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Move Genetics over to Research
The scenario is a common one: You die. Maybe you got toolboxed, maybe you got poisoned, maybe you got shot in the face by an angry barman. So you ghost and sit around waiting for someone to take you to genetics. Eventually, someone finds your corpse, jaunts over to medbay, and drops it off by the genetics lab. So you wait. And wait. And continue waiting. Maybe you float around security while it's getting blown up, I dunno. But after a while, you go over to genetics to see if those fuckers are still alive...

And they've been sitting at the genetics consoles and completely ignoring all of the corpses for the entire round.

See, here's the problem. Genetics research carries with it the same mentality as a Scientist: Intensive, inclusive experimentation in order to achieve great results and/or explosions. The problem is that this playstyle does not lend itself very well to station responsibility. The sole job of the Scientists is to do science, and they have no real, direct responsibility to the station otherwise; their role in the station is for either them or their direct superiors to decide.

But to saddle geneticists with the secondary responsibility of cloning people is to do what most scientists would grump incessantly at you about: Asking them to abandon their current research to babysit a slow-working piece of machinery. It's like asking a scientist to set up the engine, it's a chore that breaks them away from their present work that they probably won't bother doing no matter how much you nag them about it.

Furthermore, genetics research is...research. What the hell is it doing in medbay? The purpose of a medical bay is to heal, borg, or clone the injured and/or deceased. Giving people eye lasers, superfarts, or epilepsy has nothing to do with any of those things, and the fact that their workplace is shoehorned into medbay creates a tension that is completely unnecessary and more than a bit annoying. Why give something as huge as the revival of the deceased to a bunch of people who just want to become the hulk?

My suggestion to fix this is simple: Move genetics research into the research wing, or at the very least distance it from medbay enough to prevent any undesired meshing of workspaces, and make cloning a responsibility of the general medical staff. This would solve a lot of problems when it comes to people never getting cloned, and would reduce the likelihood or corpses getting completely ignored because the nerds who are supposed to clone them are staring at a computer.
I think this is mostly a moot point because the cloner doesn't really need baby sitting (turn on and forget) and 9/10 rounds someone breaks open genetics or asks the ai to open it.

if anything, just eliminate the geneticist job completely and roll it up into medical doctoring, like pathology. there's really no need for it to be a separate department.

While we're here, roll up robotics, too. there's equipment that can be made there that you can't make as a doctor and is usually stolen from the main operating theater by some jerk
I kind of agree. I mean, one big thing is just that genetics research is attention consuming, so geneticists just don't notice the bodies or stop to check around for some. Some station redesigning could help that.

Rolling genetics and robotics into medical research, and just having them as something all medical staff can do works for me as well.
swapping genetics and the break room would be pretty cool, with the research half in research and cloning in medbay (and give all doctors genetics access) genetics would still have an easy way to get subjects, and medbay wouldn't be fucked over by geneticists who really want glowy
Roboticists are sort of a grey area. They're a bit of medical (borging people, new limbs) and a bit of engineering (building robots) with just a hint of research (smashing together different parts to get the most awesomest robot). Honestly, where they are right now is fine: Secluded enough that they won't be bothered too horribly much, but close enough to the action that they can properly react in the event of a crisis.

Also, to elaborate: Geneticists neglecting corpses is just one of two big problems, and the other one is the aforementioned workspace issue. Science-types are notoriously touchy when it comes to their workspaces...and, hell, even I'm guilty of this to a degree. Having something like the cloning pod, which is used by just about everyone and is a frequented part of the station by many, does not exactly encourage stellar relations with the Geneticists, who will probably get really worried that you're going to start stabbing one of the monkeys or mash buttons on their consoles or whatever. It's a similar sensation to having a random staff assistant running around chemistry or somewhere: Regardless of the actual intentions of the newcomer, the local residents are going to get really leery because of the capacity for things getting fucked with.
Giving genetics to research and then giving cloning to doctors seems like it would hurt roboticists.

Why get borged if you can just find a doctor to clone you.

If robotics and genetics were moved closer to research, I could see making the rooms shared for scientists and doctors, since they're both really research and medical in scope.
atomic1fire Wrote:Giving genetics to research and then giving cloning to doctors seems like it would hurt roboticists.

Why get borged if you can just find a doctor to clone you.
In my experience, this is a problem regardless of the availability of a cloning pod, and I feel like that's more of an issue of cyborgs being rather secondary to cloning due to being very resource-intensive and how useless some modules are. But that's another thread entirely.
Cloning has always been the preferred option, but Borgs are a viable option for when you want to revive someone quicker or want to shackle them to laws for some reason. I don't think easier access changes that, since breaking into either is about the same amount of effort.

I guess if Robotics was rolled into medical, I suppose the operating theater could be expanded to include the robotics manufacturers.

you wanna explain this??

re robotics and genetics being accessible to doctors:

they're both equally accessible to doctors right now, and if you rolled both up into doctoring that would not change.

genetics and borgs should stay where they are; in medical only. scientists already absorbed a huge number of duties and i like the idea of expanding the doctor role better.
[Image: 2z3j5oN.png]
How about you go the simple route and put genetics closer to the central corridor? Like east or west of robotics instead of south.
Amuys Wrote:How about you go the simple route and put genetics closer to the central corridor? Like east or west of robotics instead of south.
the simple route would have been my alternate suggestion :I I think this "move genetics to science and change the map" stuff is way, way more complicated than it all needs to be. I dunno.

If we're GONNA go with the "split everything up" plan, then i like this setup, personally
salix_catus Wrote:picture
Yeah that's a good redesign.
Just use the morgue chutes, which send a PDA mail to basically anyone who could possibly care about a dead body (except the Chaplain, probably). Geneticists hate it when you drop bodies at their door, because half the time it's at the north door that they can't actually see, and people like to linger near the other door for some reason and Geneticists hate that too because they don't like letting people into Genetics, because Genetics is a magnet for shitlords.

More importantly, are you sure that your body was actually clone-able? The rotting/skeletonization graphics are broken these days, and it's entirely possible it was already too late to clone you when the body arrived at Genetics, so they'd be left with a choice between ignoring it or just shoving it into the reclaimer (and people who scream about not getting cloned usually scream even louder when they get reclaimed without being scanned first).

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