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October is right around the corner and all manner of spookyscary gimmicks are sure to follow. Vampires, ghosts, werewolves, and zombies are all represented in one way or another. Poor, forgotten mummies have been left out. To address this oversight, I propose the following simple idea:

A roll of bandages you can use to wrap up a corpse and create a mummy. That's it. It would work exactly like wrapping paper does now.

Some entirely optional things to complete the gimmick:

* A sarcophagus palette swap for coffins
* Canoptic jars for the heart/brain/any other organs implemented in future
I think there was an idea being thrown around at some point about implementing bandages to stop bleeding when surgery isn't an immediate option, this would tie in nicely to that, not to mention the tele-sci exploration potential for mummy-themed stuff.

Yeah, this would be neat.
i hope they're able to trip over their own feet if this is added in
mummy bandages should be chaplain traitor gear. Wrap a corpes in the bandages, whack it with the bible, and it comes back to life as either an npc or a traitor.
Crumplehat Wrote:I think there was an idea being thrown around at some point about implementing bandages to stop bleeding when surgery isn't an immediate option, this would tie in nicely to that, not to mention the tele-sci exploration potential for mummy-themed stuff.

Yeah, this would be neat.

Space Pyramid Tele-sci location sounds found.

Maybe it could be full of deadly traps.
Well, aliens did build the pyramids, according to the history channel.
I'm bumping this since we have bandages now and even less work is required.
Hephasto Wrote:I'm bumping this since we have bandages now and even less work is required.

Toss in a MUMMY CURSE emote and you've got yourself some shenanigans.

Sandy Bottomski slowly raises a bandaged finger at Pongo Brigsley eerily moaning "Cuuuuuurrrrsseee! CUUUUURRRRRSSEEEEE!!!!"

I like the idea of having some sort of Space Pyramid Adventure Zone, too. Video game pyramids are always fun to mess around with because they're basically TRAPS: THE LEVEL. Maybe toss in Purple Gas-spewing Space Mummy mobs ala Metal Slug X and/or Space Scarab swarms? Maybe a few Space Crocodiles too complete with Space helmets (don't ask how they manage to bite people).
BruiseCruise Wrote:
Hephasto Wrote:I'm bumping this since we have bandages now and even less work is required.

Toss in a MUMMY CURSE emote and you've got yourself some shenanigans.

Sandy Bottomski slowly raises a bandaged finger at Pongo Brigsley eerily moaning "Cuuuuuurrrrsseee! CUUUUURRRRRSSEEEEE!!!!"

I like the idea of having some sort of Space Pyramid Adventure Zone, too. Video game pyramids are always fun to mess around with because they're basically TRAPS: THE LEVEL. Maybe toss in Purple Gas-spewing Space Mummy mobs ala Metal Slug X and/or Space Scarab swarms? Maybe a few Space Crocodiles too complete with Space helmets (don't ask how they manage to bite people).
The Tomb of Nyarlathotep
I feel like at least one joke should be added to such a pyramid.

The Tomb of Narcoleptep

on examine: This mummy looks asleep.
I hope there would be a spooky skeleton king inside this pyramid

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