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Traitor barber item: Ivory-handled straight razor
3-4 telecrystals. If you get someone buckled into the barber chair and target their head with the harm intent, you instantly slash their throat, sending them into crit (or possibly killing them outright) as though they suicided with it.

This will splatter blood everywhere and display a red message when you do it.
Anything that can instantly send people into crit should probably be a biiiiit more than 3-4 TCs.
You do have to have someone buckled into the chair for this to work, which is not going to be easy with unwilling subjects.
It's also right outside sec. 3-4 is actually kind of a lot considering the limited usefulness.
TailorTok Wrote:It's also right outside sec. 3-4 is actually kind of a lot considering the limited usefulness.
I was under the assumption that this worked with anyone buckled into any chair, period. If it only works with the barber chair, then it's less of a power problem but still raises some questions as to how useful it would be. Barbers don't have the benefit of a chute to slide bodies down, after all.
The problem I see with this is that nobody ever wants their hair cut. This usually leaves the barber to commit suicide, or get into trouble.
Vunterslaush Wrote:The problem I see with this is that nobody ever wants their hair cut. This usually leaves the barber to commit suicide, or get into trouble.
Basically the barber would need to kidnap people and force them into getting "haircuts". Amusing and possible, but not very plausible in most cases.
It's possible to get at least a few people to come get haircuts during a round, if you advertise aggressively.
A regular razor should be just fine for this. What syndicate barbers need is an urumi, that crazy Indian razor whip sword, so they can give people "haircuts" from four tiles away!
RAWK_LAWBSTAR Wrote:A regular razor should be just fine for this. What syndicate barbers need is an urumi, that crazy Indian razor whip sword, so they can give people "haircuts" from four tiles away!
I decided to look up some YouTube videos of this thing, and...hooooly shit.

I like this idea; why wait for people to come and get haircuts when you can bring the haircut to them?
Exactly! Hair cuts for everyone whether they like it or not!

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