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There should be an anthesis to Macho man
I was thinking something along the lines of someone who has lots of gadgets and hacking ability. so no actual strength or abilities just raw nerdiness.
So a parody of steve urkel?
salix_catus Wrote:I was thinking something along the lines of someone who has lots of gadgets and hacking ability. so no actual strength or abilities just raw nerdiness.

atomic1fire Wrote:So a parody of steve urkel?

I just want to mention here the time he turned himself into Bruce Lee with science.

Now that I think about it, an anti-thesis to the Macho Man doesn't have to be a nerd. The role of weak-nerd is filled by the crew when compared to the Macho Man. To determine the anti-thesis to the Macho Man, we must think of what the Macho Man is.The question is asking for the most un-macho thing there is. I will say this, I have no idea what that would be.

It uguus.
I don't think we should be looking for an "antithesis" to macho man so much as a RIVAL to macho man. Someone of equivalent power, but with a different thematic element or way of using those powers. Maybe they could be the "heel" to macho man's "face"?
Ultimate Warrior?
I still don't get the macho = good, nerd = bad thing. Please can someone explain why nerdiness is seen as a bad thing and machoness a good thing? If it's a joke it's kinda got old real quick. It has the effect of feeling like you are playing with playground macho jerk jocks.
salix_catus Wrote:I still don't get the macho = good, nerd = bad thing. Please can someone explain why nerdiness is seen as a bad thing and machoness a good thing? If it's a joke it's kinda got old real quick. It has the effect of feeling like you are playing with playground macho jerk jocks.
I wasn't aware that was a thing, just people throwing nerd around. Also I'm pretty sure that's the intended effect, but at the same time it's a joke in a spaceman fart game. I mean you can't put too much thought into something so tame.
I am kinda suprised no one said this but what about the clown?

When a clown comes into sight of someone with Machoman powers he becomes Doink the clown

Doink even has Cluwne colors. He's perfect.
i've had an idea for a blob-esque station event for mixed rounds called wrestlemania where macho man/other wrestlers (let's get a hulk hogan) are spawned with the intention of defeating the other wrestlers (but told not to worry about collateral damage). this could be a nice contestant

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