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Nimoy aka Mr. Spock memorial
As some of you may know, Leonard Nimoy (guy who played Spock in Star Trek series) died last day. He was somewhat iconic and important for SF nerds and space shit everywhere. I had a idea to make little memorial somewhere on the server/station in honor of him. It could be even monkey name or writing somewhere in telescience area.
I never watched star trek. What's so significant that he needs a memorial in my spacemans?
Ali0en Wrote:I never watched star trek. What's so significant that he needs a memorial in my spacemans?


The man's an international sci-fi and pop culture icon.
New telesci destination, that planet that Spock turns into at the end of one of the movies.
If there's a Spock Memorial maybe *salute could do the Vulcan salute and work like monologue in that area.
I wouldn't mind something subtle.

Ali0en Wrote:I never watched star trek. What's so significant that he needs a memorial in my spacemans?

A lot of old chemicals (eg. Inaprovaline, Synaptizine) were from Star Trek.
This is a logistic officer's uniform.

Wearing this may make you feel smarter, but you still look like a dork.
I still don't get why there aren't any star trek uniforms to be found in the game.
salix_catus Wrote:I still don't get why there aren't any star trek uniforms to be found in the game.

Why do you think security's jumpsuits are red?
How about a memorial to DeForest too? Can't commemorate Spock without his longtime friend McCoy. And Shatner's getting up there in years too, might as well get a memorial ready for him! Hell, why not dedicate a whole wing of the station to graves and memorials of people who starred in popular science fiction shows 50 years ago? We'd need the space, since most of them are in their seventies or eighties by now.

Okay, so I'm being absurd (and yes, somewhat disrespectful, for which I apologize) but you do see my point, right? It opens up a can of worms, and this game isn't really the place for that sort of thing anyway? Who wants to have a memorial to themselves placed in a game about farting on things?
I can't believe you left out James Doohan.
We need to get shatner to play ss13 before he dies imo.
Live Long and Prosper.

As you examine the bust you clearly see the letters S,C, and K but it seems age and nature has removed the middle writing. What could it say?

Stone Bust

[Image: GlPdjqy.png]

Colored Bust

[Image: T48JlVi.png]
My personal opinion is to leave something for this man in Sci-fi, even the littlest. Be it in one of the emails on the computers, in some spooky Z-level, notes, or just in some maintenance shaft behind a false wall. While I agree we shouldn't make dedications to every man in Sci-fi, or in general, I am sure Spock deserves it more than most. Also the fact there is tons of places to put a small little reference to him.
Soooo. Any adminery yes,no or at least 'fuck you nerd'?

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