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Having a dispenser filled with various sodas and juices is nice, but why plain seltzer is out is puzzling. It opens the barman to a few more cocktails and if you toss in some sodium, you've got club soda. You could even mix it from the chem dispenser if you wanted ((carbon+oxygen)+water). Additionally, I looked up some other drinks that can be made with the current ingredients.
Black Russian: Vodka + Coffee
French 75: Gin + Champagne + Lemon juice + Sugar
Mimosa: Orange juice + Champagne
Negroni: Gin + Vermouth + Bitters, orange peel optional
Necroni: Same as above, but add Ectoplasm.
Rob Roy: Whiskey + Vermouth + Bitters
Anyone want to weigh in or have other suggestions?
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Adding more drinks is pretty simple and I'd love to add more options for the barman.
I need a few things: - Name and recipe of the drink (obviously)
- A color for the drink (RGB or hex would be great)
- A description of the drink (what you'll see if you analyze it in a chemmaster)
- A reaction message (what you see when the recipe is made, "the drink fizzes and turns magenta" or whatever)
- How strong the drink is (how drunk you should get from it)
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Sure thing, here are all the extra details. I don't know the exact alchohol-to-ethanol rates of the drinks, so I'm going for verbal descriptions. Rob Roy's been axed as it's functionally identical to the Manhattan.
Code: Black Russian
Recipe: Vodka + Coffee (the actual mix calls for coffee liqueur, but I'm using the closest analogue)
Color: 99/32/15 in RGB
Reaction: "The drink turns a deep brown as the coffee settles in."
Strength: Same alcohol amount in regular vodka plus the caffeine content.
French 75
Recipe: Gin + Champagne + Lemon juice + Sugar
Color: 194/147/41 in RGB
Reaction: "The drink fizzes and turns a dark gold."
Strength: A particularly strong drink; will send most people slurring if they've had a couple.
Recipe: Orange juice + Champagne
Color: 240/184/1 in RGB, pretty close to regular OJ.
Reaction: "The drink fizzes as the pulp settles to the top."
Strength: Identical to straight champagne.
Recipe: Gin + Vermouth + Bitters, orange peel optional
Color: 167/0/0 in RGB
Reaction:"The drink turns a deep red and gives off a hit of sweetness."
Strength: Equal to that of a martini.
Recipe: Same as above, but add Ectoplasm.
Color: 152/171/0 in RGB
Reaction: "The drink gives off a haunting stench! What did you make?'
Strength: Double the potency of a regular Negroni.
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CrackBauer Wrote:Haine Wrote:HOW YOU CAN HELP MAKE IT EASY -drink shenanigans-
Whoops, forgot to add the descriptions.
Code: Black Russian: "A vodka-infused coffee cocktail."
French 75: "A strong champagne cocktail."
Mimosa: "A sweet cocktail typically served at formal functions."
Negroni: "A sweet gin cocktail."
Necroni: "A hellish cocktail that stinks of rotting garbage."
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Christmas Dinner
- mashed potatos
- beff
- chicken soup (there is no reagent for turkey, fuck u)
- gravy
- salt
- egg nog
- wine (no brandy)
- chocolate
The mixture gives off a homely heat and turns a golden-brownish beige. Festive!
"Mmmm! Tastes just like disappointment and awkwardly hugging relatives."
With the egg nog and the wine, I'd say it should be about as strong as a rum. A good hearty, jolly drink.
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Name: Chernobeer
Recipe: Uranium + Beer + Unstable Reagent
Color: Light green. #5CD65C, perhaps.
Description: "A beer that RADIATES with flavor!"
Reaction: "The drink begins bubbling violently and glows with a sickly green hue."
Strength: Very potent, possibly with a chance of mutation.
Name: Skittles
Recipe: Wine + Colorful Reagent + Space Drugs
Color: Well, if there was a way to make it flash rainbow, that would be the desired effect. If not, pure white like colorful reagent.
Description: "See the rainbow! Taste the rainbow!"
Reaction: "Your eyes are assaulted with a flurry of color coming from the drink."
Strength: Potent, but not to the "OHMYGOD I'M VOMITING EVERYWHERE" extent. Should also give rainbow-vision and maybe make the drinker flash rainbow, himself.
