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"Pour one out"
When beside a recently deceased corpse, by using a bottle in hand you will pour one out in memory of the deceased.
____ pours out his _____ in memory of ____
Sundance Feely pours out his space beer in memory of Grumpy Pubbie.

This will obviously remove the contents of the bottle. And obviously if the bottle is empty then you are unable to perform the action getting the prompt along the lines:
The ____ needs to have something in it to pay tribute, you cheap bastard!
Custom emote could handle this.
Frank_Stein Wrote:Custom emote could handle this.
custom emotes can also handle shrugging, nipple tweaking, dancing, winking, crying, fainting, sobbing, laughing, flipping the bird, doing a flip, death gasping, custom suicides, ....

the point is, this idea rocks and your argument sucks
Still, an emote as opposed to using the bottle in hand.
Asse Date crushes a can for the captain.
This is a cool idea
Add 40 oz. space beers first

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