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Escape shuttle decompression via building = Bad
Of all the ways to accidentally or "accidentally" kill someone, forcing decompression of the escape shuttle via building over the spot it arrives is a pretty awful thing to do, even if you are displaying your wire art or building god knows what. It requires you wear a space suit on the escape shuttle, and kills you through o2 loss and cold if you don't.
If this can't be fixed, can it at least be mentioned in the rules?
This is new to me.
This used to happen, and people would slap floor tiles down all over escape to make a literal ~space~ shuttle where there was no floor. It was fixed many months ago, but maybe something new brought it back?
Walrus Wrote:This used to happen, and people would slap floor tiles down all over escape to make a literal ~space~ shuttle where there was no floor. It was fixed many months ago, but maybe something new brought it back?
the floors no longer disappear but it's still without air
Sounds related to the RCD bug thing, unless that was fixed and I missed it.

Building walls with the RCD mysteriously causes rapid decompression adjacent tiles.
This bug exists and it is awful. Fill the shuttle space with floors and watch as the shuttle arrives with no air and no temperature, quickly freezing and suffocating all the escapees.

I've seen this as recently as a week or two ago, even. I chalk it up to atmos being an incomprehensible coil of venomous code snakes.
Also entirely the wrong area for this thread. This is a bug report thread.
Topic moved.

This issue is also new to me.
I think I recall noticing this bug after building with the blueprint machine in the escape area. The shuttle was then Icey Cold and free from that dangerously explosive gas Oxygen.
This happens constantly, I'm amazed this is the first thread about it, at least that I've seen.

I mean somebody even told me what causes it, I'm surprised admins didn't know.

Ya this is a real pain in the ass, because people love to build in the escape shuttle area. Would be nice if it didn't know this.
Building walls with just metal sheets (I did this with r walls) will also make places a cold airless hell. I just wanted to make an annoying maze but it ended up killing me and several others.
I once made a huge plasma light tube setup in the chapel, and the walls I put up removed all the atmos. A sad old frog
cgrn10 Wrote:Building walls with just metal sheets (I did this with r walls) will also make places a cold airless hell. I just wanted to make an annoying maze but it ended up killing me and several others.
Well that explains why that monkey I walled into the owlery to be pelted with pies that one time died of suffocation.
Grayshift Wrote:Sounds related to the RCD bug thing, unless that was fixed and I missed it.

Building walls with the RCD mysteriously causes rapid decompression adjacent tiles.
this isn't limited to the rcd. I once made an rwall and all of medbay turned to freezing cold airless space instantly
It seems to be specific to building walls in certain locations in rooms. Building one in one spot: Fine. Building in one spot over: Deadly.
It's almost like walls are blocking invisible air vents. And somehow prevent oxygen from reaching certain areas. The north side of mechanics is one such spot. Western wall in the main hallway south of research entrance is another (just above the vending machines). It's bizarre.

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