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Wraith command bug?
This definitely seems a bit odd.

Quote:Sundance Feely has been hit by the crate.
Sundance Feely has been hit by the crate.
Sundance Feely has been hit by the crate.
Sundance Feely's Sundance Feely's right arm flies off in a bloody arc!
Sundance Feely screams!
Sundance Feely has been hit by the crate.
Sundance Feely has been hit by the crate.

This was from the same crate, and this is a snippet from the chatbox ,so all of these are one after another.

Getting hit with one crate will bring your health from green to orange. I got hit with the same crate 5 times and went into crit, immediate heart attack and despite medical treatment, dead in 15 seconds afterwards. You see how this is a problem.
I was hit by a crate by a wraith. I was at full health. It was an instant kill due to getting hit about twenty times.
This happens with mass drivers and graviton accelerators too.

It's more an issue with crates themselves than wraiths.

But regardless, I kind of like it for wraiths. Gives them a situational way to kill people.
Noah Buttes Wrote:This happens with mass drivers and graviton accelerators too.

It's more an issue with crates themselves than wraiths.

But regardless, I kind of like it for wraiths. Gives them a situational way to kill people.

Is this recent? Because crates have been tweaked recently..

Also you can still launch stuff at people, a wraith at full power can launch heavy objects and inflict massive damage. But this wraith wasn't at full power it was just one crate. That's not particularly fair, and the entire crux of wraith is that it's situational seen as it's the environment. That and it's not exactly situational there are a ton of heavy objects around the station that do the job at hurdling.
I think this is an issue with thrown things that spin. A pen in a pie will put down like ten pieces of graffiti if you throw it at a wall. I think what's happening is it's doing the thing every frame until the spin animation returns to normal.
This is not a recent issue and it's an issue with everything that has enough throwforce to act like a meteor and is dense at the same time. The exact intersection of these two things are: crates.

If this becomes a problem it will be fixed.
Marquesas Wrote:This is not a recent issue and it's an issue with everything that has enough throwforce to act like a meteor and is dense at the same time. The exact intersection of these two things are: crates.

If this becomes a problem it will be fixed.

Let's try not to turn this into a problem then.
I got obliterated by a wraith today with a crate. I don't even know if it was intentional because crates are common enough that there are a couple in almost every room of the station. Count me among the people who would like to see this fixed.
Would fixing this interfere with rapidly ordered crates obliterating the random QM who wanders into the belt line? Because that's a traditional safety hazard that I would hate to see go due to this.
Zafhset Wrote:Would fixing this interfere with rapidly ordered crates obliterating the random QM who wanders into the belt line? Because that's a traditional safety hazard that I would hate to see go due to this.

I'm not a coder, but the way I see it, yes.
Noah Buttes Wrote:
Zafhset Wrote:Would fixing this interfere with rapidly ordered crates obliterating the random QM who wanders into the belt line? Because that's a traditional safety hazard that I would hate to see go due to this.

I'm not a coder, but the way I see it, yes.


As for Grayshift's concerns, yes, crates are fairly common. Dropped items are also common. You have no control over what Command picks up.

If you keep complaining about it I'll reduce the chance for crates to be picked up. Please don't take this as an invitation to do so. I will, however, never remove this completely, so staying in a room with a crate and no items is a good way to get shat on.

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