Uh Oh, He's Apping HoS
Usual Character Name: Oar Dehrv / Old Dehrv
BYOND Username: Houka
Recommended by (if applicable): Ed Venture / Sundance
Times Available: Most days from about noon to whenever I pass out. (PST)

Reason for Application (300 word minimum):

Bob Ludwig says to me, "Are you HoS yet?"

Considering that I have a reputation of being an angry jerk, Bob's faith in me makes me feel even worse about everything I've done to deserve the bad rep. But he's even gone on to say that he's played Security with me and that I was a good security officer. God knows I've tried to avoid being a bad security officer, which is not as easy as it sounds for someone who is heavily tempted to brain every assistant shithead that bursts into security and starts paper fires.

I want the beret because I've played HoS a few times on Fridays as a mentor, and the experience has actually been quite fun a number of times. Unfortunately, this experience hasn't been easy all of the time. There was that one time an admin spoke to me about accusations of permabrigging and more than one incident of people claiming I was a shitty HoS, all when I was just trying to do my job. (Or I was a mindslave told to be shitty on purpose)

I don't promise miracles, or that I can clean up security. I just want to be able to play the Head of Security, because I desperately hate security officers that take things way too far, and I'd prefer to have the authority to manage these kinds of extremes from time to time. I'd like the ability to organize the crew against huge threats like rampagers, and to be able to ticket and arrest people, while wearing a funny-looking hat.

Security Experience (300 word minimum):

This is a hard one to explain. Being a security officer is incredibly difficult and often soul-crushing and demotivating. Dealing with antagonists fairly can be difficult, and not every security officer agrees on how to handle it. My general experience is that without traitors performing insane and mind-boggling crime, no one would actually have any interesting experiences on SS13 outside of absurd turbonerd contraptions and solarium runs, so my decisions for sentencing crimers tends toward the non-lethal.

From time to time, I've run into people who, once arrested, choose to use that as an excuse to smash up the brig, harass the officers and generally be a huge nuisance. I've tried very hard to manage these people, and it's not as easy as people seem to think it is. When you're an authority that's damned if you do and damned if you don't, which is how it feels sometimes, you start to lose a lot of sympathy for some players you hadn't paid attention to before, and start understanding where your own bad behavior is even worse than you thought it was.

Playing security as much as I have recently has inspired many rounds where I just don't pick fights anymore. Spawning in as a barman, I actually do my job. Spawning in as Head of Personnel, I might actually work with people more about giving them their jobs. I spent a very non-violent round as a Chaplain just playing like the chaos of the station horrified me.

Playing as a security officer has been enlightening. It has given me the chance to work with long-time players and it's given me the chance to show some of them that I'm not always an angry psychopath who would eat their face off the first chance I got. I want to play security because I like being able to handle traitors and other badguys that other crew can't, and I want to experience more deaths that are entirely about me wearing a red jumpsuit and a helmet (or stupid hat) at the wrong place and wrong time.

In your opinion, what are the flaws and benefits of the current security layout (brig, cells, security room etc):

The Brig
Those damn windows!!! The only thing that bugs me about Security at all is the fact that people that are brigged are constantly smashing the windows to get out instead of waiting out their timers. The benefits of the brig include things like: How easy it is to turn into a defensible location, how nicely designed it is in terms of aesthetics, and more. (Do I even need to mention that escapist bathroom?)

Solitary Confinement
Without tools, it is impossible to break out of this room. The only people who can escape from it now since the buggy door was removed are changelings, and only if they're left with something to break the windows with to escape into space. I think this part is just fine the way it is.

Security Proper
It is alarmingly easy to break into Security. There's a window that anyone with a toolbox can break through, and the path of Beepsky and the patrolling Guardbuddies takes them through the Security Lobby, opening it up to any jerk who wants to wander in and cause trouble. More than once I've seen people use this opportunity to fill the lobby with burning paper or tear up the floors or whatever else they decided was fun to do and troublesome for security to deal with.

