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Let's make the station more maintenance intensive!
It'd be kind of neat if, during a round, random bits of the station infrastructure could break down. Wires could short out/break in random places, APCs could abruptly shut down/burn out/drain excessive amounts of power, windows could randomly crack and require replacement, lights burn out, that sort of thing. Nothing that can't be fixed in just a minute if someone actually notices and decides to do something about it.

Nanotrasen didn't spend a lot of money on the crew, what makes you think they did on the station?
This would be good. Such things were discussed here, among with other random events: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=4950
More variety is always a good thing.
No one will fix any of this. If the engine goes down, it's a luxury for someone to even attempt to repair it. People are breaking windows left and right. No one cares about maintenance. This would be great on an RP server.
Eh, people will patch things up if it gets to the point where it severely interferes with their work. That said I don't especially think this would add much to the game either, the station already deteriorates quite swiftly as it is.
Ali0en Wrote:f the engine goes down, it's a luxury for someone to even attempt to repair it.
It's a luxury for the engine to even be running nowadays with the solar hotwiring.
Ali0en Wrote:No one will fix any of this. If the engine goes down, it's a luxury for someone to even attempt to repair it. People are breaking windows left and right. No one cares about maintenance. This would be great on an RP server.
I believe they mean the exterior windows, ones that lead to space, the ones that are important to fix lest you lose your precious oxygen.

Also, guess what, people do fix the station. The engine is a 100% different situation entirely, it's a terrible example to use. The engine requires some know-how (yes I know it's on the wiki, guess what's also on the wiki? All sorts of other shit people don't know) and it requires engineering access.

Have you ever joined late in the round and walked through an area with walls in strange places and exposed floor tiles? That's because somebody just fixed a macrobomb explosion. People fixing damaged parts of the station happens quite frequently. Plenty of people care about maintenance. Maybe you don't, but that's not important so long as others do, and yes, others do.
I've been a barman attempting to keep trespassers out of the bar by replacing windows. To the point that someone would break a window and I'd respond by shooting them with the riot shotgun after they broke windows repeatedly knowing that I was trying to keep bar looking somewhat tidy.

On that note if I see a hole in the floor in one of the hallways I'm usually willing to plug the hole, just because floor holes are annoying.

I think the engine is the only component that people aren't willing to do themselves just because if you do it the "easy" way, people aren't impressed because you're not generating deadly amounts of electrical current, and if you do it wrong you just broke the engine and there's no way to fix it.

Meanwhile one round I just opted to charge batteries in research and then just hack all the research APCs for quick battery swaps. I don't think the battery charger draws APC power a whole lot given how fast it charges batteries.
The engine's not a good example because fixing it is usually impossible; when it's broken, it's almost always also on fire, big time, to the point where only borgs can survive.

There could be warning signs of stuff breaking down, like sparks flying from wires/an APC, or a floor tile shuddering in place, or alarming cracking noises coming from a window, or a light flickering. These would also appear in the chat box for people nearby as well, to make them harder to miss.
I'd love for there to be more things to fix but there needs to be more states for stuff other than "this is fine" and "welp this is fucked". Some more things to go wrong would be nice as well, like more comprehensive atmos network, vents, or maybe some plumbing.
This is a cool idea. Nothing ever goes wrong without someone being behind it. Now you can frame Joe Q. Pubbie for breaking your APC because you saw him hanging around maint earlier!

Ali0en Wrote:If the engine goes down, it's a luxury for someone to even attempt to repair it.
That's because the station can operate independently from the engine (which is completely stupid in it's own way), why would anyone need to fix it if there is no benefit? If the power goes out in genetics/science/sec etc., they will fix it.
Ali0en Wrote:No one will fix any of this. People are breaking windows left and right. No one cares about maintenance. This would be great on an RP server.
Windows never need to be fixed unless it's a hull breach and there's a vacuum pulling air out, and in that case people will fix it. You can't claim to speak for everyone else just because you don't like the idea.
While I agree that this would be great, the reason that the solars start auto-hotwired now is precisely because people whined about station maintenance needs getting in the way of their science or whatever. As it turns out, if power goes out in chem, the scientists there won't go start the engine, or go hotwire/setup the solars, or replace the power cell in their APC, or yell at the AI to fiddle with the power, or even pack a crowbar after the big Engine Not Started announcement gets sent out. They'll just call the shuttle and whine away the remaining thirteen minutes while hoping some poor sap gets stuck with engineering duty next round.
Paineframe Wrote:While I agree that this would be great, the reason that the solars start auto-hotwired now is precisely because people whined about station maintenance needs getting in the way of their science or whatever. As it turns out, if power goes out in chem, the scientists there won't go start the engine, or go hotwire/setup the solars, or replace the power cell in their APC, or yell at the AI to fiddle with the power, or even pack a crowbar after the big Engine Not Started announcement gets sent out. They'll just call the shuttle and whine away the remaining thirteen minutes while hoping some poor sap gets stuck with engineering duty next round.

the flip side of this is unless someone goes bomb crazy there usually is very little to do as an engineer after the engine is set up besides attempt to get the engine to run at dangerously high levels. there is nothing for engineering to do if the antags are being sneaky.
other codebases have an event where like 90% of the station's lights break and no one fixes it and it makes everyone want to kill themselves
Engineers need something more to do than the engine in its current form. While a hellburn can require babysitting there is also a safe engine setup that takes 3 minutes and requires refueling only once. A either need more maitenence issues to fix, some sort of power routing game, or just to be rolled into mechanics (I mean look at all the toys science has as a single job!)
Engineers have insulated gloves, toolbelts, spacesuits, and huge stacks of metal, glass, rods, and wiring. They can fix anything, anywhere.

Basically give engineers jetpacks instead of air tanks with their spacesuits.

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