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Let's make the station more maintenance intensive!
For the love of god

do not give engineers more things that need to be set up or maintained.

Half the time the engine is never even set up, nor the solars by anyone but the AI.

Engineers need toys not pointless busywork that only scrubs too lazy to scrounge an oxygen tank care about
Ali0en Wrote:For the love of god

do not give engineers more things that need to be set up or maintained.

Ah yes, because the laundry list of things that engineers need to set up or maintain is too much.

Let's go through that list:


Ali0en Wrote:Half the time the engine is never even set up, nor the solars by anyone but the AI.


Are you even reading the thread dude? Stop shitposting. Maybe give some feedback on why you don't want the station more maintenance intensive rather than (literally) screaming about how it's terrible.
Ali0en Wrote:For the love of god

do not give engineers more things that need to be set up or maintained.

Half the time the engine is never even set up, nor the solars by anyone but the AI.

That's really stupid. Please give an actual reason that hasn't already been countered. Making big text doesn't make your argument any less shit, fuck off with that. Make a real, educated argument to not have this implemented.

The engine has already been explained by multiple people as a bad example. Even then using an example is a weak argument, especially when it can easily be countered by the fact that people fix bomb breaches all the time.

Pointless busy work? You're right, they already have so much to do. Set the engine up, fix the station... oh wait, no, that's two things, and the first one isn't even a big necessity with solars, so arguably the girth of engineering is fixing the station. So what's fixing the station getting in the way of? Fixing the station? Real good job, 10/10 point.

So your last sentence seems to imply you'd rather have something implemented for engineering where you can give the station special boosts for setting something up or whatever. Guess what? This thread isn't about that. This idea coming into existence wouldn't consume those ideas or remove the from the realm of possibility. If you want one of those ideas to happen, go support one instead of trying to shit up this one.
IT IS SIMPLE. Just have more regular, but very small and unnannouced debris impacting the station. It'd also add a great rng element. Unexpected space debris bashes into you and you are sent flying off into space.or unexpected space debris collides with shoal of plasma spores.
Nobody fixes anything unless someone who cares enough to go and get wires or some shit halfway across the station goes and gets them, this wouldn't work out and would get annoying.
I have nothing further to comment except read my posts, Dyssal. That and hmans. Giving engineers more shit to ignore or need to do is a bad idea if it's not a new ENGINE system.
Ali0en Wrote:I have nothing further to comment except read my posts, Dyssal. That and hmans.
lol fuck off, you're not even reading the other posts yourself. Try harder.
Ali0en Wrote:Giving engineers more shit to ignore or need to do is a bad idea if it's not a new ENGINE system.
As stated earlier engineers have literally nothing to do since the engine is useless. Giving them stuff to do is a good thing, idle hands are the syndicate's playthings.
thehman03 Wrote:Nobody fixes anything unless someone who cares enough to go and get wires or some shit halfway across the station goes and gets them, this wouldn't work out and would get annoying.
People very often will fix things. If you think that people are going to just up and log off because the power went out in chem you're dead wrong. They'll yell at the engineers, who are hopefully doing the single task they're responsible for (fixing things) and if they're not they'll try to fix it themselves.

Gee whiz, this was already adressed! Let me read the thread for you:
DyssalC Wrote:Also, guess what, people do fix the station.
Have you ever joined late in the round and walked through an area with walls in strange places and exposed floor tiles? That's because somebody just fixed a macrobomb explosion. People fixing damaged parts of the station happens quite frequently. Plenty of people care about maintenance. Maybe you don't, but that's not important so long as others do, and yes, others do.

If you're going to continue threadshitting I urge you to put a minimal amount of effort in. I hope that's not too much to ask. smile
What is the issue that needs resolving?

The fact that engineers either have nothing to fix half the time and this weakens the perceived role of the engineer, resulting in stuff not getting fixed by engineers even when it needs fixing.

How to resolve?

Random equipment etc failing around station to create work for engineers?( this is what is being suggested)

This wouldn't work and would be frustrating. Not a fun way to use rng. Not obvious enough.

what needs to happen is more PvE induced station damage.

Singluar Micrometeors or space debris creating small holes in the station.

Steel worms that bore through the ships hull and start eating up metal items.

Some kind of leech critter that latches onto apcs and sucks power from it. You can kill them easily enough, but it leaves the apc broken and in need of repair.
Quick heads up for you.

salix_catus Wrote:Random equipment etc failing around station to create work for engineers?( this is what is being suggested)
Is exactly the same as this:
salix_catus Wrote:Singluar Micrometeors or space debris creating small holes in the station.
Steel worms that bore through the ships hull and start eating up metal items.
Some kind of leech critter that latches onto apcs and sucks power from it. You can kill them easily enough, but it leaves the apc broken and in need of repair.
There is no difference between an APC randomly breaking and a leech critter randomly appearing and breaking an APC. There is also no difference between windows randomly cracking and micrometeors randomly breaking windows.

If you want to suggest things for the PvE thread (It's your thread, dude) go there instead!
Walrus Wrote:There is no difference between an APC randomly breaking and a leech critter randomly appearing and breaking an APC. There is also no difference between windows randomly cracking and micrometeors randomly breaking windows.
I beg to differ. Coding equipment and structures to include a chance of randomly breaking is not the same as adding external enviromental factors that may damage the station and may be stopped by the crew before the damage even occurs.

One is invisible rng magic. The other is visible rocks and critters.
thehman03 Wrote:Nobody fixes anything unless someone who cares enough to go and get wires or some shit halfway across the station goes and gets them, this wouldn't work out and would get annoying.
People very often will fix things. If you think that people are going to just up and log off because the power went out in chem you're dead wrong. They'll yell at the engineers, who are hopefully doing the single task they're responsible for (fixing things) and if they're not they'll try to fix it themselves.

The reason the solars start auto-hotwired is precisely because this doesn't actually happen, though. Reality has proven that if no engineers join a round, then all medsci will do when power starts dying is yell at the engineers to start up the engine, and when that proves ineffective, they call the shuttle and come on the forums to whine about how unfair it is that their round was ruined because someone else had the nerve to not do their job. In case you can't tell from my tone here, I'm of the opinion that they were whiny babies who need to suck it up, grab a blue toolbox, and jury-rig their own power - yes, even in small games, it's not that hard. Obviously some people disagreed though, since the solars were changed to render the engine entirely pointless in response to those kinds of complaints.

In any case, it's not like engineering was really that interesting before. Even when the engine was necessary, you spent five minutes setting it up and then you didn't really have anything to do for the rest of the round. Even if a mad bomber runs around blowing things up, fixing the holes was generally left to a construction borg, who can fix them far faster without needing to juggle nearly as many supplies, and minor holes are usually patched by anyone who wants to use that department badly enough to scrounge up a bit of metal. Personally, I like the holes lately - people are a lot less likely to bother you or interfere with your work in a depressurized room.

Besides, let's be honest. People don't play scientist to cook up more medical chems for the doctors. People don't play genetics to clone people or distribute cool mutations to the crew. People don't play mechanic to help safeguard critical station infrastructure. No one plays miner to supply the station with ores. They play those jobs for the fun toys that they make for themselves personally. And nobody bitches at those jobs if they don't do those things. The only toys engineers have are spacesuits and yellow gloves, and they get those right at the start so there's really no benefit to them for doing their job. So why should they?
Remove the solar hotwire imo.
Spy_Guy Wrote:Remove the solar hotwire imo.

I agree.

Give the engineers a purpose again besides the fixing the station (which they never do anyway).

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