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allow the floor health scanner in medbay to open the doors
if you are at a certain percentage of health

so if you're at less than half or at around a quarter, then, it should open the doors for you automatically
No way. Maybe send a PDA alert to all the doctors, though.
Nah. Maybe it could make a notice for medbay though.

I want a health scanner mechanics component now...
yea a PDA message would be good. at the moment there really is not a reason for medical doctors to keep their PDA's on them with the upgraded med scanners being a thing.
I can only imagine injured people stepping on and stepping off of the scanner just to upset the doctors.

Maybe a flashing light ?
Add a siren to medbay that activates every time someone is critical in the lobby. Of course, it can be hacked to avoid alerting people to murder or if a doc finds it too annoying.
Floor health scanners are bogus.
They're rarely used. Why? Because ProDocs are better in every way other than detail.

I was thinking of a way of tying in medical records to this and here's what I harebrained from ideas of my own and this thread:

Why don't you move the floor health scanners to the very front of the medical foyer? That's right beside the hallway. Anytime anyone crosses the scanners, it will update the medical history on the record. Kinda like automatically checking into the docs. If someone passes by in deep orange health or lower, it will pda message "MEDICAL EMERGENCY" to all doctors. It won't do this if the person is dead, however it will update the records accordingly as deceased.
This will mean that medical records are literally updated as soon as someone so far as steps into medical, and that makes sense, as this would be what it is like in a real hospital anyway.
  • Move floor health scanner to be in front of doors.
  • Floor health scanner alerts medical staff via PDA.
  • Floor health scanner stores medical information.
  • Another health scanner add-on - one that lets you store and view medical records.
  • Health monitor implants alert medical staff via PDA if someone is in deep red/crit.
salix_catus Wrote:So...
  • Move floor health scanner to be in front of doors.
  • Floor health scanner alerts medical staff via PDA.
  • Floor health scanner stores medical information.
  • Another health scanner add-on - one that lets you store and view medical records.
  • Health monitor implants alert medical staff via PDA if someone is in deep red/crit.

I like all of these, I feel like health monitoring would be a really cool way of making doctors busy and organised. Better emergency dispatches. More co-ordination with doctors.
I personally think the last one is a bit unbalanced though.

Unbalanced Scenario:
Medic Mcgee: [159.2]"AI, the captain is in trouble locate the captain"
pAIn: [159.2] "The captain is currently being strangled to death by operative/changling/vampire. I have bolted his assailant in"

It would make being an antag near impossible, and everyone would want an implant because it would raise their survivability by a significant factor. You may argue that it requires a doc to be there, but it's just too easy imo.

Instead, one of these suggestions may be more balanced:
1. Make it state a medical emergency and location, but not the name. This would make it harder to co-ordinate with the AI, and you wouldn't be able to tell if it's the valiant hos you implanted or the somewhat less valiant staff assistant that helped himself to an implanter. After all you're a doc and all life is equal.. right?

2. Let it state the name, but not the location, on the medical computer. This way you'd be a doc analyzing shit in the pharmacy, you could basically act as a medic control, stating who's in trouble on the med radio, and you'd get a good view of traffic coming in.
Sundance Wrote:I like all of these, I feel like health monitoring would be a really cool way of making doctors busy and organised. Better emergency dispatches. More co-ordination with doctors.
I personally think the last one is a bit unbalanced though.

Unbalanced Scenario:
Medic Mcgee: [159.2]"AI, the captain is in trouble locate the captain"
pAIn: [159.2] "The captain is currently being strangled to death by operative/changling/vampire. I have bolted his assailant in"

It would make being an antag near impossible, and everyone would want an implant because it would raise their survivability by a significant factor. You may argue that it requires a doc to be there, but it's just too easy imo.

Instead, one of these suggestions may be more balanced:
1. Make it state a medical emergency and location, but not the name. This would make it harder to co-ordinate with the AI, and you wouldn't be able to tell if it's the valiant hos you implanted or the somewhat less valiant staff assistant that helped himself to an implanter. After all you're a doc and all life is equal.. right?

2. Let it state the name, but not the location, on the medical computer. This way you'd be a doc analyzing shit in the pharmacy, you could basically act as a medic control, stating who's in trouble on the med radio, and you'd get a good view of traffic coming in.

Location only is probably best, it would make actually playing EMT easier. plus you could use it to set traps, for example inject it into a monkey and shoot it does death then put an motion sensor pipebomb hidden near it to bomb the first responders.
Dr_Bee Wrote:
Sundance Wrote:I like all of these, I feel like health monitoring would be a really cool way of making doctors busy and organised. Better emergency dispatches. More co-ordination with doctors.
I personally think the last one is a bit unbalanced though.

Unbalanced Scenario:
Medic Mcgee: [159.2]"AI, the captain is in trouble locate the captain"
pAIn: [159.2] "The captain is currently being strangled to death by operative/changling/vampire. I have bolted his assailant in"

It would make being an antag near impossible, and everyone would want an implant because it would raise their survivability by a significant factor. You may argue that it requires a doc to be there, but it's just too easy imo.

Instead, one of these suggestions may be more balanced:
1. Make it state a medical emergency and location, but not the name. This would make it harder to co-ordinate with the AI, and you wouldn't be able to tell if it's the valiant hos you implanted or the somewhat less valiant staff assistant that helped himself to an implanter. After all you're a doc and all life is equal.. right?

2. Let it state the name, but not the location, on the medical computer. This way you'd be a doc analyzing shit in the pharmacy, you could basically act as a medic control, stating who's in trouble on the med radio, and you'd get a good view of traffic coming in.

Location only is probably best, it would make actually playing EMT easier. plus you could use it to set traps, for example inject it into a monkey and shoot it does death then put an motion sensor pipebomb hidden near it to bomb the first responders.

I wasn't even thinking about nefarious situations, that's rather brilliant.
Honestly, the floor medical scanner is fundamentally useless, simply because it's based on a Medbay concept that the players just will not follow no matter what: the idea of patients sitting patiently in the waiting room while a doctor passes the appropriate medications to them through the pharmacy window. The Medbay foyer is clearly designed to enable this idea, but it's never going to work, because patients always go straight for Medbay itself, and doctors rarely sit around in the pharmacy as a result. The waiting room might as well be dead space because nobody uses it, ever.
Paineframe Wrote:Honestly, the floor medical scanner is fundamentally useless, simply because it's based on a Medbay concept that the players just will not follow no matter what: the idea of patients sitting patiently in the waiting room while a doctor passes the appropriate medications to them through the pharmacy window. The Medbay foyer is clearly designed to enable this idea, but it's never going to work, because patients always go straight for Medbay itself, and doctors rarely sit around in the pharmacy as a result. The waiting room might as well be dead space because nobody uses it, ever.

thats mostly because doctors have basically no way to enforce waiting room protocol. the only people with any way to disable people to toss them out on their asses are the MD and roboticists.
or maybe doctors should begin trying to do their job seriously and start looking after the nearly dead people in front of the medbay
Its really too bad those floor scanners never get used. I thought they were pretty cool.

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