Security Maintenance
The only flaw with this is the windows. Other than that, it can be described as TOO secure at times. Still, criminal heads use this space for their crime sometimes, because it's rarely checked. I know I've used it to space my victims when I decide to eat all of security as a Changeling.

Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will):

A ban roughly... a year ago? About shitty violent behavior. I've been told repeatedly that I've improved. A helpful admin showed me my notes recently and pretty much all of my notes are about me being kind of dumb and angry. For reference: (viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3514)

Haven't been banned since, but I have gotten some angry looks from admins, and for that, I apologize.
I don't know much about Houka's past but I can vouch for him in saying that he is a amazing officer, when I see him on my security force I know it's going to be a good ol time. Houka in general is just fun to be around, he jokes around, for the most part is not that rude and is up to create some inside jokes with you if the chance arrives.

When I've played security with him or watched him when bored for the most part he is kind, responsive, and knows how to dish out appropriate force for situations.. From my time playing security with him I can say that he uses teamwork, treats everyone as equals until they start acting up and most imprtantly tries to keep the fun going while doing his job as a security officer.
You're not a HoS already? This guy is good and should be one if that's not the case.
I remember Oar Derhv as being good security, but an even better detective.

I too can't speak for Houka's past, but none of that really has reflected on his ability these days, other than make him a robust player. The difference between Houka's past and now mainly would be that he knows how to dish out the pain to the right people, and turn the other cheek to those who are not.

This is a tarnished sundance seal of approval
You can barely read it. It's greasy and covered in stains.
I know alot of people don't have the best opinion of Dehrv, unfortunately. I don't think it's the best idea to ignore the past when making these decisions. Yes he's been an angry jerk, yes he's been a psychopath. What I find to be more important than that is he recognized his mistakes and worked to improve his attitude, and that proves to me that he can probably handle a crappy office and lockers that once contained shotguns.

Non-security roles and past behavior aside, I generally find him to be a good officer, and I can't begin to count the amount of times I would have been screwed in sec if he wasn't around to back me up. I've never really been on the receiving end of his antics, but he's generally entertaining and robust, and as of late he's shown he can handle security well.

Dehrv has generally been a decent guy in my book, and I'll definitely support him in his endeavors towards becoming Head of Cat Herding. get in not go out

P.S., Try not to eat the prisoners Dehrv.
Dr Nipples Wrote:...

P.S., Try not to eat the prisoners Dehrv.

As long as you can control your homicidal urges, Dehrv, then yes, you'd make a good HoS. Ever since you got banned last year, you've improved significantly. Keep going in the direction you're going.
Just the kind of tuff duder security could use right about now.
He's got a yes from me, every time I have seen him as Sec he has been competent and reasonably fair.
Ed Venture Wrote:I don't know much about Houka's past

You don't need to. Houka is a complete U-turn, and a great player.

I vouch for this.
Houka once killed me for NO REASON as an antagonist Argh!

Punish him by making him a HoS!

(This is a yes from me)
Ed Venture Wrote:I don't know much about Houka's past but I can vouch for him in saying that he is a amazing officer, when I see him on my security force I know it's going to be a good ol time. Houka in general is just fun to be around, he jokes around, for the most part is not that rude and is up to create some inside jokes with you if the chance arrives.

When I've played security with him or watched him when bored for the most part he is kind, responsive, and knows how to dish out appropriate force for situations.. From my time playing security with him I can say that he uses teamwork, treats everyone as equals until they start acting up and most imprtantly tries to keep the fun going while doing his job as a security officer.

I forgot to say in my first post that I vote yes.
Give the old oar a beret - I thought he already had it!
Certainly robust, and definitely knows what it means to be a sec officer.
Lets see those skills DEFEND the station.
I've never even heard of Houka having a poor reputation. He's always seemed pretty cool to me. I'd be down for seeing him in the beret.

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