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Door slamming is something I do not see enough of.
You can chuck a person at a door and if their ID is eligible then the door will open. This is super handy if someone is downed and you need to make a quick escape from a enclosed area, or you're trying to clone a head, you can just chuck him at doors to unlock em.

Alot of high quality minerals can be bought from the martian trader, steal corpses money and make your way over there so you can get some neat upgrades for borgs if the miners are not doing their job.

You can split your sales if you are a QM by swiping your ID on the barcode machine, that way you can make a profit yourself, last I checked.

An artifact that chimes upon brute force will almost always be activated if you chuck a pipebomb at it. Infact, most artifacts have what seems to be a "activation" threshold, in which it will activate once it reaches a certain point or over, which is why a pipebomb is very effective for activation. Make sure you scan its structural integrity beforehand, otherwise you may just destroy the artifact.

You can sell gold ingots to bombini, if you are a merchant or if you start with a gold bar in your bag for a whopping 35k each. The one thing they dont accept however is "fake" gold, the kind made via genetics. Which makes sense really.

If you open up your pda window, and then put it in your pocket/belt, you can use it as if it was in your hand, but also if you are stunned. Fine a person while they are stripping you. Honk incessantly. This also works for wizard teleportation scrolls, and is probably why 50% of nooby wizards die is because they haven't figured out this trick for saving their hide and teleporting back to wizard shuttle.
Sundance Wrote:Door slamming is something I do not see enough of.
You can chuck a person at a door and if their ID is eligible then the door will open. This is super handy if someone is downed and you need to make a quick escape from a enclosed area, or you're trying to clone a head, you can just chuck him at doors to unlock em.

Alot of high quality minerals can be bought from the martian trader, steal corpses money and make your way over there so you can get some neat upgrades for borgs if the miners are not doing their job.

You can split your sales if you are a QM by swiping your ID on the barcode machine, that way you can make a profit yourself, last I checked.

An artifact that chimes upon brute force will almost always be activated if you chuck a pipebomb at it. Infact, most artifacts have what seems to be a "activation" threshold, in which it will activate once it reaches a certain point or over, which is why a pipebomb is very effective for activation. Make sure you scan its structural integrity beforehand, otherwise you may just destroy the artifact.

You can sell gold ingots to bombini, if you are a merchant or if you start with a gold bar in your bag for a whopping 35k each. The one thing they dont accept however is "fake" gold, the kind made via genetics. Which makes sense really.

If you open up your pda window, and then put it in your pocket/belt, you can use it as if it was in your hand, but also if you are stunned. Fine a person while they are stripping you. Honk incessantly. This also works for wizard teleportation scrolls, and is probably why 50% of nooby wizards die is because they haven't figured out this trick for saving their hide and teleporting back to wizard shuttle.

This works for the all mighty teleport spell too (Every wizard should get this spell, the quick access to the listening post/wizard shuttle is a life saver)
Oh and one for the road:

It can be quite obvious if a player has committed suicide by their medical scan.
For example if a player has held their breath, they'll get a massive (like 300+ or something) oxygen damage.
If a player has stabbed themselves in the eye or a similar manner, they'll get like 300 brute damage.

Check those stats and compare them with other health values and you'll notice stuff doesn't add up. For example if someone was beaten to death, chances are they'll have significantly less brute damage, but also oxygen and possibly brain damage. However a person who has committed suicide by brute force, they'll have a massive amount of brute damage, but no other signs of anything else.

This is super handy if sec and you're trying to find cause of death, but also handy if you're a doc/geneticist are you're trying to prioritize cloning in a chaotic round.
The mail system sends items in a clockwise direction around the station. This is relevant if you're either using a syndicate mailman suit or mailing bombs.

For example: If you try to mail yourself to sec from crew quarters, which is north of sec, you'll have to go around the entire station before you land in sec. If you mail yourself from research, which is south of sec, you'll be taken straight to sec.

With the mailman suit, as the round goes on breaches in the mail pipes tend to occur, so you'll want to position yourself to avoid these.

If you're mailing bombs, this is extremely important if you are using timers for your bombs. It also helps to make sure you don't cut off your further bomb targets by avoiding bombing the nearest one first.
If you have any explosives that fit in backpacks/boxes, put them in one and arm it (or use signaler) THEN throw it. People won't react as quickly to somebody throwing a box into a room compared to a blatant bomb. This obviously doesn't work with tank transfer bombs.
On explosives, hide tank transfers inside a container with either a proximity sensor or signaller. With a signaller plant 5 bombs in lockers or trash bins then blow them up.

Once a tank transfer bomb is open, it will explode, even if closed or taken apart.
- In addition to a full toolbelt, you need head of staff access to unlock the AI's interface and steal its processor. Sounds obvious, but I didn't know till I tried.

- You can get past portable flashers by walking.

- Large beakers fit in the medical toolbelt.

- You can replace your PDA's flashlight module with a stronger one

- These can be bought from the cartyparty vending machine near QM. There is also a free module on the station that is easy to find

- The stealth storage item for traitors will fit in your pocket! Make sure it's disguised as something that should fit in a pocket, or a competent security search will spot it.

I know a lot of this info is on the wiki, but I've seen people that didn't know these things. Including myself, in the AI processor's case.
Lost Generation SA Wrote:- Large beakers fit in the medical toolbelt.
They also fit in pockets!
Because the captain starts with two IDs (The Default and the The Spare), they can place two authorizations for launching the shuttle early.

