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Change food processor to work like workbench.
I think it would be kinda cool if the food processor was reworked to be more like the work bench.

Things like meat wouldn't just be turned into meatballs.

Meat of any kind could be turned into things like bacon and sausage, automatically by using enough meat. These things would be uncooked, but they would be made in the food processor.

Some of the icons could just be a slightly different color, or have the animal name next to the meat. This could include "exotic" meat, like venison that you might find in your space travels.

Fillets would be extended to all meats, from the food processor.

Dough would be used as a building block, for things like cookies, ginger bread men, pasta, etc. Maybe new grain plants could be added overtime to make doughs.

Of course only real bacon from a space pig would have porkonium.

Purees could be made out of fruits and vegetables, probably including the alien ones. Mashed potatoes would just be a form of this probably.

Grinding coffee maybe?
You know, the other day I was talking about how cooking should be more intuitive. Borrowing the workbench model might be a way to go about that.
This was already planned, so: yes

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