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Captain Merits N' Medals
Let me begin by saying that I adore the Ticket System. It's a pretty good way to get creative and gives Security and the Heads something else to do during the (very brief) moments of peace on the station. There's just one problem, though: Tickets and fines are negative! Why not focus on the positives for once?

Introducing The Merit Badge: a small award or honor that fits nicely on a spaceman's ID or uniform highlighting his or her valiant deeds aboard the station.

Did the Chef make the best damn burger you've ever tasted? Did the Clown successfully thwart a team of Syndicate Operatives? Is the Captain a narcissistic dickhead and wants everyone to know it? Simply take a Merit Badge from the bin located in the HoP's office (or Bridge, depending on what would be less-exploitable), click once on the badge to inscribe a message (ex. For Astounding and Unexpected Valour in Starting the Damn Engine), and slap it on the jerk of your choice! Call me sappy, but I think we could all benefit from shiny pats on the back every now and then. I think Merit Badges would at the very least encourage better behavior. Kinda like a 'Good Job!' Sticker albeit with a more creative flair.

I'm abysmal when it comes to spriting, but I feel like it could be doable considering we have the label system and whatnot.
When I saw that 'Good Notes' thread this is exactly what I thought it was meant to be. My only suggestion is the 'commendation' system should be all on Heads' PDAs (obviously only the Captain gets to hand out medals though).
This, but also trophies for impromptu competitions.
Yes! Medals! I like those. Have the captain slap a fancy medal on yer jumpsuit for being the best.
This was suggested before and it never went anywhere, even though someone sprited a bunch of medals (Sundance?).

A whole bunch of them with different uses and reason. It was suggested that *medal should flash what medals you have, while your arms and chest are full of insignia overlays. Thread garnered some interest, and then went nowhere, such is life.
Sundance Wrote:

A whole bunch of them with different uses and reason. It was suggested that *medal should flash what medals you have, while your arms and chest are full of insignia overlays. Thread garnered some interest, and then went nowhere, such is life.

Agh, whoops! Didn't mean to clutter up the board! I guess I didn't see it and posted something similar....

Anyways, YES. I was thinking of allowing custom inscriptions on the medals along with specific accolades. That way people could get creative with them not unlike the tickets and labels. Those sprites look fantastic, by the way.
[Image: medals]

Stackable medals are a yes.
award yourself lots of medals so you can be a tinpot dictator craptain

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