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Projectiles hitting people on the ground.
Some few months ago lasers and the like (excluding tasers) started hitting people on the ground instead of flying over them. I, for one, find this to be an unpleasant change, because it seems that lasers in particular will always hit dudes on the ground. I have no problem with being able to hit people on the ground, but it's weird that the corpses Baddy Eville XII The Rampager leaves behind serve as flawless cover from Crappe X The Savior's lasers. I suggest making it so that in order to hit prone individuals you have to click their sprite directly.
This was not changed by much. In fact, I believe lasers still have a chance of going over prone bodies, just like every other projectile, lasers just hit prone bodies more often. This mechanic has not been noticeably different even with the projectile code changing recently, and I've played this game for a year and a half or more.

That said, being able to single out a target with a laser gun should be possible. Lasers are supposed to be pretty precise, right? Unless we're going by Star Wars rules.
Houka Wrote:This was not changed by much. In fact, I believe lasers still have a chance of going over prone bodies, just like every other projectile, lasers just hit prone bodies more often. This mechanic has not been noticeably different even with the projectile code changing recently, and I've played this game for a year and a half or more.

That said, being able to single out a target with a laser gun should be possible. Lasers are supposed to be pretty precise, right? Unless we're going by Star Wars rules.

Thing is that once upon a blob round, I was trying to laser the blob's nucleus in a pod. Pod's have no limit as to how many lasers they can fire so naturally I kept firing at the nucleus. Despite my flurry of laser fire the blob was protected by a miner's corpse without a single laser making it past.
In pod weapon cases, they pretty much always hit prone bodies, and they always have. I remember that being a thing, and I remember it being used on me a few times, and exploited by people when they're escaping and a pod is harassing the Escape Wing.
This is weird cause a couple days ago I was trying to shoot someone while they were on the floor and my shots kept going over them so I had to run up and shoot them point blank. But I've also seen in the past that sometimes me shots would hit people on the floor.

Please make precise lasers a thing.
How does it make any sense whatsoever that you hit a dead guy on the ground when you're aiming for an alive guy standing up a solid five feet above the dead guy.

Unless all Nanotrasen employees are trained under the same school as Imperial Stormtroopers, this probably shouldn't happen. Laser guns don't even have any sort of recoil due to lasers not having any mass, so you can't use that reasoning either.
Not just yesterday there was a wizard we were trying to kill, lasers firing off everywhere, wizard fires a fireball over a man laying on the floor, already hurt from a magic missile.

In a counter attack lasers get fired at the wizard behind the man laying on the ground, all of them hit the guy on the floor, despite not aiming for him and he subsequently dies.

Shooting at people on the floor should only be possible by intent harm and standing 1 tile from them in my opinion.

Or simply only if you aim at them, if you're aiming at a tile behind them they should fly over.
The fact that people are painfully unmindful of their surroundings is not a change. Nothing changed here at all -- there are some plans but at a later date.

Quote:Unless all Nanotrasen employees are trained under the same school as Imperial Stormtroopers, this probably shouldn't happen. Laser guns don't even have any sort of recoil due to lasers not having any mass, so you can't use that reasoning either.

NT employees are not actually weapons trained though, only security personnel.
Pod guns are fairly low down on the machine, right? So that makes sense.
Explosions too. You should take less damage from explosions if you are on the ground. Ducking for cover should be a thing. OR. Imagine you suddenly see a pipebomb on the ground and you jump on to it and explode but save other people.

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