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Move Genetics over to Research
If you're going to merge the genetics department into the science wing, it might just make more sense to convert the geneticists into scientists instead of keeping them as a separate job.

Following that up; give the science wing the gene scanners and leave the cloners in medbay. Give the Roboticist access to a room with tools to make robots and clone people. As the roboticists is usually looking to get their hands on corpses to make robots, it's not a stretch to imagine them cloning people johnny on the spot too. Rename the Roboticist to "Mortician". Make sure there is a window between the mortician workplace and the morgue.

Medical Doctors deal with the living, Morticians deal with the dead, Scientists deal with the science.

That said, I like things the way they are and don't have a problem with genetics doing/not doing their jobs.
I prefer things the way they are, but I'd honestly wouldn't mind shifting it around, but that is something that could be considered for cogmap 2.

As far as merging departments, giving access, no. I don't like that idea.
I suggested a while back that there needs to be some sort of incentive for geneticists to pull away from the screen, and that would tie it in with it's other side of their damn job which would be cloning. And that would be removing bone marrow from a corpse (rich in genetic data) which otherwise you wouldn't be able to get from an alive person
This would mean that cloning a dead peep would be beneficial to your work.
Sundance Wrote:I prefer things the way they are, but I'd honestly wouldn't mind shifting it around, but that is something that could be considered for cogmap 2.

As far as merging departments, giving access, no. I don't like that idea.
I suggested a while back that there needs to be some sort of incentive for geneticists to pull away from the screen, and that would tie it in with it's other side of their damn job which would be cloning. And that would be removing bone marrow from a corpse (rich in genetic data) which otherwise you wouldn't be able to get from an alive person
This would mean that cloning a dead peep would be beneficial to your work.
An interesting idea, but I question its practicality. With enough patience, DNA scrambling, uninterrupted work, and/or money in the research budget, you can get basically every mutation ever just from the sevenish monkeys you have in the pen. For this to work, there needs to be something unique and/or really awesome (like a higher chance of getting more rare genetic data maybe) that comes from it, otherwise they'll probably just stick to rerolling monkey genes.

Also, some particularly assholish/selfish geneticists might just nab the marrow and ignore/space/reclaim/dispose of the corpse because they're SO CLOSE TO GETTING TELEKINESIS THEY CAN FEEL IT IN THEIR BONES. But maybe not, I dunno. I don't play Geneticist too much these days, so I can't speak to the player mentality with incredible detail.

UrsulaMejor Wrote:anecdote anecdote
My corpse went completely ignored outside of medbay for literally about twenty minutes in a particular round. You cannot under any reasonable pretenses say that ignorant/callous geneticists aren't a problem in at least some capacity.
Why not let the medical staff deal with cloning? Put the cloner-pods in a more public area in med-bay.
Sundance Wrote:I prefer things the way they are, but I'd honestly wouldn't mind shifting it around, but that is something that could be considered for cogmap 2.

As far as merging departments, giving access, no. I don't like that idea.
I suggested a while back that there needs to be some sort of incentive for geneticists to pull away from the screen, and that would tie it in with it's other side of their damn job which would be cloning. And that would be removing bone marrow from a corpse (rich in genetic data) which otherwise you wouldn't be able to get from an alive person
This would mean that cloning a dead peep would be beneficial to your work.

why not make the enzymatic reclaimer give bonus research materials
Okay, so I just played a round of Geneticist after one round of them not even touching the bodies. Here's what happened

-Roboticist came into workplace, refused to leave because he wanted to be a Geneticist.
-Research Director also wanted mess around with genes.
-Three genetek machines, 4 people trying to use them.
-Random people coming in, trying to run away with the portable machines.
-People coming with bodies to clone.
-Everyone on a machine afraid to leave to have someone else take it
-Odd man out tried to keep up with cloning
-Despite efforts to keep up with this, people still would run in and try to clone the bodies themselves
-Traitors come by, hell breaks loose

Yeah, I'm all for cloning and gene manipulation being separate things.
Jerkface00 Wrote:If you're going to merge the genetics department into the science wing, it might just make more sense to convert the geneticists into scientists instead of keeping them as a separate job.

Following that up; give the science wing the gene scanners and leave the cloners in medbay. Give the Roboticist access to a room with tools to make robots and clone people. As the roboticists is usually looking to get their hands on corpses to make robots, it's not a stretch to imagine them cloning people johnny on the spot too. Rename the Roboticist to "Mortician". Make sure there is a window between the mortician workplace and the morgue.

Medical Doctors deal with the living, Morticians deal with the dead, Scientists deal with the science.

