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Clown Car doesn't always knock people over
When driving the clown car and trying to hit someone it sometimes acts like you're trying to walk into someone with an intent other than help. They can easily push you back without being knocked over for some reason. I don't know how to reproduce this in any way other than simply driving around in a clown car until it happens, just one of those random things.

It really ruins the already terrible clown car experience, especially when you get it in a surplus crate.
it happens with segways too
I think this has to do with the game knocking you down if the car bumps you and not if you bump it. The problem I see here is if making it so that bumping the car knocks you down you'll be getting knocked down regardless of the car's direction. There is the possibility that I'm dumb and there's a way to have the game check the car's direction before determining if you'll get knocked down.
This might not be it, but when you drive the Clown Car or Segway, you don't need to hold the keys to move, it will go on its own. With Segways, I'm pretty sure by letting it coast into a person it will just harmlessly bump into them, the same may apply to Clown Cars.
DyssalC Wrote:This might not be it, but when you drive the Clown Car or Segway, you don't need to hold the keys to move, it will go on its own. With Segways, I'm pretty sure by letting it coast into a person it will just harmlessly bump into them, the same may apply to Clown Cars.

I've noticed this happening pretty often and this seems like a good guess at what the problem is.
DyssalC Wrote:This might not be it, but when you drive the Clown Car or Segway, you don't need to hold the keys to move, it will go on its own. With Segways, I'm pretty sure by letting it coast into a person it will just harmlessly bump into them, the same may apply to Clown Cars.

I haven't driven the clown car for awhile, but I don't remember coasting into people and it not working. I was definitely trying to push them and they were pushing me back. It could be if you initiate contact with someone through coasting, you can't knock them over but I don't know jack about the code.

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