Spam bikehorn/remote components everywhere which are activated by pressure sensors that are also spammed everywhere!
The ability to put a variety of components into a kind of integrated circuit grid, so we can build portable and compact creations with the mechanics system that still need a bit of effort and knowledge to set up. Perhaps for simplicitys sake there could be a designated input and output side for these devices, too.
At the very least, there needs to be a way to build devices in a much more compact and non-obvious fashion. As it is, anything that's more than a little complex will take up a fuckload of space. Make the soldering iron the tool used to secure and tinker with these devices, but also make it so that they can be made from hacked fabricators or purchased from some source so that a sufficiently motivated person can undo traps and such without having to murder a mechanic.

Pure blue-sky stuff here, but I'd love to see more devices in the game actually work off mechanics stuff, particularly if the above suggestion of a compact components grid/IC board make it in. So doors might have in-game logic that works like this:

An ID scanner input component takes the ID number, and pulls their permissions from the ID server. If it matches the desired permissions, then hit the open wire, and start a clock for it to close again. Otherwise, pulse the lights wire.

From there, a clever mechanic could add any number of things, ranging from the harmless (like something that sends a signal when a door opens, much like the attach signallers function works now), to the devious (payment input device requests 10 credits before it'll move to the opening logic), and outright dastardly (hit the shock wire if a certain set of permissions, such as those from staff assistants, are detected). If we assume some kind of integrated circuit is used, then the vend-o-mats and tech storage could have a whole bunch of backup boards that can be put back in place by crew that are wise to any fuckery and care enough to fully reset a broken door.

Likewise, the vending machines could be built from mechanics components in a certain configuration. For the sake of convenience, ruckengenur kits continue to work as they do now, producing completed products instead of unconfigured ones.

I know that it sounds complicated as hell, but the idea of bringing these, well, mechanics into the rest of the game is really quite cool. Plus, leaving the tools for it kind-of still available leaves it open for all kinds of fun usage from the rest of the crew from time to time.
It'd be nice if Mechanics stuff worked on doors other than public-access doors in some way, so you don't have to rely on flushers to make ID scan/payment station schemes work.
You can interact with those doors via wifi.

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