This is a good idea. Medbay should be in charge of cloning, Research should be in charge of genetics.
I support eugenics being moved to science. It honestly should be there.
Frank_Stein Wrote:Okay, so I just played a round of Geneticist after one round of them not even touching the bodies. Here's what happened

-Roboticist came into workplace, refused to leave because he wanted to be a Geneticist.
-Research Director also wanted mess around with genes.
-Three genetek machines, 4 people trying to use them.
-Random people coming in, trying to run away with the portable machines.
-People coming with bodies to clone.
-Everyone on a machine afraid to leave to have someone else take it
-Odd man out tried to keep up with cloning
-Despite efforts to keep up with this, people still would run in and try to clone the bodies themselves
-Traitors come by, hell breaks loose

Yeah, I'm all for cloning and gene manipulation being separate things.

Maybe roboticists being the go to cloning and borging job wouldn't be such a bad thing.

Roboticists can just clone dudes who are cloneable, and the bodies that are useless can get borged.

Baring that someone who gets cloned and decides they want to be a robot can get their brain removed.

Plus all the extra bodies the roboticists have from borging can be used as cloner food rather then going into disposals.

Also morticians could harvests hearts and limbs for use in other bodies, and extract beakers full of blood to refill the bloodbags, If you wanted to get all spooky and recycle.

Mortician doesn't really sound that boring.

The only issue is the monkey area, does that get moved or what.

I say keep it there and give scientists a way to get there from pathology or something. You can mutadone a monkey for spare limbs and body parts anyway.
Why would scientists require access to the pen when they have the dispenser?
People coming into genetics to play god will eventually die down, the recent surge is only due o the update.
When I played geneticist and occasionally got lost into the work I was doing I found the morgue alarm on my PDA very useful, and even encouraged doctors to shove dead people down the chute.
I think the "people not getting cloned" problem ould be toned down by moving around stuff in the morgue, maybe having a window and a blinking red light attached to a pressure pad on which to put corpses.
Really, annoying people seems to be one of the very few way to have them do something, a "clone alarm" would do the job very well.
Okay, this is only tangentially related to the specific topic of this thread, but still goes in with the theme of being about problems with genetics.

I just recently played a round with legendary levels of genetics shittery. I was the traitor, though this was very lowpop so I wasn't too keen on doing much actual traitoring and instead tried out the wrestling belt for the first time. Basically everyone was deadset on genetics, with one person in particular going to very extensive lengths to ensure that he had every superpower evar, puttering around the station with a Port-A-Gene in tow.

Circumstances led to my untimely demise, and instead of my corpse taken to genetics and cloned, it is instead looted for the wrestling belt by aforementioned person to bolster his overpoweredness even more and to brutally murder someone who accidentally destroyed one of the Port-A-Genes. For clarification, this new wielder of the wrestling belt was not a traitor.

And so he went around, boasting about how many superpowers he had, blatantly lying about the effects of a particular mutation to the people in the genetics lab proper, and not lifting a single finger to help them after someone else destroyed all of the genetics consoles, all while going to very great lengths to ensure that he was able to keep the Port-A-Gene away from everyone else ever, going so far as to go off of the station entirely. With the Port-A-Gene.

And I never got cloned.

It seems that the intended use of the Port-A-Gene is to have the Geneticists get out of the lab, but it's really being used for everything but that purpose. Any asshat who comes out of a cloning pod can nick one of the Port-A-Genes on their way out of the lab and hold it hostage, and the fact that two of the three biggest assets to Geneticists are now mobile and easily stolen is going to make them even MORE reluctant to let anyone in. Geneticists were paranoid enough about having some idiots stab the monkeys or mash keys on the computers on their way in and/or out of the cloning area, and now they have to worry about the computers THEMSELVES being stolen.

The new genetics abilities combined with the portability of their computers, therefore, drastically increases the likelihood of Geneticists just fucking this shit entirely and holing themselves up in some far-off corner of space where they can acwuire superpowers without anyone bothering them ever again...or, even worse, having some random douchenozzle swipe one of the Port-A-Genes to do the same thing.

tldr: Port-A-Genes aren't helping anything, and a case could be made saying that they're doing the exact opposite.
I feel like a solution to that problem could be to make the Porta-Genes only usable by someone wearing a Genetcist or Medical Director ID. Preferably not the logon method of inserting a ID, as that would lead to many more problems in public areas.
Mageziya Wrote:I feel like a solution to that problem could be to make the Porta-Genes only usable by someone wearing a Genetcist or Medical Director ID. Preferably not the logon method of inserting a ID, as that would lead to many more problems in public areas.
This. I like this. it''s simple. simple but effective. allow doctors access to genetics but lock porta-genes and genetics consoles to genetics access in a similar fashion to cargo computers.
that said. swapping the positions of robotics and the morgue could be a seperate idea?
Create a separate room with the cloning machinery and the cryo tubes, and make it so regular medics can operate the cloning machinery.

Genetics should just be its own thing, whether its in medbay or research.
While I see people's points about the suitability of Genetics being in Research, here's a simpler solution.

The top half of Genetics is useless, aside from access to the morgue. If you move the north wall down two tiles, then the cloner can be in Medbay general, but still close to the morgue.

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