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Explosive shotgun rounds.
The last few weeks there has been a trend of someone (who I wont name) killing the X-drone and buying 30 boxes of explosive shotgun rounds. he then kills absolutely everyone on the station. explosive rounds area tad broken. they punch holes in the station and do pipe bomb level damage. they can also be shot extremely fast, which can blow off all your limbs fairly quickly. there is very little even groups of people can do to counter this. I am sure that explosive shotgun rounds were not intended to be used quite so often. so an increase in price or a reduction in power is needed. If these explosive rampages were rare it wouldnt be a problem, but they are seemingly a daily thing now.
Explosive rounds are rarely used so nope.
mrbaconator Wrote:Explosive rounds are rarely used so nope.

if by rarely you mean daily rampages by one person that no one can seem to stop then sure.
If it's supposedly only one person running it into the ground, they're the problem.
Mofleaker Wrote:If it's supposedly only one person running it into the ground, they're the problem.
This. Don't ask for something to be nerfed just because one person in particular is being a dick and abusing the crap out of it, that just unfairly limits most everyone else who would use their explosive rounds with less frequency. I've actually never seen anyone use explosive shotgun rounds in my life and they're a bitch and a half to get anyways, so I don't think that nerfing them is really necessary.
Or rather than nerfing the ammo, buff the drone. I don't know much about the x-drone but AFAIK it shouldn't be getting destroyed reliably by a solo fighter. So I'm guessing there's some exploitation going on there. Fix that.
On shotgun stuff, does armor do anything against the knockback? I had a round where I got disabled for a good 20 seconds after being shot by a rubber slug, even in full mining armor.
Out the dork.
Spy_Guy Wrote:Out the dork.

Hello, it is me. Like I already told you ingame, buffing the drone is the better way here. The shells are fine as they are.
buffing the X-drone would work, or nerfing the amount of cash it gives. it isnt so much the power of the shot its the having near limitless ammo for it that leads to full round murder.
The fact that the X-Drone can be and has been beaten to destruction by a lone clown with a fire extinguisher is pretty solid evidence towards needing a buff, if only in its durability.
Xdrone is fine. It's the robust players that need to be nerfed obviously. Those nerds are just too damn good.
KikiMofo Wrote:Xdrone is fine. It's the robust players that need to be nerfed obviously. Those nerds are just too damn good.
...not sure if this is supposed to be sarcastic or
I've only seen explosive shotgun rounds used once and like others here have said they are hard to get. So I don't see the point in nerfing something that hardly anyone uses. If more and more people go overboard with them then sure...maybe
Wait... Wouldn't the industrial mining suit completely negate explosive shotgun rounds?

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