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Transformation into a space bear!
When a space bear limb is attached to you, you slowly start becoming one! You get hungry and you will speak in groans, but yoou will have a bunch of punch attacks and moves including the ability to consume human beings.
The ONLY thing I see happening if this makes it into the game is the entirety of the R&D department going to the adventure zones to kill bears to become bears themselves.


It would be absolutely hilarious but also incredibly gamebreaking.

It's a no from me, unfortunately.
...this seems bad even as an antagonist idea, space bears two shot gib... Discover werewolf serum if you really want this kind of gameplay.
Werebear serum
This is bad and you should feel bad for posting it.
Maybe have it as a kind of rival to the werewolf with it's own super rare, and hard to make serum.

But as a stick a arm on, and slowly become one. NO. NO NO NO NO NO.

This ends only with everyone mad rushing to get bear arms do they can become bears.
this seems like it could be something funny, especially if it's only visual or something.
Make it rename you "(player name) the Bear"
The only way I see werebear happening is if there's some complicated number of steps to do it, like create a werebear serum, drink it, and subject yourself to radiation at the same time. Basically like hulk and captain america's vita rays but with claws and fur.
How about instead of turning you into a Space Bear (because that sounds overpowered as shite) it just changes your arm sprites and gives you the flavor text:

"Buttes McPubs smacks Traitor Griffield WITH HIS BEAR HANDS"

Bonus if the sound was accompanied by a bear growl or something.
BruiseCruise Wrote:How about instead of turning you into a Space Bear (because that sounds overpowered as shite) it just changes your arm sprites and gives you the flavor text:

"Buttes McPubs smacks Traitor Griffield WITH HIS BEAR HANDS"

Bonus if the sound was accompanied by a bear growl or something.

It already does something similar to that. It only lacks the growl.

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