Also, a general tip: Carry stuff in your starting internals box. Things that conveniently fit in these boxes: Money, Your PDA, ID cards, Handheld Teleporter, Tranq Ammo, Nuclear Authentication Disks (Though I keep mine in the Spare ID box), flashes (I think), Igniters, and so on.
Lost Generation SA Wrote:...I know a lot of this info is on the wiki, but I've seen people that didn't know these things. Including myself, in the AI processor's case.
regarding this part
if the AI decides to lock itself out by using the blast shields that are around it, you can disable the power to the APC and crowbar the doors open.
Time to share some Quik Chemistry Tipz

Chem machines can save and autocraft chemical concoctions if you insert an ID and type them in.

This is awesome as the alternative is the Chemicompiler, which sucks.

Here's some things to note, however:

1) You can't repeat the same chemical twice in the same recipe, and attempting to do so will result in the repeated chem being inserted only once.
2) Putting too many chems in one line of commands risks unpredictability, as all the chemicals are inserted at the same time, so you might end up making something you don't want by mistake.
3) If the above occurs, split the command in half and unsure you get what you want.
4) Only things in the machine can be inserted, which, very sadly, excludes welding fuel, one of the most commonly used reagents in chemistry.
5) There is no limit to the amount of chems that can be inserted at a time, but attempting to insert more than what the beaker can hold results in the excess being voided entirely.
6) The machine cannot heat the beaker, you must do this manually.
7) The machine has only one insertion setting: 10 units.
8) Due to the above, manual manipulation of the mixes may be required to ensure they don't fuck up or overflow.
9) While it is usually advised to just remove the excess that is frequently created by mixing more complicated chems, sometimes it's possible to save it and use it later in the making of another chem.
10) Ejecting the ID makes the commands you make public to everyone, while keeping your ID in makes it so they are only available when your ID is in the machine.

Touch chems often work well in spray bottles.

Cryosaline freezes people solid when sprayed onto them, and makes ice floors over tiles it travels on.

Phlosiston, xhlorine triflouride, and napalm light people the fuck up when sprayed onto them.

Due to the way burn damage is calculated, making someone very cold while they're on fire makes the fire do MASSIVE damage.

Also people who break out of cryosaline cubes are slowed to fuck, so hitting them again is laughably easy.

When sprayed, very hot chems have a seemingly random chance to chew clear through the station's floor.

Phlosiston and chlorine triflouride are fire chems with a rather low chance of this happening.

Things like welding fuel, thermite, plasma, and napalm all have a rather high chance to eat the floor, and usage of them is unadvised.

As crazy as it sounds, by putting both cryosaline and an on-touch burning chem in a bottle, you can freeze someone in a block of ice while they burn, completely incapable of putting themselves out until they break out, which can take several seconds.
If Beepsky/any securitron is shut down then reactivated in front of a prisoner, it begins the arrest routine all over again, starting by stunning the prisoner. If you want to be an absolutely colossal dick to someone who's under arrest as an AI/borg, keep turning off Beepsky and turning it on again before it finishes putting the handcuffs on to stunlock the dude.

Although it's probably best not to overdo this unless your laws allow you to cause harm to said person.
Roomba Wrote:If Beepsky/any securitron is shut down then reactivated in front of a prisoner, it begins the arrest routine all over again, starting by stunning the prisoner. If you want to be an absolutely colossal dick to someone who's under arrest as an AI/borg, keep turning off Beepsky and turning it on again before it finishes putting the handcuffs on to stunlock the dude.

Although it's probably best not to overdo this unless your laws allow you to cause harm to said person.
As a more general note, you can remotely disable/activate any tiny robots (Securitrons, medbots, etc.) as an AI and probably also as a cyborg! Extremely useful when dealing with emagged robots, or also for TRANSPORT of emagged robots if you're working with someone nefarious.

As an AI, if someone's trying to use the killswitch to shut you down, not only can you actually turn the thing off yourself (this doesn't turn the killswitch off for cyborgs, though, just for you!) but as long as you have the computer window up, you can disable it whenever you like. Yes, even if they've cut the cameras. And yes, even if they've cut the power. Don't try using the killswitch to shut down an AI. If the AI is competent, it will never work out.

Another tip: If you start hearing consistent, rhythmic taser blasts, it probably means someone's in the AI upload and isn't being too quick about shutting off the turrets. As the AI itself, you can also detect intruders through disproportionately loud noises that don't correspond with what you see on your cameras (for example, gunshot noises when you're not looking at anyone with guns) or non-radio chatter. You can then click the Disable Camera View button in your commands tab to automatically get your viewpoint back to your core, or you can click on your own name in the chat to start tracking yourself on the cameras.
Oh, another really good AI tip that I just remembered: You know those intercoms along the walls? Click on them, set the frequency to 144.7, disable the speakers, and activate the microphone to automatically receive anything spoken near that intercom. Rinse and repeat the process across several station intercoms to expand your sphere of hearing and become one step closer to total Orwellian perfection!
VictorMAngoStein Wrote:Remember that the command for custom emotes is *customv If you're wearing a mask and someone else's ID, instead of wasting crystals on a voice changer, use custom emotes to mime what you want to say (i.e. to ask for bee eggs I'd use "*customv points to the QM console, then flaps his arms and buzzes.")

Note that using *customv or *customh as substitutes for talking, ex. *customv says "I'm the legit captain." or *customv that jerk got me with perfluoro is liable to cause spontaneous gibbing syndrome and is definitely adminhelpable if used to circumvent not being able to talk.

For example:

*customv it' s a heart attack, Hank Traitorson got me with initro Really fucking bad, don't do this

*customv mimes "It's a heart attack, Hank Traitorson got me with initro" Impressive miming skills there, chap, fuck you (also bad)

*customv frantically clutches at his chest. Good.

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