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Hangman crate issues
I can't post evidence because apparently F2 doesn't save the chat portion but yeah, these codes are broken.
When entering letters on heavily fortified crates, letters that appear multiple times are not unlocked, which leads to mausoleum not showing its Us and having o********** as a word after entering all vowels.
Furthermore, after failing the 10th guess no punishment is delivered, and you can actually keep guessing full words taking the counter in the negatives, sill not taking any punishment.
If a letter occurs more than once in a word, when you guess the letter correctly only the first instance of the letter is shown. For example, if you unlock the letter e and the word is EMERGENCY, the multitool will show e******* when it should show e*e**e***.

Also even if you guess a letter correctly, it still subtracts 1 from the number of tries you have left.

These two issues makes it really hard to open hangman crates.

Once these issues are fixed I would suggest randomly changing the "fail outcome" of the crate so that you don't get crates with unlimited resets and tries.
This is more of a suggestion.
I think it actually shows all the letters, doesn't it?
If it actually does then please tell me so I can move this to good ideas or whatever.
Hufflaw Wrote:If it actually does then please tell me so I can move this to good ideas or whatever.

I'm 90% sure that it shows all the letters, but can't test it right now.
I am 100% sure it shows all letters.
Yeah hangman crates are pretty shit, how bout Sudoku crates instead?

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