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Inspired by a bug I read about in which someone was able to place and retrieve backpacks from half the station away, I was thinking that having a set of backpacks that can be carried by two different people yet share an inventory could have interesting tactical applications, from being able to quickly share loot with an adventuring partner, being able to get items to and from opposite ends of the station, being able to retrieve items in case of your backpack being destroyed/spaced, having a shared inventory for mindslave and traitor, planting false evidence of someone having traitor gear, and so on and so forth.

As far as precise applications and acquisition methods, I see two options:

1. A set of backpacks that are, unless specifically examined, seemingly identical to normal backpacks. These could perhaps be ordered by RD traitors or might be a surplus crate item. They could also be found in a telescience location, maybe with each backpack in different locations?
2. They are backpacks that are very clearly separate from normal backpacks, and start out in the telescience lab (or maybe the RD's office) as normal gear.
3. Similar to #1, but it instead takes the form of a set of gadgets that can be stored inside any containers of the same size to render their inventory shared; this means that, with the coordinated assistance of a partner, you could have the ability to pull just about anything out of, say, an emergency toolbox. There's a catch, though: If the gadget is removed from either of the containers, the inventory is left in the container that still has the gadget.

These could also be in the form of boxes instead of/in addition to backpacks. Thoughts?
This is kind of already in the game. aardvarko
Just realized I said that there were two potential applications but then proceeded to list three. I can't math.

Also, if this is already a thing in some capacity, either I haven't discovered it or it hasn't been striking enough for me to notice.
BaneOfGiygas Wrote:Just realized I said that there were two potential applications but then proceeded to list three. I can't math.

Also, if this is already a thing in some capacity, either I haven't discovered it or it hasn't been striking enough for me to notice.
The bibbles.
If this is one of the listed ways to sneak the onyx key out of the pit, well I never dr. cogwerks mad

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