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Easier Password Lock Crate
Password Lock Crates are too god damn much. Half the time they're not worth it because of how long it takes to open them, and then somebody thought it would be hilarious if they had a chance of having space bears in them.

Even the five letter ones are a bitch because of how few tries you get. A? No. E? No. I? No. Well fuck I've just used 3 of my 5 letter guesses and don't have a fucking vowel, so I can either use my next one to determine if it's O or U and then try and guess letters from there or assume it's one or the other and make blind guesses at possible letters in it.

So the long and short of this is please give use a few more attempts per word. I feel 1-2 more attempts would be incredibly reasonable. And maybe make it so the words actually show repeat letters.
Agreed. Nobody likes these crates except the guy who made them.
Berrik Wrote:Agreed. Nobody likes these crates except the guy who made them.
Like, I get the idea, it's drawing from the same list of words, but figuring out the fucking words in the first place is ridiculous, as the pool is completely random and there's like 50 different words that fit the criteria for a five letter word with "ote" as a three letter chain in the middle of the word, and it's not really worth it when it takes you like half the god damn round to get ONE crate open, if even that.
I personally think the eight-letter ones are just about the right difficulty, challenging but giving you enough of a chance to make an educated guess. A five-letter word with six guesses is just a bit too much.
I agree. I have been using an online hangman calculator and even then, it takes a good 5 to 10 minutes to unlock a crate.
The way I see it, either the crates should be made marginally easier or the loot contained therein should, by and large, be generally more awesome to compensate. The main problem here seems to be a matter of the proportion of difficulty to reward being skewed as fuck, and having really difficult crate challenges would be more acceptable if the difficulty matched the payoff.
Yeah, agonizing over a crate for a quarter hour and then only getting some medical chems and hobo wines is lame.
Also, agonizing over a crate for a quarter hour and then getting promptly mauled by a space bear is REALLY lame.
BaneOfGiygas Wrote:Also, agonizing over a crate for a quarter hour and then getting promptly mauled by a space bear is REALLY lame.
Seriously who thought the god damn space bear was a good idea? I swear there's a crate on the martian station that almost always has a damn space bear.
One type of crate is 100% bear. That's it. Next time you get a bear, get a good ghostly look at the crate, it's that easy.

On passwords: yeah, it would be nice if the opening method was changed. Could a mod also confirm wether there is an alternate way to "hack" them open? That one post in the other thread quoting a post on SA I couldn't find was kinda vague about its existence.
DyssalC Wrote:
BaneOfGiygas Wrote:Also, agonizing over a crate for a quarter hour and then getting promptly mauled by a space bear is REALLY lame.
Seriously who thought the god damn space bear was a good idea? I swear there's a crate on the martian station that almost always has a damn space bear.

This new crate thing was pushed by one specific coder for no good reason other than he hates people who run off into space and emag crates. Apparently the solution to this is a) make crates explode when you emag them and b) make opening them a miserable pain in the ass so NO ONE wants to do it.
I never really got that since most of the crates held crappy vending machine stuff or stuff you could just order from QM. Occasionally you might get a cool gun, but most of the weapons are just really crappy phasers that aren't even as strong as the generic laser.
Hell if I really wanted fire power and I had an emag, I'd bust into the armory and nab the shotguns.
The long word hangman crates are cool. The variety in anti-theft devices and the ability to try again is cool. Maybe a different minigame should replace the five-word hangman crates, since it really is a pain in the ass.
Berrik Wrote:his new crate thing was pushed by one specific coder for no good reason other than he hates people who run off into space and emag crates. Apparently the solution to this is a) make crates explode when you emag them and b) make opening them a miserable pain in the ass so NO ONE wants to do it.
I can't speak to the authenticity of this, but in any case, I will just make this clear right the fuck now.

Changing a game mechanic utilized by a majority of the game just because the minority is being shit about it to the point of rendering it essentially useless for both parties deters the minority at the cost of the majority's ability to enjoy the function of the game and has about the same effect as getting rid of the mechanic altogether.

Making the emags blow up crates? Fine, that's cool. That isn't a deal-breaking change, and encourages traitors to work for their loot instead of taking the easy way out. I can get behind that.

Diversifying the types of crates and the manner in which one unlocks them? Hell yeah, that's awesome.

Changing the mechanics so that it becomes more difficult to the point of literally no one wanting to bother with them because they know that they're going to be disappointed?

No. That's dumb and utterly spoils one of the main lures about exploring deep space. Finding abandoned crates used to be fun and exciting, but now it's an absolute pain in the fucking ass that no one wants to deal with. This is not a positive change.
Anticheese Wrote:The long word hangman crates are cool. The variety in anti-theft devices and the ability to try again is cool. Maybe a different minigame should replace the five-word hangman crates, since it really is a pain in the ass.
Especially because I'm pretty sure that out of all the hangman crates they are the most common, like they were intended to be the easiest.

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