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BaneOfGiygas Wrote:Name: Chernobeer
Name: Skittles
Recipe: Wine + Colorful Reagent + Space Drugs
Color: Well, if there was a way to make it flash rainbow, that would be the desired effect. If not, pure white like colorful reagent.
Description: "See the rainbow! Taste the rainbow!"
Reaction: "Your eyes are assaulted with a flurry of color coming from the drink."
Strength: Potent, but not to the "OHMYGOD I'M VOMITING EVERYWHERE" extent. Should also give rainbow-vision and maybe make the drinker flash rainbow, himself.
Or causes rainbow flashing puke. One or the other.
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BaneOfGiygas Wrote:Name: Chernobeer
Recipe: Uranium + Beer + Unstable Reagent
Color: Light green. #5CD65C, perhaps.
Description: "A beer that RADIATES with flavor!"
Reaction: "The drink begins bubbling violently and glows with a sickly green hue."
Strength: Very potent, possibly with a chance of mutation.
Name: Skittles
Recipe: Wine + Colorful Reagent + Space Drugs
Color: Well, if there was a way to make it flash rainbow, that would be the desired effect. If not, pure white like colorful reagent.
Description: "See the rainbow! Taste the rainbow!"
Reaction: "Your eyes are assaulted with a flurry of color coming from the drink."
Strength: Potent, but not to the "OHMYGOD I'M VOMITING EVERYWHERE" extent. Should also give rainbow-vision and maybe make the drinker flash rainbow, himself.
Name: Skittlebräu
Recipe: Skittles + Beer
Color: Brown
Description: Beer that has candy floating in it, a fat mans dream.
Reaction: You feel a wave of incompetence and obesity wash over you.
Strength: Moderately potent, possibly causes yellowing of the skin and/or obesity.
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BYOND Username: HaineSA
CrackBauer Wrote:Sure thing, here are all the extra details. I don't know the exact alchohol-to-ethanol rates of the drinks, so I'm going for verbal descriptions. Rob Roy's been axed as it's functionally identical to the Manhattan. Alright, these should all be in and functional now.
If you do the same thing for seltzer/club soda/drinks made with either of those, I can add them as well.
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Is mint something available?
Mint Julep
Recipe: Bourbon + Sugar + Mint
Color: A light orange
Description "Reminds you of dixie"
Reaction: "A cool sweet smell reaches your nose"
Strength: Same as bourbon. Cools you down a little. Maybe gives your speech a southern drawl accent.
Crème de menthe
Recipe: Ethanol + Mint + Sugar
Color: A dark green #339900
Description "Sweet and minty"
Reaction: "The mixture turns a thick, syrupy green"
Strength: Strong. Cools you down. Gives you fresh breath.
Vodka Stinger
Recipe: Vodka + Crème de menthe
Color: A pale green
Description "Just like mom used to make"
Reaction: The mixture turns a pale green
Strength: Pretty strong. Cools you down.
Changeling Stinger
Recipe: neurotoxin + Crème de menthe
Color: #00CC00
Description "I don't think you should drink this"
Reaction: The drink tries to jump out of the glass
Strength: Gets you real fucked up.
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Recipe: 2 part ethanol, 1 part Ephedrine.
Color: A light green
Reaction: "The mixture turns a light green as nauseating fumes waft off of it"
Strength: Moderate, also hallucinagenc
Description: Only good things can come of drinking this highly illegal beverage.
Recipe: Morphine + sugar + Ethanol
Color: Reddish brown
Reaction: "A bitter vapor wafts from the solution."
Strength: Mild-moderate alcohol effect, however also contains lower dosage morphine, so naturally it has all the effects of that, this is inferior to using morphine in just about every way.
Description: An antiquated cure-all, surely nothing bad can come of ingesting this.
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Recently there were a few people suggesting that the Twilight special I made in game actually be a real beverage, so I'll link it here
Name: Twilight Special
Recipe: Bloody Mary + Glitter
Color: Red, glittery
Description: Its like a bunch of angsty teens attempted to be scary!
Reaction: The Bloody Mary suddenly seems significantly more fabulous.
Strength: Same as bloody mary, also has glitter effect, anything worse comes from incomplete reactions and/or leaving some of the more toxic precurser chems in the drink.