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Make severed limbs bleed more
Right now, losing a limb or two (unless it's both your arms) honestly isn't that big a deal since all it takes is some brute and burn medicine to patch you up.
Losing a limb used to be pretty nasty in the bleeding department, but back then you didn't lose blood so much as it just gave you brute damage. Perhaps cauterizing wounds should be a thing again.
Most of the time you lose a limb, it is cauterized at the same time from the explosion IE pda bombs afaik, if its cut off during surgery im p. sure there will be bleeding
Speaking medically, amputations really don't bleed a lot. The human body is EXCELLENT at constricting the veins and arteries near the affected site, if it wasn't cauterized by something already. Even decapitations aren't messy until a few minutes after.

They should, however, cause massive shock.
Ali0en Wrote:Speaking medically, amputations really don't bleed a lot. The human body is EXCELLENT at constricting the veins and arteries near the affected site, if it wasn't cauterized by something already. Even decapitations aren't messy until a few minutes after.

They should, however, cause massive shock.
I remember hearing something like the former, yes. The veins that poke out of limb stumps actually curl back into the body in moments to preserve blood. There could be a set amount of immediate blood loss upon loss of a limb, but it shouldn't be continuous.

I also agree with the latter. Right now, losing a limb is almost comedically underwhelming; the problem lies more in the mobility issue and/or lack of grasping abilities, rather than in the fact that your limbs just flew off.
The mobility/lack of grasping thing is already a pretty hefty issue, especially when multiple people get caught in an explosion and all have to patch each other up.

If they do cause massive shock, I think saline-glucose solution ought to be a bit more common. Maybe have a couple extra large beakers of it lying around and have medborgs come with a reservoir.
I think there's already a pre-filled IV bag in medbay of saline. Any good medic will carry some. It not only treats shock, but it can also be used to increase blood volume temporarily and rinse out open wounds, eyes, keep intestines moist, etc.
If it does anything it should instantly cause circulatory shock, however this would make losing a limb have a chance to kill you. If this is changed losing a limb should be much less common. Explosions very easily de-limb and are very common.
Yeah, fuel pipe bombs probably shouldn't tear off limbs.
Amuys Wrote:Yeah, fuel pipe bombs probably shouldn't tear off limbs.

It might also be a good idea to "fix" or change Rathen's Secret so it doesn't remove limbs if removing limbs make you bleed.
Back when mining was it's own Z level, I had rounds where I had a arm or leg blown off... you would wake up after the shock "There is blood shooting out of your arm!" because your arm was gone. and it was now a stump. Then you took a welder and cauterized it for some burn damage. Needs to be a thing again.
Another thread brought up making severed limbs more dangerous, and it made me realize a particularly important problem in implementing this sort of system. The short version is that it would cause a major balancing shift to a significant portion of weapons. The more comprehensive explanation will be linked below to prevent redundancy.
I've noticed that when people start bleeding, they'll just stick a brute patch on it, cure the damage and cure the bleeding.

I don't think plasters or as Americans like to call it bandaids should cure bleeding.

It basically makes actual bandages pointless.
Jean-Luc_Picard Wrote:I've noticed that when people start bleeding, they'll just stick a brute patch on it, cure the damage and cure the bleeding.

I don't think plasters or as Americans like to call it bandaids should cure bleeding.

It basically makes actual bandages pointless.

brute patches only stop small amounts of bleeding, which makes sense considering they are large medicated gauze patches. bandages are super useful for carrying around as they are faster than a suture and easier to find. plus you can make yourself a mummy.

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