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Slippery Slidey Tables!
I am quite happy with how disposals work at the moment, and was thinking of more funny ideas for what could happen if things are thrown at other things. I came up with a couple of funny slapsticky usages for tables!

1. Tables should be really slippery!

You know how in movies, if you slide a drink or occasionally a dude in a rowdy bar fight across a counter, they'll slide across it like it was covered with an entire barrel of lube? We should have that! If you throw something, or are thrown onto a table, whatever is being thrown should slide wildly down the surface in whichever direction it originally went in, if that just means slipping onto the other side of a counter, so be it, but if it is a counter, you'll be tobogganing good fellow!

2. Table bowling!

Continuing on with the second idea, if there is anything smaller on the table than whatever is sliding, it should either be knocked off (less chaotic but kinda funny) or fly wildly like it was thrown by a mass driver in a random direction. (very dumb but hilarious, it should have a 1/10 chance of happening if it seems TOO unbalanced to you.) If it hits something the same size or larger it should stop in its tracks, and if one of the two things is glass, have a small chance to shatter.

3. Of course, link it in with the ridiculous physics we have going!

As previously touched upon briefly, if somebody is thrown on a table, either by segway, mass driver, or yadda eider, they should slide across it like a penguin downhill on an iceberg, taking damage from whatever they slide into and knock off like they had been attacked by an assistant wielding said thing, and then land face first on the other side of the table. If you want to be the actual devil, people who slip and bump into a table before falling down should have a chance to either summersault onto it and slide down, or get lucky and just hit there head before falling over like a doofus.
This idea brought to mind a traitor mechanic using a graviton accelerator to launch someone into a table, have them slide down a table covered in explosive tomatoes and land in a flusher which continues to another trap.

I would love to see wacky nonsense like this in the game, it looks like it could be fun! There's plenty of things in this game (wrestlers, shambling abominations, angry drugged-out staff assistants, segways, lubed floors) that can launch people across the room violently, and this could add to the chaos that creates.
Get an aggressive grab, drag that asshole down the row of tables as you break every glass and bottle in their way. BAR BRAWLIN' get in not go out
Just give the bartender a polishing cloth that they can use on the bar and other tables to make them slidey. Can also use on empty glasses for a random emote message about pointless glass cleaning.

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