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Hydroponics Feedback
ISaidNo Wrote:The new pots are actually hydroponic though =(

Anyway yeah what cogs said. I'll break it down real quick (more indepth later cos it's like 5 mins from christmas right now):
The old system basically had a 8% chance every time a plant mutated that it would generate a mutation. That was flat and across the board - all plants that had mutation have an 8% chance to manifest them.
I changed the coding under the hood so now the mutations are much more tweakable for coders - the chances for each individual mutation are definable case by case rather than just being a flat 8%. In addition requirements that need to be met before the mutation can occur are possible. So a mutation might occur 100% of the time when the genes are right, or maybe 25% of the time in a very wide gene range.

Here's a freebie for you for example - cannabis will always become rainbow weed whenever potency is 420 or higher. Seriously, how did none of you figure that one out?

Anyway i'ma tweak this stuff more later. Not right now, it's christmas for fucks sake.

Pretty sure it becomes omega weed and not rainbow weed, people that know/found this shout out already eons ago don't usually comment, but my interest was peaked, good job renovating the system though, haven't tried it yet, was not aware it was changed, especially since I didn't see anything like that in the changelinglog.

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