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Spy mode - Official Discussion Thread (Wonk)
jflan17 Wrote:Bridge to HoS office to Brig to Armory to Armory lockers is what, 7 or 8 uses right there? And that's the FIRST place most people go during Spy rounds, currently.
if you don't think permanently compromising the most high security areas on the station to steal the most powerful weaponry in under a minute is abuse then i just don't know what to tell you
its not that hard to hack doors if you have the proper equipment to do so, it just takes more time.
FrontlineAcrobat4 Wrote:its not that hard to hack doors if you have the proper equipment to do so, it just takes more time.
and that's the point if you ask me. you're not likely to get caught hacking in to the HoS's office if you're at all stealthy since the Captain rarely heads back to the Bridge after the first 5 minutes of the game. however, it's still entirely possible that someone will stroll in and bust you.

you are pretty much guaranteed not to get caught if you waltz in, flash your emag 8 times, and waltz out. it literally takes more time to pick up the guns than it does to compromise the security.
supernorn Wrote:I'd like to see the emag remain but instead changed to be a one use item (or finite use). The emag right now is amazing and pretty overpowered, so if you had to think carefully about what you'd use it on that might balance it out.

Pretty much no one uses the emag anymore because its incredibly obvious and too expensive nowadays to pair with other brute-force options. I think the only time I've seen them used in months was someone emagging the duck, and some sleepbuddies.

The emag is amazingly useful, but it sends up a massive red flag that'll leave all but the most careful or well-armed traitors being spaced.
Anticheese Wrote:
supernorn Wrote:I'd like to see the emag remain but instead changed to be a one use item (or finite use). The emag right now is amazing and pretty overpowered, so if you had to think carefully about what you'd use it on that might balance it out.

Pretty much no one uses the emag anymore because its incredibly obvious and too expensive nowadays to pair with other brute-force options. I think the only time I've seen them used in months was someone emagging the duck, and some sleepbuddies.

The emag is amazingly useful, but it sends up a massive red flag that'll leave all but the most careful or well-armed traitors being spaced.

i've seen it used twice in recent rounds to unlock a hypospray. by far my favorite use of it. same downside, though; you end up being incredibly obvious unless you pump someone with 30 units of sleep toxin all at once in a maintenance shaft. you also run the risk of getting beaten up but when do you ever not.
Coolguye Wrote:
jflan17 Wrote:Bridge to HoS office to Brig to Armory to Armory lockers is what, 7 or 8 uses right there? And that's the FIRST place most people go during Spy rounds, currently.
if you don't think permanently compromising the most high security areas on the station to steal the most powerful weaponry in under a minute is abuse then i just don't know what to tell you
I do think that's abuse. I was agreeing with you and giving an example of how quickly it is abused.
Oh, my bad
Assuming my change worked, spies can no longer order emags or a bunch of other powerful weapons that don't feel like they belong in spymode. They're now limited to mostly sneaky stuff.

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