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Blob Upgrade: Fire Resistance doesn't seem to do anything.
Well, It was my first time Playing Blob thanks to a Admin so I can't be exacly sure if this is a Bug, But as I was growing I pressed the Fire Resistance Upgrade after I saw that it was unlocked but it didn't really seem to do anything, As the crew still easily eliminated my Blob tiles with Flamethrowers and I couldn't place a Blob on top of a dropped Lit Welder, Perhaps this is a Bug?
Resistance ≠ Immunity.

That being said, however, if Fire Resistance is doing absolutely nothing to prevent against these things, that's definitely a sign that there's either a bug or it could do with a bit of buffing.
last time I played blob I noticed this and the response was "Fuck, that's still broken?"

so uh, probably a bug
Last time I played in a blob round rather far in I noticed the blob had started taking additional hits from a lit welder to destroy its most basic bits, so I believe it's working, but I think it only accounts for hand-held fire attacks.
It also accounts for temperature resistance.

Unfortunately the only way I can describe the temperature of fires from chemicals is..
...batshit random.

On that note, I might tweak with the numbers on both fireflash and the blob, see if we can't get some agreeable middle ground (eg. fire resistance causes blob tiles to survive a single hit by fire 50% of the time. or something).

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