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Access Denied sound for doors.
Here's a sound for doors with restrictions.

It is just a link. For an idea. Maybe.
Hrm. Something like this could be nice as a sort of doorbell type thing for when you want to get someone's attention in the room.
Frank_Stein Wrote:Hrm. Something like this could be nice as a sort of doorbell type thing for when you want to get someone's attention in the room.

It could also turn the clown into a one man band featuring vuvuzela, bike horn, squeaky shoes, and doorbell. Hmmm....
Those who have long awaited playing ding dong ditch can rejoice. v
Have doors make a boop, and maybe message the AI's PDA.
Please do not do that, the last thing I need as an AI is to have chat rendered completely useless because some jokester welded a door shut and then stuck a graviton accelerator and a monkey in front of it.
Access denied would be annoying. a doorbell though? that's a good idea.
I wouldn't mind being able to attach a bicycle horn to the door activate wire.
Anticheese Wrote:I wouldn't mind being able to attach a bicycle horn to the door activate wire.

Now that's an idea. You should also be able to use the dramatic bike horn or a vuvuzela.
Roomba Wrote:Please do not do that, the last thing I need as an AI is to have chat rendered completely useless because some jokester welded a door shut and then stuck a graviton accelerator and a monkey in front of it.
If that happened you could just turn off your PDA's messaging until they stopped. Or admin help it.

I mean, as it is now you can spam the AI with paper held in front of a camera, or just normal PDA messages. This really would be any different.
This is cool. Bike horns/instruments being able to be attached sounds awesome as well.

PDA messaging the AI would go too far. Even without some jackass mechanic setting up a monkey trap, there's enough assistants naturally bumping into doors to drive you insane. If someone's trying to get through a door they want they'll yell over the radio, I don't need the AI on my ass every time I barely miss sneaking into a department through maint.
Frank_Stein Wrote:Hrm. Something like this could be nice as a sort of doorbell type thing for when you want to get someone's attention in the room.

Now that you mention it a UI door bell button that could pop up near doors would be cool if it wasn't too hard to implement. Of course it might lead to people ding dong ditching.

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